/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/CAR_Public/231128.mbx               C L A S S   A C T I O N   R E P O R T E R

              Tuesday, November 28, 2023, Vol. 25, No. 238


23ANDME INC: Fails to Secure Consumers' Info, Mirza Alleges
AC DISASTER: Filing for Class Cert Bid Extended to Dec. 31
ADIDAS AMERICA: Faces Hernandez Class Action Lawsuit in Calif.
ADIDAS AMERICA: Fails to Disclose Wage Scale in Job Postings
ALBERTSON'S LLC: Fails to Disclose Wage Scale in Job Postings

AMAZON.COM INC: Horn Sues Over Illegal Online Gambling Enterprise
AMERICAN WATER: Suit Over Water Main Break Incident Ongoing
AMERICAN WATER: Suit Over Water Main Break Incident Ongoing
AMGEN INC: Antitrust Suit Over Sensipar Ongoing in Third Circuit
ARIETIS HEALTH: Fails to Secure Clients' Personal Info, Sligh Says

ARIETIS HEALTH: Fails to Secure Patients' Info, Frankeberger Says
ARIETIS HEALTH: Hayden Sues Over Data Breach of Consumers' Info
ARISTOCRAT TECHNOLOGIES: Hoskins Sues Over Unprotected Info
ART STORE: Tarr Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
ATHENE ANNUITY: Massey Sues Over Unlawful Access of Private Info

AUXLY CANNABIS: Court Approves Securities Class Suit Settlement
BANK OF CANTON: Gilmore Sues Over Alleged Data Breach
BURBERRY LIMITED: Fails to Disclose Salary Range in Job Postings
CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT: Faces Balsamo Class Action Suit in C.D. Cal.
CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT: Faces Katz Class Suit in D.N.J.

CANAL PLASTICS CENTER: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
CARESOURCE CORP: Keenan Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
CENLAR FSB: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Carbajal Alleges
CENTURY ALUMINUM: Faces Class Suit Over Alumina Dust Emissions
CHEMOURS CO: Settlement of Contamination Suit Gets Initial Nod

CINTAS CORPORATION: Scott Sues Over Failure to Pay Overtime Wages
CITADEL PROPERTY: Overcharges Estoppel Cert Fees, Liddell Says
CITIBANK NA: Denies Armenians' Credit Card Applications, Suit Says
CITY LIGHTS INC: Mercedes Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York

CLASSIC RESIDENCE: Faces Givony Class Action Lawsuit In N.D. Ill.
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: Fails to Pay Timely Wages, Blake Suit Claims
CONCRETE VALUE: Faces Torres Class Action Sit in Calif. State Court
CONSOLIDATED SMART: Asencio Sues over Debt Collection Practices
COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL: Newman Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts

COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL: Sweeney Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts
CRAFT SUPPLY: Durantas Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
DAIRY WAGON: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Alvarez Alleges
DEMERLE HOEGER: Mattson Consumer Credit Suit Removed D. Mass.
DOLLAR BANK: Stewart-Gower Files Suit in W.D. Pennsylvania

DUPONT DE NEMOURS: City of LaGrange to Opt Out of PFAS Class Suit
E&P FINANCIAL: Settles Class Suit Over Dixon Advisory for $16-MM
EISAI INC: McNeill Files Suit in D. New Jersey
ELI LILLY: Local 1 Sues Over Artificially High Insulin Drug Prices
ENSURE HEALTH: Reil Files TCPA Suit in M.D. Tennessee

EQUIFAX INFO: Faces Wray FCRA Class Suit in E.D. Virginia
ERGO EXPERTS LLC: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
EXCELL COMMUNICATIONS: Darden Files FLSA Suit in E.D. New York
FIFTH THIRD BANK: Faces Hunter Suit Over Improperly Charged OD Fees
FIRST COMMEMORATIVE: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York

FIRST SOLAR: PGERS Suit Over Solar Panel Dismissed
FIT FOODS: Court Narrows Claims in Scheibe Suit
FIVESTORY NEW YORK: Melendez Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
FLAGLER COLLEGE: Bishop Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
FMC CORPORATION: Heeg Sues Over Securities Law Violations

FOCAL POINT: Durantas Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
FORD MOTOR: Jackson Sues Over Structurally-Compromised Intake Valve
FORMULA ONE: Fans File Suit Over Being Forced to Exit Grand Prix
FOUQUET TRADING: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
G-STAR RAW ESTORE: Amendola Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida

GALVESTON COLLEGE: Love Files Suit in S.D. Texas
GATOS SILVER: Maharaj Sues Over Board's Misleading Statements
GEORGETOWN CORNER: Fails to Pay Proper OT Wages, Dupuis and Fox Say
GLOBAL ATLANTIC: Guzman Suit Moved From S.D.N.Y. to D. Mass.
GLOBAL ATLANTIC: Hendrix Contract Suit Transferred to D. Mass.

GOLDMAN FINANCIAL: Rivera Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida
GPD HOLDINGS: Braman Files Suit in N.D. Illinois
GREAT AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION: Ruiz Sues Over Unpaid Compensations
GREAT EXPRESSIONS: Fails to Secure Personal Info, Doe Suit Alleges
GREAT LAKES SERVICES: Carlton Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

H&M HENNES: Sally Sues Over Consumer Products' False Green Tags
HANKINS & SOHN: Files Motion to Dismiss Suit Over Cyberattack
HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC: Burnes Suit Removed to N.D. California
HERTZ CORPORATION: Benson Files Suit in M.D. Florida
HILB GROUP: Fails to Secure Customers' Private Info, Hafiez Alleges

HILB GROUP: Greene Sues Over Data Breach of Private Information
HOME DEPOT: Fails to Disclose Salary Range in Its Job Postings
IBM CORP: Faces Suit Over Pension Plan
ILLUMINA INC: Kangas Sues Over Artificially Inflated Securities
INSPIRIT DEVELOPMENT: Fails to Pay Subcontractors' Funds, GMF Says

JACOBS SOLUTIONS: Atkinson Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Etten Sues Over False Ads of Oral Decongestants
JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Faces Isom Fraud Class Suit in W.D. Mo.
JOSEPH CAMMARATA: Convicted of Tax Evasion in N.J. Class Suit
KONINKLIJKE LUCHTVAART: Faces Environmental Sustainability Suit

KRAFT HEINZ: Galbreth Sues Over Deceptive Product's Labeling
LAZIZA DELI: Sosa Suit Seeks Unpaid Wages for Restaurant Cooks
LIBERTY UNIVERSITY: Fails to Pay Overtime Wages, Fortier Claims
LOCAL GREEK: Fails to Pay Cooks' OT Wages, Lemus Suit Claims
LOTTE HOTEL: Garrido Seeks to Recover Unlawfully Retained Tips

MARATHON PETROLEUM: Cage Personal Injury Suit Removed to E.D. La.
MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL: Fails to Include Wage Scale in Job Postings
MCLAREN HEALTH: Fails to Secure Patients' Info, Drugich Says
MCNEIL CONSUMER: Valdes Sues Over Mislabeled Decongestants
META PLATFORMS: 500,000 Claimants Rejected From Privacy Suit Deal

MIROMATRIX MEDICAL: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Suit
MOHAWK INDUSTRIES: Shareholder Suit in Georgia Court Settled
MR. COOPER: Granados Sues Over Breach of Contract in N.D. Texas
MUBI INC: Consumer Voluntarily Dropped Video-Info Sharing Suit
MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OR: Lynch Sues Over Civil Rights Act Violation

NATIONAL FOOTBALL: Portnoy Sues Over Alleged Wrist Injury
NATIONSTAR FINANCIAL: Faces Walker Contract Suit in N.D. Texas
NEW YORK, NY: Williams Sues Over Unlawful Arrest & Imprisonment
NORTH CAROLINA: Longshaw Sues Over Violation of Civil Rights
NORTHWELL HEALTH: Fails to Protect Private Information, Gelman Says

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC: Ogans Suit Removed to E.D. California
PAPIER INC: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
PATHWARD NA: Kent Contract Suit Moved From D.S.D. to D. Mass.
PERFECTO PIZZERIA: Plaza Sues Over Failure to Pay Proper Wages
PERRY JOHNSON: Gill Sues Over Inadequate Data Security Practices

PHL VARIABLE: Plaintiffs Seek Final Approval of Class Settlement
PLAYTIKA HOLDING: Continues to Defend Bar-Asher Class Suit
PLAYTIKA HOLDING: Continues to Defend Yosef Class Suit
PORSCHE CARS: Faces Mastrodicasa Class Action Suit in S.D. Fla.
POSTMEDS INC: MacDonald Sues Over Inadequate Data Security Measures

POSTMEDS INC: Toles Suit Alleges Personal Injury in N.D. Cal.
POWER BEAUTY: Faces Chavez Suit Over Deceptive Balm Packaging
PRIME HEALTHCARE: Hearing on Class Cert Bid Set for Dec. 15
PROGRESS SOFTWARE: Fails to Secure Consumers' Info, Young Alleges
PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Boyd Files Suit in D. Utah

PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Maddox Files Suit in D. Utah
PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Pierce Files Suit in D. Utah
PROGRESSIVE SELECT: Carroll Suit Seeks Class Certification
PROGRESSIVE SELECT: Leave to File Documents Under Seal Sought
PROPAK LOGISTICS: Zamora Suit Removed to E.D. California

PROTECTIVE LIFE: Parties in Allen Must File Joint Status Report
PROVIDENT FINANCIAL: Continues to Defend Consumer Fraud Act Suit
QANTAS AIRWAYS: Perez Labor Suit Removed to C. D. Calif.
QUALCOMM: Wins Summary Judgment in Antitrust Litigation
QUANTUMSCAPE CORP: Faces Consolidated Shareholder Suit in N.D.Cal.

QUEENS UNIVERSITY: Faces Class Suit Over Anti-Semitism
QUEST DIAGNOSTICS: Bratten Suit Removed to E.D. California
QUICK BOX: Tan Seeks OK of Class Cert Supplemental Bid
R&S CONCRETE: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Arana Alleges
RADARIS LLC: Faces Ducksworth Class Suit Over Selling People's Info

RED TIGER: Ni Seeks to Certify Rule 23 Class Action
REDWIRE CORP: Continues to Defend Lemen Class Suit in Florida
RESERVE AT LAVISTA: Faces Class Action Over Mismanaged Apartments
REVANCE THERAPEUTICS: Continues to Defend Securities Class Suit
RINGCENTRAL INC: Continues to Defend Reuben Class Suit

ROADSAFE TRAFFIC: Turner Suit Removed to N.D. California
ROBLOX CORP: Misrepresents Game as Safe to Children, Suit Says
ROCKET MORTGAGE: Faces Suit Over Unsolicited Telemarketing Calls
Roger Crystal: Litten Files Suit in Del. Chancery Ct.
SAGILITY LLC: Weller Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois

SALEM HEALTH: Faces Suit Over Disclosed Personal Info to 3rd Party
SALON COMMODITIES: General Pretrial Management Entered in Luis Suit
SANTA MONICA, CA: Class Cert Filing Deadline Extended to Dec. 20
SC HEALTH: Grossman Sues Over Misleading Statements on Securities
SCHELL & KAMPETER: Maciel Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

SCHUYLER COUNTY, IL: Crow Files Suit in C.D. Illinois
SCULPTOR CAPITAL: Continues to Defend Beauchemin Class Suit
SCULPTOR CAPITAL: Continues to Defend Former EMD Class Suit
SHADOW CARGO: Chawla Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

SHARECARE CL: Cunningham Suit Removed to E.D. California
SHARED IMAGING: Class Action Settlement in Ranger Gets Final Nod
SIMPLE SICHUAN: Morales Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Carovillano Class Action in S.D. N.Y.
SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Posternock Class Suit in D. N.J.

SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Stevenson Class Action in N.D. Cal.
SIRIUS XM: Wins Bid to Compel Arbitration
SMILIST MANAGEMENT: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
SPARKY'S CONSULTING: Perez Allowed Leave to File Class Cert Bid
SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS: Continues to Defend Christiansen Suit

SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS: Continues to Defend Luo Securities Suit
SPIRIT REALTY: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Class Suit
STANDARD LIFE: Nunz Sues Over Failure to Properly Safeguard PII
STANFORD INTERNATIONAL: Depositions in Ponzi Scheme Suit Discussed
STATE FARM: Court Narrows Claims in Securities Suit

STATE FARM: Faces Simon Class Action Lawsuit in E.D. Louisiana
STATE STREET: Faces EFC Class Suit in New York
STATE STREET: Faces Gomes ERISA Suit Over Investment Fund
STK MIDTOWN: Troitskaia Seeks Unpaid Wages for Restaurant Staff
STRATEGIC STAFFING: Norton Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

SUIT CORNER INC: Gomberg Files ADA Suit in E.D. Pennsylvania
SUMMIT FINANCIAL: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Suit
SUNBELT HOMES: Risher Files TCPA Suit in N.D. Georgia
SUNTRUST BANK: Faces Bickerstaff Suit in Georgia Court
SWAG.COM LLC: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York

TAKEYA USA: Scheduling Order Entered in Sookul Class Suit
TANDEM DIABETES CARE: Faces Lowe Suit Over Disclosures
TANDEM DIABETES CARE: Settles Consolidated Suit Over Data Breach
TCK SANKAR: Minyety Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Premium Pay
TEACHERS INSURANCE: Jentz Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts

TETHER LTD: Court Dismisses Anderson's Stablecoin Class Suit
TETRA TECH: Class Certification Hearing Re-Set to Jan. 25, 2024
TEXAS TECH: Initial Expert Report in Stewart Due August 20, 2024
TEXTAINER GROUP: Monteverde Probes Firm for Securities Violations
TGI FRIDAYS: Court Modifies Briefing Schedule in Gragnano Suit

TIERRA NUEVA: De Palacios Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
TOTEM BRAND: Gomberg Files ADA Suit in E.D. Pennsylvania
TRACY LOGISTICS: Shanley Suit Removed to E.D. California
TRAEGER PELLET GRILLS: Frost Files ADA Suit in D. Minnesota
TRIPLEPOINT VENTURE: Shareholder Suit Ongoing in California

TRUST BENEFITS: Lopez Files Suit in C.D. California
TULIPS INC: Gonzalez Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
TYLER MAILLOUX: Appeals Ct. to Uphold Dismissal in Hit-and-Run Suit
TYLER TECH: Class Cert. Bid Deadlines Extended in Chaplin Suit
UNION PACIFIC: Faces Black Class Action Lawsuit in D. Kansas

UNITED AIRLINES: Sambrano Bid for Class Cert Due Dec. 22
UNITED HEALTHCARE: Court Allows Filing of Certain Docs Under Seal
UNITEDHEALTH GROUP: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Quinones Alleges
UNITEDHEALTHCARE: Faces Class Suit Over Denial of Medicare Claims
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Dittberner et al. Sue Over Data Breach

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Segal Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII
UNUM GROUP: Williams Class Suit Moved From E.D. Tenn. to D. Mass.
US BANK NATIONAL: Frazier Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
US MED-EQUIP: Parties Must File Approval Bid of PAGA Settlement
USCIS: Cartaya Files Suit in S.D. Florida

VALLEY FIRST: Class Settlement in Ayala Suit Gets Initial Nod
VARSITY BRANDS: Bid to Strike Supplemental Declaration Partly OK'd
VENICE HMA: Parties Seek More Time to File Class Cert Bid
VERISK ANALYTICS: Settlement Reached in ERISA-Related Suit
VERTIV HOLDINGS: Faces Consolidated Shareholder Suit

VERU INC: Continues to Defend Ewing Class Suit in Florida
VIACOMCBS INC: Appeals Class Certification Ruling of Antitrust Suit
VIACOMCBS INC: Continues to Defend Camelot Securities Class Suit
VIOME LIFE SCIENCES: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
VIRGINIA DOC: Patterson Sues Over Sex Discrimination

VIVENDI TICKETING: Faces Verderame Class Action in C.D. California
VORWERK LLC: Cruz Suit Removed to C.D. California
WASHINGTON LANE: Medina Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
WENDY'S INTERNATIONAL: Parking Lots Inaccessible for Disabled
WEST HOLLYWOOD: Russo Sues Over Unlawful Misclassification

WEST VIRGINIA-AMERICAN: Faces Second Natural Gas Outage Class Suit
WEST VIRGINIA: Inmates Fight Dismissal Bid in State Funding Suit
WILHELMINA INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Pressley Suit
WILHELMINA INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Shanklin Suit
WILLIAMS COMPANIES: Files Petition for Writ of Certiorari

WLCC LENDING: Faces Robles FDCPA Class Suit in S.D. Fla.
WORLD RUGBY: Almost 300 Former Players to File Brain Injuries Suit
ZIFF DAVIS: Dismissal of Securities Suit Under Appeal


23ANDME INC: Fails to Secure Consumers' Info, Mirza Alleges
HARIS MIRZA, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. 23ANDME, INC., Case No. 3:23-cv-05259-JSC (N.D. Cal.,
Oct. 26, 2023) is a data breach class action arising out of the
Defendant's failure to implement and maintain reasonable security
practices to protect consumers' sensitive personal information.

On October 6, 2023, the Defendant publicly announced via its
website that customer profile information shared through its DNA
Relatives feature was compiled from individual 23andMe.com
accounts, without account users' authorization, that contained the
personally identifiable information and/or protected health
information of its customers. The Defendant's website notice
entitled "Addressing Data Security Concerns" further stated, "we
believe that the threat actor may have then, in violation of the
Defendant's Terms of Service, accessed 23andMe.com accounts without
authorization and obtained information from certain accounts,
including information about users' DNA Relatives profiles."

On October 11, 2023, the Defendant sent the Plaintiff and similarly
situated Class members additional notifications via email related
to the Data Breach. However, the Defendant's Data Breach
notifications were misleading and inadequate and did not provide
any detail regarding when or for how long the Data Breach occurred.
Further, the notices failed to indicate the scope of the Data
Breach or the specific information that was accessed, obtained from
the Defendant's system without authorization and whether any of the
PII and/or PHI accessed and/or exfiltrated by the unauthorized
person was recovered.

As a result of the Data Breach, the Plaintiff has suffered invasion
of privacy and emotional distress. In addition, the Plaintiff also
suffers the imminent and continuing injury arising from the
heightened risk of fraud and identity theft due to the  Data
Breach. The Plaintiff's and the Class members' personal information
stolen from Defendant is already leaked and made available for sale
and/or purchased by criminals on the dark web, the suit claims.

The Plaintiff is a resident of Porter Ranch, California, and a
citizen of the State of California. The Plaintiff is a victim of
the Data Breach.

23andMe provides genetic testing and development services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Abbas Kazerounian, Esq.
          Mona Amini, Esq.
          mona@kazlg.com 245 Fischer Avenue, Unit D1
          Costa Mesa, CA 92626
          Telephone: (800) 400-6808
          Facsimile: (800) 520-5523
          E-mail: ak@kazlg.com

AC DISASTER: Filing for Class Cert Bid Extended to Dec. 31
In the class action lawsuit captioned as LARHONDA SHEPARD, ET AL.,
v. AC DISASTER CONSULTING LLC, Case No. 4:23-cv-00857-P (N.D.
Tex.), the Hon. Judge Mark T. Pittman entered an order granting the
Plaintiff's motion to extend deadlines to move for collective

-- The Plaintiff's deadline to move for class certification is
    extended to December 31, 2023.

AC is a full-spectrum emergency management firm providing planning,
response, recovery and mitigation services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/46fMwoQ at no extra charge.[CC]

ADIDAS AMERICA: Faces Hernandez Class Action Lawsuit in Calif.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against ADIDAS AMERICA. The
case is captioned as HERNANDEZ, et al. v. ADIDAS AMERICA, INC., AND
OREGON CORPORATION, et al., Case No. 23CV009893 (Calif Super. Ct.,
Sacramento Cty., Oct. 12, 2023).

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Jill H. Talley.

Adidas America Inc designs and markets apparel products.[BN]

ADIDAS AMERICA: Fails to Disclose Wage Scale in Job Postings
JACOB ATKINSON, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. ADIDAS AMERICA, INC., a foreign profit corporation; and
DOES 1-20, Case No. 23-2-19326-1 SEA (Wash. Super., Oct. 6, 2023)
is a class action on behalf of individuals who applied to job
openings with the Defendant where the job postings did not include
the wage scale or salary range in direct violation of Washington
Revised Code 49.58.110.

From Jan. 1, 2023 to the present, the Plaintiff and more than 40
Class members applied to job openings with the Defendant for
positions located in Washington state where the postings did not
disclose the wage scale or salary range.

On March 9, 2023, the Plaintiff applied for a job opening in
Washington with the Defendant. The posting for the job opening did
not disclose the wage scale or salary range.

The Plaintiff and the Class members lost valuable time applying for
jobs with the Defendant for which the wage scale or salary range
was not disclosed to them. As a result of the Plaintiff's and Class
members' inability to evaluate the pay for the position, negotiate
that pay, and compare that pay to other available positions in the
marketplace, the Plaintiff and the Class members were harmed and
have been damaged in amounts to be proven at trial, says the suit.

Mr. Atkinson is a resident of King County, Washington and applied
to work for the Defendant at its store located at 10600 Quil Ceda
Boulevard, Suite 740, Tulalip, Washington 98271.

Adidas designs and markets apparel products.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 442-9106
          Facsimile: (206) 441-9711
          E-mail: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

ALBERTSON'S LLC: Fails to Disclose Wage Scale in Job Postings
JACOB ATKINSON, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. ALBERTSON'S LLC, a foreign limited liability company
doing business as ALBERTSONS and SAFEWAY; and DOES 1-20, Case No.
23-2-19383-1 SEA (Wash. Super., Oct. 9, 2023) is a class action on
behalf of individuals who applied to job openings with the
Defendant where the job postings did not include the wage scale,
salary range, and/or a general description of all of the benefits
and other compensation to be offered in direct violation of
Washington Revised Code 49.58.110.

From Jan. 1, 2023 to the present, the Plaintiff and more than 40
Class members applied to job openings with the Defendant for
positions located in Washington state where the postings did not
disclose the wage scale, salary range, and/or a general description
of the benefits and other compensation to be offered.

On March 3, 2023, the Plaintiff applied for a job opening in
Washington with the Defendant.

As of October 9, 2023, the posting is still active and still does
not disclose the wage scale, salary range, or a general description
of the benefits and other compensation to be offered.

The Plaintiff and the Class members lost valuable time applying for
jobs with the Defendant for which the wage scale or salary range
was not disclosed to them. As a result of the Plaintiff's and Class
members' inability to evaluate the pay for the position, negotiate
that pay, and compare that pay to other available positions in the
marketplace, the Plaintiff and the Class members were harmed and
have been damaged in amounts to be proven at trial, says the suit.

Mr. Atkinson is a resident of King County, Washington and applied
to work for the Defendant at its store located at 12811 Beverly
Park Rd, Lynnwood, Snohomish County, Washington 98087.

Albertsons operates a chain of grocery stores.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 442-9106
          Facsimile: (206) 441-9711
          E-mail: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

AMAZON.COM INC: Horn Sues Over Illegal Online Gambling Enterprise
STEVEN HORN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. AMAZON.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation,
Defendant, Case No. 2:23-cv-01727-SKV (W.D. Wash., November 10,
2023) seeks restitution, damages, injunctive relief, and other
appropriate relief from Amazon's ongoing participation in an
illegal internet gambling enterprise in violation of the Washington
Return of Money Lost at Gambling Act, the Washington Consumer
Protection Act, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act.

By utilizing Amazon for distribution and payment, the social
casinos entered into a mutually beneficial business partnership. In
exchange for distributing the casino games, providing them valuable
data and insight about their players, and collecting money from
consumers, Amazon takes a 30-percent commission of every wager,
earning billions in revenue. Despite knowing that social casinos
are illegal, Amazon continues to maintain a 30% financial interest
in the upside by brokering the slot machine games, driving
customers to them, and acting as the bank, says the suit.

Headquartered in Seattle, WA, Amazon is a multinational technology
company that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, online
advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The
company also owns and operates an app store where users can gamble
on their mobile devices in Vegas-Style social casino apps. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Todd Logan, Esq.
          EDELSON PC
          150 California Street, 18th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Telephone: (415) 212-9300
          Facsimile: (415) 373-9435
          E-mail: tlogan@edelson.com

                  - and -

          Cecily C. Jordan, Esq.
          1200 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700
          Seattle, WA 98101-3147
          Telephone: (206) 682-5600
          Facsimile: (206) 682-2992
          E-mail: cjordan@tousley.com

AMERICAN WATER: Suit Over Water Main Break Incident Ongoing
American Water Works Company, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q
report for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023,
that on September 9, 2024, the West Virginia Circuit Court in
Kanawha County heard a class trial on issues relating to duty and
breach of that duty with regards to the Dunbar, West Virginia water
main break incident on the evening of June 23, 2015 where a 36-inch
pre-stressed concrete transmission water main failed.

The water main is part of the West Relay pumping station located in
the City of Dunbar, West Virginia and owned by the company's West
Virginia subsidiary (WVAWC).

On June 2, 2017, a complaint captioned "Jeffries, et al. v. West
Virginia-American Water Company" was filed in West Virginia Circuit
Court in Kanawha County on behalf of an alleged class of residents
and business owners who lost water service or pressure as a result
of the Dunbar main break. The complaint alleges breach of contract
by WVAWC for failure to supply water, violation of West Virginia
law regarding the sufficiency of WVAWC's facilities and negligence
by WVAWC in the design, maintenance and operation of the water
system. The Jeffries plaintiffs seek unspecified alleged damages on
behalf of the class for lost profits, annoyance and inconvenience,
and loss of use, as well as punitive damages for willful, reckless
and wanton behavior in not addressing the risk of pipe failure and
a large outage.

In February 2020, the Jeffries plaintiffs filed a motion seeking
class certification on the issues of breach of contract and
negligence, and to determine the applicability of punitive damages
and a multiplier for those damages if imposed. In July 2020, the
Circuit Court entered an order granting the Jeffries plaintiffs'
motion for certification of a class regarding certain liability
issues but denying certification of a class to determine a punitive
damages multiplier. In August 2020, WVAWC filed a Petition for Writ
of Prohibition in the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia
seeking to vacate or remand the Circuit Court’s order certifying
the issues class. In January 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeals
remanded the case back to the Circuit Court for further
consideration in light of a decision issued in another case
relating to the class certification issues raised on appeal.

On July 5, 2022, the Circuit Court entered an order again
certifying a class to address at trial certain liability issues but
not to consider damages. On August 26, 2022, WVAWC filed another
Petition for Writ of Prohibition in the Supreme Court of Appeals of
West Virginia challenging the West Virginia Circuit Court's July 5,
2022 order, which petition was denied on June 8, 2023.

American Water Works Company, Inc. is a water utility company based
in Camden NJ.

AMERICAN WATER: Suit Over Water Main Break Incident Ongoing
American Water Works Company, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q
report for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023,
that it is facing a class action lawsuit with regards to the
Chattanooga, Tennessee Water main break incident on September 12,

The company's Tennessee subsidiary (TAWC), experienced a leak in a
36-inch water transmission main, which caused service fluctuations
or interruptions to TAWC customers and the issuance of a boil water
notice. TAWC repaired the main by early morning on September 14,
2019, and restored full water service by the afternoon of September
15, 2019, with the boil water notice lifted for all customers on
September 16, 2019.

On September 17, 2019, a complaint captioned "Bruce, et al. v.
American Water Works Company, Inc., et al." was filed in the
Circuit Court of Hamilton County, Tennessee against TAWC, the
company and American Water Works Service Company, Inc., on behalf
of a proposed class of individuals or entities who lost water
service or suffered monetary losses as a result of the Chattanooga
incident. The complaint alleged breach of contract and negligence
against the Tennessee-American Water Defendants, as well as an
equitable remedy of piercing the corporate veil. In the complaint
as originally filed, the Tennessee Plaintiffs were seeking an award
of unspecified alleged damages for wage losses, business and
economic losses, out-of-pocket expenses, loss of use and enjoyment
of property and annoyance and inconvenience, as well as punitive
damages, attorneys' fees and pre- and post-judgment interest.

In September 2020, the court dismissed all of the Tennessee
Plaintiffs' claims in their complaint, except for the breach of
contract claims against TAWC, which remain pending. In October
2020, TAWC answered the complaint, and the parties have been
engaging in discovery.

On January 12, 2023, after hearing oral argument, the court issued
an oral ruling denying the Tennessee plaintiffs' motion for class
certification. On February 9, 2023, they sought reconsideration of
the ruling by the court, and any final ruling is appealable to the
Tennessee Court of Appeals, as allowed under Tennessee law. On
September 21, 2023, the court upheld its prior ruling but gave the
plaintiffs the option to file an amended class definition. On
October 12, 2023, they filed an amended class definition seeking
certification of a business customer-only class. An order denying
the original proposed class and addressing the proposed amended
class has not been entered by the court and remains pending.

American Water Works Company, Inc. is a water utility company based
in Camden NJ.

AMGEN INC: Antitrust Suit Over Sensipar Ongoing in Third Circuit
Amgen Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the quarterly
period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that on October 17, 2023,
Amgen submitted its initial brief in its appeal before the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit with regards to "In re:
Sensipar (Cinacalcet Hydrochloride Tablets) Antitrust Litigation,"
C.A. No. 19-md-02895-LPS.

Cinacalcet hydrochloride is a calcium-sensing receptor agonist
indicated for secondary hyperparathyroidism in adult patients with
chronic kidney disease on dialysis.

Amgen Inc. is a global biotechnology pioneer that discovers,
develops, manufactures and delivers innovative human therapeutics
as its only business segment. Amgen has sold cinacalcet
hydrochloride under the brand name Sensipar in the United States
since 2004.

ARIETIS HEALTH: Fails to Secure Clients' Personal Info, Sligh Says
GINA SLIGH, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. ARIETIS HEALTH, LLC, Case No. 2:23-cv-00890-JLB-NPM
(M.D. Fla., Oct. 13, 2023) sues the Defendant for its failure to
properly secure and safeguard the Plaintiffs and Class Members'
protected health information and personally identifiable
information stored within the Defendant's information network.

On no later than May 31, 2023, unauthorized third-party
cybercriminals gained access to the Plaintiffs and Class Members'
PHI/PII as hosted with the Defendant. The total number of
individuals who have had their data exposed due to the Defendant's
failure to implement appropriate security safeguards is unknown at
this time but is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands based
on Defendant's clientele, the lawsuit alleges.

The Plaintiff received a letter from the Defendant, dated September
29, 2023, stating that their PHI/PII was involved in the Data
Breach. The Plaintiff was unaware of the Data Breach -- or even
that the Defendant had possession of their data at all until
receiving that letter. As a result of the Data Breach, the
Plaintiff has increased anxiety for their loss of privacy and
anxiety over the impact of cybercriminals accessing, using, and
selling their PHI/PII. The Plaintiff has suffered imminent and
impending injury arising from the substantially increased risk of
fraud, identity theft, and misuse resulting from their PHI/PII, in
combination with their name, being placed in the hands of
unauthorized third parties/criminals. Indeed, 1-2 months prior to
this filing, the Plaintiff noticed fraudulent accounts for Aspen
Dental, a dental services provider, appearing on her credit report,
the lawsuit says.

Ms. Sligh was a client of NorthStar Anesthesia of Pennsylvania,
LLC, a pain management and anesthesia provider; the Defendant
provided healthcare billing services to NorthStar, and thus the
Plaintiff was additionally a client of the Defendant's, and their
information was stored with the Defendant as a result of their
dealings with the Defendant.

ARIETIS HEALTH, LLC is a revenue cycle management company,
providing solutions for AR management, coding, billing, payment
posting, and insurance payer enrollment.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joshua R. Jacobson, Esq.
          NORMAND PLLC
          3165 McCrory Place, Ste. 175
          Orlando, FL 32803
          Telephone: (407) 603-6031
          Facsimile: (888) 974-2175
          E-mail: jiacobson@normandpllc.om
                  ean @normandpllc.om

                - and -

          Kevin Laukaitis, Esq.
          954 Avenida Ponce De Leon
          Suite 205, No. 10518
          San Juan, PR 00907
          Telephone: (215) 789-4462
          E-mail: klaukaitis@laukaitislaw.com

ARIETIS HEALTH: Fails to Secure Patients' Info, Frankeberger Says
ELIOT FRANKEBERGER, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. ARIETIS HEALTH, LLC, Case No.
2:23-cv-00875-JLB-KCD (M.D. Fla., Oct. 11, 2023) alleges that
Arietis negligently failed in its duty to safeguard the personal
and medical information the Plaintiff and Class Members entrusted
to their medical providers who used Arietis for RCM services.

The Plaintiff contends that due to unaddressed security flaws in
software relied upon by Arietis to transfer confidential patient
files (an application called "MOVEit"), the private and
confidential information of every single patient whose healthcare
providers use Arietis for revenue cycle management and billing
services has been accessed by unauthorized and malevolent users.

According to the Defendant, it was notified on May 31, 2023 by
Progress Software, creator of MOVEit, that there was a critical
vulnerability in MOVEit that required immediate countermeasures.
The Defendant claims it undertook those countermeasures. However,
on July 26, 2023, Arietis determined that unauthorized actors had
in fact gained access to Arietis' files in May 2023.

But then, despite taking nearly two months to confirm that its
files had been compromised, it took another two months, until
September 29, 2023, for Arietis finally to report the data breach
to the impacted patients and to confirm that the stolen information
may have included the Plaintiff's "name, date of birth, medical
record number, patient account number, health insurance
information, diagnosis and treatment information, and provider
name," the suit claims.

The Defendant's intentional, willful, reckless, unfair, and
negligent conduct harmed the Plaintiff and Class Members uniformly.
For this reason, the Defendant should pay for monetary damages and
appropriate identity theft protection services, as well as
reimburse the Plaintiff and Class Members for the costs caused by
the Defendant's substandard security practices and failure to
timely disclose the same, the suit further asserts.

The Plaintiff is likewise entitled to injunctive and other
equitable relief that safeguards their information, requires the
Defendant to improve its data security significantly, and provides
independent, expert oversight of the Defendant's security systems.

ARIETIS HEALTH, LLC provides revenue cycle management services for
healthcare providers.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Janet R. Varnell, Esq.
          Brian W. Warwick, Esq.
          VARNELL & WARWICK, P.A.
          400 N Ashley Drive, Suite 1900
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Telephone: (352) 753-8600
          Facsimile: (352) 504-3301
          E-mail: bwarwick@vandwlaw.com

                - and -

          Jeffrey A. Klafter, Esq.
          Seth R. Lesser, Esq.
          Christopher Timmel, Esq.
          Two International Drive, Suite 350
          Rye Brook, NY 10573
          Telephone: (914) 934-9200
          Facsimile: (914) 934-9220
          E-mail: jak@klafterlesser.com

                - and -

          James A. Francis, Esq.
          1600 Market Street, Suite 2510
          Philadelphia, PA, 19103
          Telephone: (215) 735-8600
          Facsimile: (215) 940-8000
          E-mail: jfrancis@consumerlawfirm.com

ARIETIS HEALTH: Hayden Sues Over Data Breach of Consumers' Info
TIMOTHY M. HAYDEN, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. ARIETIS HEALTH, LLC and PROGRESS
SOFTWARE CORPORATION, Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-12736 (D. Mass.,
November 10,2023) arises out of the recent targeted cyberattack and
data breach where unauthorized third-party criminals retrieved and
exfiltrated the highly-sensitive consumer data of Plaintiff, and
nearly two million Class Members collected by Arietis Health, via a
security vulnerability in Progressive Software Corporation's
software program, MOVEit, used by Arietis Health.

Accordingly, Plaintiff brings this action against Defendants
seeking redress for its unlawful conduct and asserting claims for:
(i) negligence; (ii) breach of implied contract; (iii) unjust
enrichment; (iv) bailment; and (v) breach of fiduciary duty.
Through these claims, Plaintiff seeks damages in an amount to be
proven at trial, as well as injunctive and other equitable relief,
including improvements to Defendants’ data security systems,
policies, and practices, future annual audits, and adequate credit
monitoring services funded by Defendants.

Headquartered in Fort Myers, FL, Arietis Health, LLC is a limited
liability corporation that provides revenue cycle management
solutions for all medical specialties on any billing platform.

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Steven B. Rotman, Esq.
          HAUSFELD LLP
          One Marina Park Drive Suite 1410
          Boston, MA 02210
          Telephone: (617) 207-0600
          Facsimile: (617) 830-8312
          E-mail: srotman@hausfeld.com

                  - and -

          James J. Pizzirusso, Esq.
          HAUSFELD LLP
          888 16th Street, N.W. Suite 300
          Washington, D.C. 20006
          Telephone: (202) 540-7200
          Facsimile: (202) 540-7201
          E-mail: jpizzirusso@hausfeld.com

                  - and -

          Steven M. Nathan, Esq.
          HAUSFELD LLP
          33 Whitehall Street Fourteenth Floor
          New York, NY 10004
          Telephone: (646) 357-1100
          Facsimile: (212) 202-4322
          E-mail: snathan@hausfeld.com

                  - and -

          Joshua H. Grabar, Esq.
          One Liberty Place
          1650 Market Street, Suite 3600
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Telephone: (267) 507-6085
          Facsimile: (267) 507-6048
          E-mail: jgrabar@grabarlaw.com

ARISTOCRAT TECHNOLOGIES: Hoskins Sues Over Unprotected Info
Mary Hoskins, individually and on behalf of all similarly situated
individuals v. Aristocrat Technologies, Inc., Case No.
A-23-879061-C (Nev. Dist., Oct. 5, 2023) sues the Defendant for
failing to protect and safeguard the personal identifiable
information from unauthorized access and intrusion between May 29,
2023 and May 31, 2023.

On June 1, 2023, the Defendant claims they became aware that its
MOVEit system had been breached. According to the Defendant, the
PII exposed in the Data Breach includes Social Security Numbers,
national identifiers, government-issued identification numbers,
dates of birth, and other types of information.

Around late September of 2023, the Defendant began notifying the
Plaintiff and Class Members of the Data Breach.

The Defendant allegedly failed to take any steps to mitigate the
vulnerability or protect the Plaintiff and the Class Members' PII,
failed to investigate the vulnerability and any potential attack
into their system, and failed to inform the Plaintiff and the Class
Members that their PII was at significant risk of being stolen.

The Plaintiff and Class Members have incurred and/or will continue
to incur damages in the form of identity theft, attempted identity
theft, lost time and expenses mitigating harms, increased risk of
harm, damaged credit, deprivation of the value of their Personal
Information, and/or loss of privacy, the suit asserts.

This class action seeks to redress the Defendant's unlawful,
willful and wanton failure to protect the personal identifiable
information of approximately 7,200 individuals that was exposed in
a major data breach of the Defendant's files saved on the MOVEit
server in violation of its legal obligations.

The Plaintiff brings this action individually and on behalf of the
Class, seeking remedies including compensatory damages,
reimbursement of out-of-pocket costs, injunctive relief, reasonable
attorney fees and costs, and all other remedies this Court deems

Ms. Hoskins is a citizen of Boulder City, Nevada. The Plaintiff and
the Class Members were or are employees of the Defendant. As a
condition of their employment, the Defendant requires the PII of
the Plaintiff and the Class Members.

Aristocrat designs, manufactures, and markets casino management
tools and software to monitor gaming machine use and control

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Vernon E. Leverty, Esq.
          William R. Ginn, Esq.
          Patrick R. Leverty, Esq.
          Jess P. Rinehart, Esq.
          832 Willow Street; Reno, NV 89502

                - and -

          William B. Federman, Esq.
          10205 North Pennsylvania Avenue
          Oklahoma City, OK 73120
          Telephone: (405) 235-1560

ART STORE: Tarr Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against The Art Store, Inc.
The case is styled as Ellen Elizabeth Tarr, on behalf of herself
and all others similarly situated v. The Art Store, Inc., Case No.
1:23-cv-09797 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 6, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

The Art Store -- https://www.theartstorecny.com/ -- is dedicated to
exhibiting original 20th century and contemporary American art by
leading local, regional and nationally recognized artists.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          10826 64th Avenue, Ste. 2nd Floor
          Forest Hills, NY 11375
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

ATHENE ANNUITY: Massey Sues Over Unlawful Access of Private Info
LAURA MASSEY, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
SOFTWARE CORPORATION, Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-12710 (D. Mass.,
November 9, 2023) arises from the Defendants' failure to properly
secure and safeguard Plaintiff's and other similarly situated
Athene customers' sensitive information, alleging claims against
the Defendants for negligence, breach of implied contract, unjust
enrichment, and for violations of the California Unfair Competition
Law, the California Consumer Privacy Act, and the California
Customer Records Act.

On or about May 31, 2023, Athene learned that Pension Benefit
Information, LLC's network, which Progress Software Corporation
provided software services to and Athene relied on for the sending
and receiving of sensitive information, had been penetrated by a
cyberattack. PBI's investigation revealed that the third party
accessed one of Athene's MOVEit Transfer servers on May 29, 2023
and May 30, 2023 and downloaded data. However, the Defendants
failed to provide the legally compliant and timely notice to
Plaintiff and to other affected customers, says the suit.

Based in West Des Moines, IA, Athene is an Iowa-based financial
company that provides retirement savings solutions and other
financial services to its customers. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Randi Kassan, Esq.
          100 Garden City Plaza
          Garden City, NY 11530
          Telephone: (212) 594-5300
          E-mail: rkassan@milberg.com

AUXLY CANNABIS: Court Approves Securities Class Suit Settlement
James Langton of Investment Executive reports that the Ontario
Superior Court of Justice approved the proposed settlement of a
securities class action against Auxly Cannabis Group Inc., alleging
the company made misrepresentations about the status of a joint
venture in its secondary market disclosure.

The $4-million settlement resolved the claim, which alleged that
the company misrepresented the state of its work on a cannabis
cultivation facility in Cobourg, Ont. along with FSD Pharma Inc.

Ultimately, the project stalled and the companies abandoned the
joint venture.

Both companies faced class action lawsuits over their disclosure
about the project between November 2018 and February 2019.

Both cases have both now been settled. The parallel class action
against FSD was settled back in 2021 for $3.8 million.

Auxly denied the allegations and doesn't admit any liability in the

"[T]he settlement represents a more than adequate advantage for the
class in return for surrendering its rights in litigation," the
court ruled in its decision approving the proposed settlement.

The payouts to investors will be administered by the law firm that
brought both class actions, Berger Montague (Canada) PC.

The court said that the "proposed distribution of settlement funds
appears reasonable and in the best interests of the class."

According to the court's decision, the process of administering the
FSD settlement was "a learning experience" for the firm, which has
created a streamlined method for allocating the settlement funds to
investors as a result.

The court approved a $1.2-million fee for the class action lawyers
(approximately 30% of the settlement), plus $156,000 in taxes and
$76,236.90 for disbursements it made to litigate the action. It
also approved a $7,500 honorarium for the representative plaintiff
in the case.

"In my view, the fee sought by class counsel appropriately reflects
the level of risk that class counsel has assumed in carrying this
case from inception to settlement," the court said. [GN]

BANK OF CANTON: Gilmore Sues Over Alleged Data Breach
STEPHEN GILMORE, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
CORPORATION, Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-12711-ADB (D. Mass.,
November 9, 2023) asserts claims against the Defendants for
negligence, breach of implied contract, and unjust enrichment in
connection with the Defendants' inadequate data security practices
that resulted to a data breach on or around May 27, 2023.

The Plaintiff brings this class action against Defendants for their
failure to properly secure and safeguard Plaintiff's and other
similarly situated Canton customers' sensitive information.
Moreover, Plaintiff seeks to remedy the harms caused by the data
breach, which include invasion of privacy; theft of personally
identifiable information (PII); lost or diminished value of PII;
and lost time and opportunity costs associated with attempting to
mitigate the actual consequences of the data breach.

Based in Massachusetts, Bank of Canton is one of the oldest mutual
savings banks in the country. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Randi Kassan, Esq.
         100 Garden City Plaza
         Garden City, NY 11530
         Telephone: (212) 594-5300
         E-mail: rkassan@milberg.com

BURBERRY LIMITED: Fails to Disclose Salary Range in Job Postings
JACOB ATKINSON, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. BURBERRY LIMITED, a foreign for profit corporation
doing business as BURBERRY; and DOES 1-20, Case No. 23-2-19460-8
SEA (Wash. Super., Oct. 10, 2023) is a class action on behalf of
individuals who applied to job openings with the Defendant where
the job postings did not include the wage scale or salary range,
and/or a general description of all of the benefits and other
compensation to be offered in direct violation of Washington
Revised Code 49.58.110.

From January 1, 2023 to the present, the Plaintiff and more than 40
Class members applied to job openings with the Defendant for
positions located in Washington state where the postings did not
disclose the wage scale or salary range, and/or a general
description of the benefits and other compensation to be offered,
the Plaintiff asserts.

On March 9, 2023, the Plaintiff applied for a job opening in
Washington with the Defendant.

The Plaintiff and the Class members lost valuable time applying for
jobs with the Defendant for which the wage scale or salary range,
and/or a general description of the benefits and other compensation
to be offered was not disclosed to them. As a result of the
Plaintiff's and Class members' inability to evaluate the pay for
the position, negotiate that pay, and compare that pay to other
available positions in the marketplace, the Plaintiff and the Class
members were harmed and have been damaged in amounts to be proven
at trial, says the suit.

MR. Atkinson is a resident of King County, Washington and applied
online to work for Defendant at its store located at 10600 Quil
Ceda Blvd #628, Tulalip, Washington 98271.

Burberry designs, sources, makes and sells the finest men's,
women's and children's clothing and accessories, leather goods and
beauty products.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 442-9106
          Facsimile: (206) 441-9711
          E-mail: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT: Faces Balsamo Class Action Suit in C.D. Cal.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Caesars
Entertainment, Inc. The case is captioned as Nicholas Balsamo et
al., v. Caesars Entertainment, Inc., Case No. 5:23-cv-02106-JGB-SP
(C.D. Cal., Oct. 13, 2023).

The nature of suit states Diversity related to Citizenship. The
case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Jesus G. Bernal.

Caesars Entertainment is an American hotel and casino entertainment

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Thiago Merlini Coelho, Esq.
          Jennifer M. Leinbach, Esq.
          Jesenia A. Martinez, Esq.
          Jesse Song Chen, Esq.
          Shahin Rezvani, Esq.
          3055 Wilshire Boulevard 12th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90010
          Telephone: (213) 381-9988
          Facsimile: (213) 381-9989
          E-mail: thiago@wilshirelawfirm.com

CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT: Faces Katz Class Suit in D.N.J.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against CAESARS
ENTERTAINMENT, INC. The case is captioned as KATZ v. CAESARS
ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Case No. (D.N.J., Oct. 12, 2023).

The nature of suit states Diversity-Property Damage. The case is
assigned to the Hon. Judge Karen M. Williams.

Caesars is an American hotel and casino entertainment company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Caroline F. Bartlett, Esq.
          James E. Cecchi, Esq.
          5 Becker Farm Road
          Roseland, NJ 07068
          Telephone: (973) 994-1700
          E-mail: cbartlett@carellabyrne.com

CANAL PLASTICS CENTER: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Canal Plastics
Center, Inc. The case is styled as Nihal Erkan, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. Canal Plastics Center,
Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-08255 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Canal Plastics Center -- https://www.canalplastic.com/ -- is a
Plastic fabrication company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          14749 71st Ave.
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

CARESOURCE CORP: Keenan Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
The case captioned as Wyatt Keenan, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. CARESOURCE, CORP. and CARESOURCE
INDIANA, INC., Case No. 49D11-2310-CT-040444 was removed from the
Marion Superior Court of Marion County, Indiana, to the United
States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana on Nov.
6, 2023, and assigned Case No. 1:23-cv-01998-JMS-MJD.

The Plaintiff alleges that, "on May 31, 2023, the software of one
of CareSource's vendors was hacked by a 'bad actor' (the "Data
Breach")." The Plaintiff alleges that the "Data Breach was the
product of an intentional criminal act to gain access to the data."
The Plaintiff alleges the "Personal Information stolen in the Data
Breach included information such as social security numbers, birth
dates, financial information, and full names" and that "Plaintiff
is an individual who had his Personal Information compromised in
the Data Breach."

Because of the Data Breach, Plaintiff alleges that Defendants
failed to: "adequately protect its customers' Personal Information;
warn customers of its inadequate information security practices;
and effectively secure hardware, data, and information systems
through reasonable and effective security procedures."  Based on
these allegations, Plaintiff asserts claims against Defendants for
negligence, negligence per se, breach of confidence, invasion of
privacy, breach of contract to which Plaintiff and class members
were intended third party beneficiaries, breach of implied
contract, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty, and
declaratory judgment.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Sally Franklin Zweig, Esq.
          Kristopher N. Kazmierczak, Esq.
          334 North Senate Avenue
          Indianapolis, IN 46204
          Phone: (317) 464-1100
          Fax: (317) 464-1111
          Email: sally.zweig@skofirm.com

               - and -

          Erin E. Rhinehart, Esq.
          Jason W. Palmer, Esq.
          Raika N. Casey, Esq.
          FARUKI PLL
          110 North Main Street, Suite 1600
          Dayton, OH 45402
          Phone: (937) 227-3714
          Fax: (937) 227-3717
          Email: erhinehart@ficlaw.com

CENLAR FSB: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Carbajal Alleges
IVONNE V. CARBAJAL, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. CENLAR FSB, Defendant, Case No.
2:23-cv-02391-CDB (D. Ariz., Nov. 14, 2023) is an action against
the Defendant's failure to pay the Plaintiff and the class overtime
compensation for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week.

Plaintiff Carbajal was employed by the Defendant as a call center

Cenlar FSB operates as a mortgage subservicing company. The Company
provides residential mortgage loan services, as well as central
loan administration and reporting solutions. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          James X. Bormes, Esq.
          Catherine P. Sons, Esq.
          8 South Michigan Avenue Suite 2600
          Chicago, IL 60603
          Telephone: (312) 201-0575
          Email: jxbormes@bormeslaw.com

               - and -

          Thomas M. Ryan, Esq.
          35 East Wacker Drive Suite 650
          Chicago, IL 60601
          Telephone: (312) 726-3400
          Email: tom@tomryanlaw.com

               - and -

          Michelle R. Matheson #019568
          15300 North 90th Street Suite 550
          Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
          Telephone: (480) 889-8951
          Email: mmatheson@mathesonlegal.com

CENTURY ALUMINUM: Faces Class Suit Over Alumina Dust Emissions
Tim Renaud of Count on News 2 reports that more than a dozen people
have filed a class action lawsuit against Century Aluminum over
recent aluminum oxide (alumina) dust emissions.

Residents in Goose Creek began complaining of a white, gritty
substance that was found on their vehicles and property in late
summer, which prompted city leaders and state health officials to
investigate the source.

It was determined that the emissions were connected to an "unusual
failure"” in the plant's baghouse and followed a change in
suppliers for the filter used in that process.
The lawsuit, filed Nov. 10, alleges that the smelter emitted
"excessive amounts" of alumina on at least three occasions in
September due to a malfunction connected to bags used to collect
the dust.

At the time, the South Carolina Department of Health and
Environmental Control (DHEC) said that the alumina dust emissions
were not a threat the public health.

"The particle size of the dust being seen in the community is large
and therefore too big to enter human lungs; however, it can still
irritate your skin, eyes, and nose, and can be a respiratory
irritant after prolonged exposure," the agency told News 2.

However, the lawsuit states that the plaintiffs have experienced
side effects from the emissions including bloody noses, sinus
issues, shortness of breath, asthma, and other ailments.

"The aluminum oxide particulates and other particulates emitted
from the Smelter were suspended in the air in the area in Goose
Creek around the Smelter where residents inhaled the particulates,"
the lawsuit states. "Depending on the size of the particulates, the
particulates were trapped by mucous membranes in residents' noses,
throats, eyes, and ears, were inhaled into residents' lungs, or
passed through resident's lungs into their blood."

Century said it returned to stable/normal operations on Oct. 17
following the malfunctions in its bag room. [GN]

CHEMOURS CO: Settlement of Contamination Suit Gets Initial Nod
The Chemours Company disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in October 27, 2023, that on
June 1, 2023, Chemours, Corteva/EID, and DuPont, together, entered
into a binding agreement in principle to comprehensively resolve
all drinking water claims related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFAS) of a defined class of U.S. public water systems
that serve the vast majority of the United States population
arising out of the AFFF MDL, that was finalized by a definitive
agreement on June 30, 2023, subject to approval by the United
States District Court for the District of South Carolina.

A preliminary approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Court was
granted on August 22, 2023.

Under the Settlement Agreement, Chemours, Corteva and DuPont
collectively established and contributed a total of $1,185 to a
qualified settlement fund. Contribution rates were consistent with
the MOU, with Chemours (together with its subsidiaries)
contributing 50%, and DuPont and Corteva collectively (together
with their subsidiaries) contributing the remaining 50%. The
settlement amounts were funded in full and deposited into the Water
District Settlement Fund within ten business days following
preliminary approval of the settlement by the court. On September
6, 2023, Chemours deposited $592 into the Water District Settlement
Fund, which is recognized as restricted cash and restricted cash
equivalents on its consolidated balance sheet at September 30, 2023
as Chemours maintains a proportional reversionary interest to the
underlying restricted cash equivalents in the Water District
Settlement Fund. In exchange for the payment to the Water District
Settlement Fund, Chemours, Corteva and DuPont (together with their
subsidiaries) will receive a release of the claims from the Class
(as defined below), upon entry into final judgment by the Court in
accordance with the Settlement Agreement. The agreement was entered
into solely by way of compromise and settlement and is not in any
way an admission of liability or fault by Chemours or the other

The class represented in the Settlement Agreement is composed of
all Public Water Systems, with a current detection of PFAS or that
are currently required to monitor for PFAS under the Environmental
Protection Agency’s Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule
or other applicable federal or state law. The following systems are
excluded from the settlement class: water systems owned and
operated by a State or the United States government; small systems
that have not detected the presence of PFAS and are not currently
required to monitor for it under federal or state requirements; and
water systems in the lower Cape Fear River Basin of North Carolina
(which are included only if they so request). PFAS, as defined in
the Settlement Agreement, includes PFOA and HFPO-DA among a broad
range of fluorinated organic substances.

As part of the preliminary approval of the Settlement Agreement in
August 2023, notice of the Settlement Agreement has been provided
to class members and such members have until November 11, 2023 to
object to the settlement or December 4, 2023 to submit a request
for exclusion, indicating they wish to opt-out of the settlement
class. The Companies can then determine whether to exercise their
walk-away right. A Final Fairness Hearing on the Settlement
Agreement is scheduled for December 14, 2023. Opt out notices or
other inquiries have been received from certain water utilities,
including some in the litigation identified below.

The Chemours Company is a global provider of performance chemicals
that are key inputs in end-products and processes in a variety of
industries with customized solutions with a wide range of
industrial and specialty chemical products for markets, including
coatings, plastics, refrigeration and air conditioning,
transportation, semiconductor and consumer electronics, general
industrial, and oil and gas.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against Christopher
Spitzmiller, Inc. The case is styled as Maria DiMeglio, on behalf
of herself and all others similarly situated v. Christopher
Spitzmiller, Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-09912 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 9,

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Christopher Spitzmiller, Inc. --
https://christopherspitzmiller.com/ -- features a wide range of
high-end ceramic lamps, tableware, and accessories.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          PeterPaul Elhamy Shaker, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          1 University Plaza, Ste. 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Phone: (201) 282-6500
          Email: pshaker@steinsakslegal.com

CINTAS CORPORATION: Scott Sues Over Failure to Pay Overtime Wages
Isaiah Scott, on behalf of himself and others similarly situated v.
3:23-cv-05764-LJC (N.D. Cal., Nov. 8, 2023), is brought against the
Defendants' Violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act as well as
several California Labor Code provisions ("Labor Code"), as well as
California Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders ("Wage
Order"), as a result of the Defendants' failure to pay overtime
wages, failure to provide meal periods, failure to provide rest
periods, failure to furnish accurate itemized wage statements,
failure to timely pay wages, failure to pay all wages due upon
termination, Unfair Competition.

The Plaintiff alleges that Defendants failed to: roperly classify
employees as non-exempt under the FLSA and California law; pay
Plaintiff and members of the Putative Collective and the California
Class all overtime wages for hours worked in excess of 8 hours a
day and/or 40 hours a week; provide Plaintiff and members of the
California Class mandated meal periods; provide Plaintiff and
members of the California Class mandated rest periods; keep
required payroll records that accurately show the total hours
Plaintiff and members of the California Class worked, as well as
the wages that should have been paid; furnish Plaintiff and members
of the California Class with accurate wage statements; pay
Plaintiff and Class members of the California Class all wages owed
timely; pay Plaintiff and members of the California Former Employee
Subclass all wages due upon termination; and comply with the Unfair
Competition Law ("UCL"), California Business & Professions Code
with respect to Plaintiff and members of the California Class, says
the complaint.

The Plaintiff was employed by Defendants as an MT from October 2020
until January 2022 in Hayward, California, and Pittsburg,

The Defendants provide a range of products and services to
businesses including uniforms, mats, mops, cleaning and restroom
supplies, first aid and safety products, fire extinguishers and
testing, and safety courses.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Edward J. Wynne, Esq.
          WYNNE LAW FIRM
          80 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Ste. 3G
          Larkspur, CA 94939
          Phone (415) 461-6400
          Facsimile (415) 461-3900
          Email: ewynne@wynnelawfirm.com

               - and -

          Logan A. Pardell, Esq.
          433 Plaza Real, Suite 275
          Boca Raton, FL 33432
          Phone: (561) 447-8444
          Facsimile: (877) 453-8003
          Email: lpardell@pkglegal.com

CITADEL PROPERTY: Overcharges Estoppel Cert Fees, Liddell Says
PRISCILLA MADELYN LIDDELL, on behalf of herself and all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. CITADEL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT GROUP,
INC., Defendant, Case No. 23-009118-CI (Fla. Cir. Ct. 6th Jud.
Cir., Pinellas Cty., November 15, 2023) is a class action against
the Defendant for violations of Florida Statutes and Florida's
Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.

The case arises from the Defendant's alleged uniform and systematic
practice of routinely charging and collecting more than the $299
statutory cap on Estoppel Certificate Fees when no delinquent
amounts are owed and the Estoppel Certificate was requested on a
standard basis. Thus, the Plaintiff brings this suit seeking
disgorgement of all amounts collected by Citadel from her and
members of the putative Class.

Citadel Property Management Group, Inc. is a community management
company, with its principal place of business in Tarpon Springs,
Florida. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Jeffrey L. Newsome, Esq.
         Janet R. Varnell, Esq.
         Brian W. Warwick, Esq.
         Pamela G. Levinson, Esq.
         Christopher J. Brochu, Esq.
         VARNELL & WARWICK, P.A.
         400 N. Ashley Drive, Suite 1900
         Tampa, FL 33602
         Telephone: (352) 753-8600
         Facsimile: (352) 504-3301
         E-mail: jnewsome@vandwlaw.com

                 - and -

         Paul M. Messina, Jr., Esq.
         2550 Permit Place
         New Port Richey, FL 34655
         Telephone: (813) 492-7798
         E-mail: paul@messinalawgroup.com

CITIBANK NA: Denies Armenians' Credit Card Applications, Suit Says
MARINE GRIGORIAN, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. CITIBANK, N.A., Defendant, Case No.
2:23-cv-09519 (C.D. Cal., November 10, 2023) alleges violations of
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

The Plaintiff alleges that from a period from 2015 to the date of
class certification, Citi had implemented a system-wide policy that
applied extra scrutiny and denied certain credit card applications
and canceling of active credit cards of those suspected having
Armenian national origin or had a name denoting one having Armenian

The alleged discriminatory practice was implemented by Citi's
employees searching for the "ian" or "yan" contained at the end of
the last name, especially if the resident address of the applicant
or card holder was located at or near Glendale, CA. Citi employed
this discriminatory policy in a perverse effort to try to reduce
its risk of credit fraud, by effectively labeling those of Armenian
heritage as credit risks or "Armenian bad guys," says the suit.

Citibank, N.A. is a national bank with its principal place of
business located in New York, NY, with branches and operations all
throughout the United States, including California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ara Jabagchourian, Esq.
          1650 S. Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 216
          San Mateo, CA 94402
          Telephone: (650) 437-6840
          Facsimile: (650) 403-0909
          E-mail: ara@arajlaw.com

CITY LIGHTS INC: Mercedes Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against City Lights, Inc. The
case is styled as Luis Mercedes, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. City Lights, Inc., Case No.
1:23-cv-09910 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

City Lights, Inc. -- https://www.citylightsusa.com/ -- was founded
by Peter Bruno in 1984 and has since become a leading provider of
lighting products in Arizona.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          PeterPaul Elhamy Shaker, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          1 University Plaza, Ste. 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Phone: (201) 282-6500
          Email: pshaker@steinsakslegal.com

CLASSIC RESIDENCE: Faces Givony Class Action Lawsuit In N.D. Ill.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Classic Residence
Management Limited Partnership. The case is captioned as Givony et
al. v. Classic Residence Management Limited Partnership, Case No.
1:23-cv-14888 (N.D. Ill., Oct. 13, 2023).

The suit alleges Diversity-Property Damage related violations
demanding $9.9M in damages.

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Virginia M. Kendall.

Classic Residence was founded in 2000. The company's line of
business includes operating public hotels and motels.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Mason A Barney, Esq.
          745 5the Avenue, Suite 500
          New York, NY 10151
          Telephone: (212) 532-1091
          E-mail: mbarney@sirillp.com

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY: Fails to Pay Timely Wages, Blake Suit Claims
ROBERT BLAKE, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Defendant, Case No. 655701/2023 (N.Y. Sup.
Ct., November 16, 2023) is a class action against the Defendant for
failure to pay timely wages in violation of the New York Labor

The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a porter during 2022
at Columbia University in New York.

Columbia University is a private university in New York, New York.

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Rachel Edelsberg, Esq.
         DAPEER LAW, P.A.
         3331 Sunset Avenue
         Ocean, NJ 07712
         Telephone: (917) 456-9603
         Email: rachel@dapeer.com

CONCRETE VALUE: Faces Torres Class Action Sit in Calif. State Court
A class action lawsuit has been filed against CONCRETE VALUE CORP,
A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, et al. The case is captioned as TORRES,
Case No. 23CV009885 (Cal. Super., Oct. 12, 2023).

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Lauri A. Damrell

Concrete Value is one of the nation's largest concrete

CONSOLIDATED SMART: Asencio Sues over Debt Collection Practices
VICTOR ASENCIO, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
SMARTAIRA, Defendant, Case No. CACE-23-021153 (Fla. Cir., Broward
Cty., Nov. 14, 2023) seeks to stop the Defendant's unfair and
unconscionable means to collect a debt.

and internet services company. The Company provides seamless,
community-wide connectivity with symmetrical speeds, enterprise
security, and unlimited data, as well as specializes in
entertainment solutions for property owners and managers. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jibrael S. Hindi, Esq.
          Jennifer G. Simil, Esq.
          Zane C. Hedaya, Esq.
          110 SE 6th Street, Suite 1744  
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301  
          Telephone: (954) 907-1136
          Email: jibrael@jibraellaw.com  

COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL: Newman Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts
The case styled as Rhonda Newman, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. Corebridge Financial, Inc., Ricky
Allen Newman, Patrick A. Barthle, Morgan & Morgan, PA, Ryan D.
Maxey, Maxey Law Firm, PA, Case No. 4:23-cv-02967 was transferred
from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, to
the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts on Nov.
3, 2023.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:23-cv-12649-ADB to the

The nature of suit is stated as Other Statutory Actions.

Corebridge Financial -- https://www.corebridgefinancial.com/ -- is
an American multinational financial services company.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Patrick A. Barthle, II, Esq.
          John A. Yanchunis, Esq.
          201 N. Franklin Street, 7th Floor
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Phone: (813) 223-5505
          Email: pbarthle@forthepeople.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Kevin M. McGinty, Esq.
          Katharine K. Foote, Esq.
          One Financial Center, 42nd Flr.
          Boston, MA 02111
          Phone: (617) 542-6000
          Fax: (617) 542-2241
          Email: kmcginty@mintz.com

               - and -

          David T. McDowell, Esq.
          Jason Anthony Richardson, Esq.
          Louise Blanche Root, Esq.
          1001 Fannin St., Ste. 2400
          Houston, TX 77002-6707
          Phone: (713) 337-5580
          Fax: (713) 337-8850
          Email: david.mcdowell@mhllp.com

               - and -

          James J. Pastore, Jr., Esq.
          Kristin D. Kiehn, Esq.
          66 Hudson Boulevard
          New York, NY 10001
          Phone: (212) 909-6000
          Email: jjpastore@debevoise.com

COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL: Sweeney Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts
The case styled as John W. Sweeney, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Corebridge Financial, Inc.,
American International Group Inc., Argon Holdco LLC, McDowell
Hetherington LLP, Debvoise & Plimpton, Case No. 4:23-cv-03010 was
transferred from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of Texas, to the U.S. District Court for the District of
Massachusetts on Nov. 3, 2023.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:23-cv-12656-ADB to the

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract for Breach of

Corebridge Financial -- https://www.corebridgefinancial.com/ -- is
an American multinational financial services company.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Andrew John Shamis, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE, PA
          14 NE 1st Ave., Ste. 1205
          Miami, FL 33132
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Fax: (786) 623-0915
          Email: ashamis@sflinjuryattorneys.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          James J. Pastore, Jr., Esq.
          Kristin D. Kiehn, Esq.
          66 Hudson Boulevard
          New York, NY 10001
          Phone: (212) 909-6000
          Email: jjpastore@debevoise.com

               - and -

          David T. McDowell, Esq.
          Jason Anthony Richardson, Esq.
          Louise Blanche Root, Esq.
          1001 Fannin St., Ste. 2400
          Houston, TX 77002-6707
          Phone: (713) 337-5580
          Fax: (713) 337-8850
          Email: david.mcdowell@mhllp.com

CRAFT SUPPLY: Durantas Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Craft Supply, Corp.
The case is styled as Hakan Durantas, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. Craft Supply, Corp., Case No.
1:23-cv-08272 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Craft Supply -- https://thecraftsupply.com/ -- is a diverse
wholesale distributor of hardware and fitting systems, plumbing

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          14749 71st Ave.
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

DAIRY WAGON: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Alvarez Alleges
JUAN ALVAREZ, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. THE DAIRY WAGON INC.; ANDREAS KARABELAS; and
LYKOS GERASIMOU, Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-08462 (E.D.N.Y., Nov.
14, 2023) is an action against the Defendant for failure to pay
minimum wages, overtime compensation, provide meals and rest
periods, and provide accurate wage statements.

Plaintiff Alvarez was employed by the Defendants as a delivery

THE DAIRY WAGON INC. sells milk and dairy products. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Lina Stillman, Esq.
          STILLMAN LEGAL, P.C.
          42 Broadway, 12t Floor
          New York, NY 10004
          Telephone: (212) 203-2417

DEMERLE HOEGER: Mattson Consumer Credit Suit Removed D. Mass.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Demerle Hoeger LLP.
The case is captioned as Mattson v. Demerle Hoeger LLP, Case No.
2384cv01795 (Oct. 9, 2023), was removed from Suffolk Superior
Court, to the United States District Court District of
Massachusetts (Boston).

The District of Massachusetts Court Clerk assigned Case No.
1:23-cv-12321-MJJ to the proceedings. The case is assigned to the
Hon. Judge Myong J. Joun.

The suit alleges consumer credit related violations.

Demerle provides mortgage default services, residential and
commercial real estate, and landlord-tenant law.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Matthew A. McKenna, Esq.
          Nicola S. Yousif, Esq.
          SHIELD LAW, LLC
          157 Belmont Street
          Brockton, MA 02301
          Telephone: (401) 742-8687
          E-mail: matt@shieldlaw.com

Defendant Demerle Hoeger LLP is represented by:

          David A. Grossbaum, Esq.
          Anthony S. Aprea, Esq.
          53 State Street, 27th Floor
          Boston, MA 02109
          Telephone: (617) 213-7003
          E-mail: dgrossbaum@hinshawlaw.com

DOLLAR BANK: Stewart-Gower Files Suit in W.D. Pennsylvania
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Dollar Bank, FSB. The
case is styled as Anna Stewart-Gower, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. Dollar Bank, FSB doing business as:
Dollar Bank, Case No. 2:23-cv-01925-CB (W.D. Pa., Nov. 7, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract.

Dollar Bank -- https://dollar.bank/ -- is a full-service regional
savings bank serving both individuals and business customers,
operating more than 90 offices throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Maryland, and Virginia.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Larry Bendesky, Esq.
          1650 Market Street
          One Liberty Place, 52nd Floor
          Philadelphia, PA 19103-7301
          Phone: (215) 496-8282
          Email: lbendesky@smbb.com

DUPONT DE NEMOURS: City of LaGrange to Opt Out of PFAS Class Suit
Tommy Murphy at lagrangenews.com reports that the City of LaGrange
is planning to opt out of an ongoing class-action lawsuit against
Dupont and 3M related to trace chemicals in the water. As
previously reported, LaGrange is among 11 water systems in Georgia
out of 52 tested that were found to be positive for per- and
polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The chemicals are commonly
called "forever chemicals" for their ability to resist breaking
down in the body and environment and potentially have negative
health effects at high concentrations. Although the water in
LaGrange did test positive for the potentially harmful chemicals,
it did so in extremely trace amounts, around 4 parts per trillion.
City staff compared the concentration to a drop in 20 Olympic-sized
swimming pools, saying LaGrange's water is safe.

PFASs are used in a wide range of products, including non-stick
cookware, which has led 3M, Dupont and others to attempt to settle
class action claims against the companies accusing them of
contaminating water supplies. The proposed settlements are
reportedly worth more than $11 billion, according to Reuters.
Because of the extreme costs expected to filter the chemicals from
the water supply to undetermined EPA-acceptable levels, many cities
and other water systems have objected to the settlement. City
Attorney Jeff Todd explained during the LaGrange City Council
meeting that there is an ongoing class-action lawsuit against
DuPont and 3M on behalf of water systems in the United States,
seeking to recover costs that may be required to treat water to
what will ultimately be determined to be an acceptable level of
PFAS chemicals in drinking water.

"While the city's initial tests have shown they are within the
expected EPA tolerance, there's not enough information currently to
estimate what costs might be needed might be incurred down the
road," Todd said. Due to this, city staff recommended authorizing
the city manager to opt out of the DuPont-3M class action suit,
which would reserve the city's right to take independent action in
the future if deemed necessary. The council unanimously approved
the recommendation. [GN]

E&P FINANCIAL: Settles Class Suit Over Dixon Advisory for $16-MM
Laura Dew of Money Management reports that a statement from Shine
Lawyers said it has agreed to a settlement payment of no less than
$16 million, inclusive of legal costs in full, in the final
settlement of the claims of the lead applicant and group members.

The settlement is without admission of liability and subject to
approval by the Federal Court.

The action related to advice given to Dixon clients to invest in
the US Masters Residential Fund, which Shine Lawyers alleges was
inappropriate advice, failed to address conflicts of interest and
were not in the clients' best interests.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) has estimated
consumer losses stand at $357 million from the failure.

Although the class action has settled, group members retain their
right to bring a separate claim against Dixon regarding the
compensation scheme of last resort.

The announcement follows comments made by Senator Andrew Bragg on
15 November questioning why the company is unable to pay its
regulatory fine. Dixon was penalised by ASIC for $7.2 million, and
the regulator has since stated it does not expect this fine will be
paid as Dixon is in voluntary administration.

He said: "There's been no criminal prosecution, no civil process
other than a small fine which won't be paid, but the further fly in
the ointment is that Dixon Advisory has phoenixed itself into Evans
& Partners."

According to its latest financial results for the FY2022–23, E&P
has net revenue of $167.1 million and 7,400 clients with $23.4
billion in funds under advice.

"This doesn't sound like the Evans & Partners business and Dixon
Advisory business is short of cash but yet they can't pay their
regulatory fine," he said.

As a result of the voluntary administration, Bragg said it is now
down to the taxpayer to compensate the affected consumers and he
questioned why this had applied to Dixon Advisory when it had not
done so to other firms.

The firm had been identified in the government's budget as likely
to increase the liabilities of the Australian government under the

Bragg said: "A profitable ongoing business cannot find any ability
to pay its fine and who's left with the bucket? The taxpayers. The
taxpayer will now have to fork out and provide reparations for
people who have lost their money and who have not been

"Why has Dixon been singled out? Of all the dreadful financial
scandals going back to Storm Financial, none have been bailed out
and there have been so many consumers wronged by an industry that
has put itself ahead of its own clients and a weak pathetic
regulator that has not enforced the law."

"The question is, why has Dixon been singled out? We need to know
why, and I will be pursuing this." [GN]

EISAI INC: McNeill Files Suit in D. New Jersey
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Eisai, Inc. The case
is styled as Joseph McNeill, individually, and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Eisai, Inc., Case No.
2:23-cv-21857-MEF-JSA (M.D. Fla., Nov. 3, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I for Breach of Contract.

Eisai Co., Ltd. -- https://www.eisai.com/index.html -- is a
Japanese pharmaceutical company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gary S. Graifman, Esq.
          135 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 200
          Montvale, NJ 07645
          Phone: (201) 391-7000
          Fax: (201) 307-1086
          Email: ggraifman@kgglaw.com

ELI LILLY: Local 1 Sues Over Artificially High Insulin Drug Prices
Local No. 1 Health Fund, and Plan of Benefits for the Local No. 1
Health Fund, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk Inc., and
Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, CaremarkPCS Health, LLC d/b/a CVS
Caremark, Caremark LLC, Caremark Rx LLC, Express Scripts, Inc.,
Medco Health
Solutions, Inc., ESI Mail Pharmacy Services, Inc., Express Scripts
Pharmacy, Inc., and OptumRx, Inc., Case No. 2:23-cv-21160-BRM-RLS
(D.N.J., Oct. 13, 2023) is a class action lawsuit regarding
Defendants' fraudulent and unlawful scheme to artificially inflate
the prices of insulin drugs NovoLog, Humalog, Lantus and Levemir in
the United States.

Local 1 brings this class action to recover for the injuries caused
by the Defendants' unlawful practices in connection with the
marketing, pricing, sale, and distribution of the long-acting
analog insulins, Lantus(TM) and Levemir(TM), and the rapid-acting
analog insulins, NovoLog(TM) and Humalog(TM) that began in 2009 and
have continued to the present date:

  -- First, in violation of Section 2(c) of the Robinson-Patman
     Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 13(c), the PBM Defendants solicited and

     the Manufacturer Defendants paid bribes and kickbacks not for

     services rendered, but to induce the PBM Defendants to include

     the Insulin Drugs on health benefit providers' "formularies."

  -- Second, the Defendants operated and/or conspired to operate
     one or more enterprises that secured the sale of the Insulin
     Drugs at artificially inflated prices through a pattern of
     racketeering activity that affected interstate commerce as
     defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 1961(1) in violation of the
     provisions of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
     Organization Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 1962(c), (d).

From January 1, 2009, to the present, the Manufacturer Defendants
sold, shipped, and paid kickbacks in connection with the Insulin
Drugs, the PBM Defendants received kickbacks in connection with
such sales, and the PBM Defendants sold and shipped Insulin Drugs
via their mail-order pharmacies, in a continuous and uninterrupted
flow of interstate commerce which included sales of the Insulin
Drugs in this District and throughout the United States and
kickbacks from the proceeds of such sales.

The Defendants' unlawful conduct has resulted in competitive injury
to Local 1 and Class members by unduly restraining, hindering,
suppressing, and/or eliminating competition in the sale of
commodities in interstate commerce.

As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants' unlawful
actions, Local 1 suffered substantial economic losses in the form
of overcharges for the Insulin Drugs.

Local 1 and Class members are entitled to recover treble damages
and costs of suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees, pursuant
to Section 4(a) of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 15(a).

Plaintiff Local No. 1 Health Fund is a multi-employer plan whose
stated purpose is to provide health benefits to eligible members
and their dependents.

Eli Lilly manufactures and sells Humalog.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Matthew F. Gately, Esq.
          Peter S. Pearlman, Esq.
          Park 80 West Plaza One
          250 Pehle Avenue, Suite 401
          Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
          Telephone: (201) 845-9600
          E-mail: psp@njlawfirm.com

                - and -

          Dianne M. Nast, Esq.
          Michael Tarringer, Esq.
          Michele S. Burkholder, Esq.
          NASTLAW LLC
          1101 Market Street, Suite 2801
          Philadelphia, PA 19107
          Telephone: (215) 923-9300
          E-mail: dnast@nastlaw.com

                - and -

          Michael L. Roberts, Esq.
          Karen Halbert, Esq.
          Erich P. Schork, Esq.
          ROBERTS LAW FIRM, P.A.
          20 Rahling Circle
          Little Rock, AR 72223
          Telephone: (501) 821-5575
          E-mail: mikeroberts@robertslawfirm.us

                - and -

          Don Barrett, Esq.
          David McMullan, Esq.
          Richard R. Barrett, Esq.
          404 Court Square North
          Lexington, MS 39095-0927
          Telephone: (662) 834-2488
          E-mail: dbarrett@barrettlawgroup.com

                - and -

          William E. Hoese, Esq.
          KOHN, SWIFT & GRAF, P.C.
          1600 Market Street, Suite 2500
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Telephone: (215) 238-1700
          E-mail: whoese@kohnswift.com

                - and -

          Michael D. Fishbein, Esq.
          1706 Rittenhouse Square, No. 1201
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Telephone: (267) 861-0304
          E-mail: mfishbein1706@comcast.net

                - and -

          Charles Barrett, Esq.
          Blind Akrawi, Esq.
          Ben Aaron, Esq.
          NEAL & HARWELL, PLC
          1201 Demonbreun Street, Suite 1000
          Nashville, TN 37203
          Telephone: (615) 244-1713
          E-mail: cbarrett@nealharwell.com

                - and -

          Joseph M. Vanek, Esq.
          Paul E. Slater, Esq.
          55 West Monroe, Suite 3200
          Chicago, IL 60603
          Telephone: (312) 641-3200
          E-mail: jvanek@sperling-law.com

ENSURE HEALTH: Reil Files TCPA Suit in M.D. Tennessee
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Ensure Health Group
Corp. The case is styled as Robert Reil, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. Ensure Health Group Corp., Case
No. 3:23-cv-01167 (M.D. Tenn., Nov. 6, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

Ensure Health Group -- https://ehgcorp.com/ -- is a customer
relationship focused team dedicated to identifying the best
insurance partner for your specific needs.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Anthony I. Paronich, Esq.
          PARONICH LAW, P.C.
          350 Lincoln St., Suite 2400
          Hingham, MA 02043
          Phone: (615) 485-0018
          Email: anthony@paronichlaw.com

               - and -

          Scott Alan Lanzon, Esq.
          550 W Main Street, Suite 550
          Knoxville, TN 37902
          Phone: (865) 212-0955
          Fax: (865) 212-0956
          Email: scott.lanzon@gmail.com

EQUIFAX INFO: Faces Wray FCRA Class Suit in E.D. Virginia
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Equifax Information
Services, LLC. The case is captioned as Wray v. Equifax Information
Services, LLC, Case No. 4:23-cv-00125-RAJ-DEM (E.D. Va., Oct. 11,

The suit alleges violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
involving consumer credit and is assigned to the Hon. Judge Raymond
A. Jackson.

Equifax is a global provider of information solutions and human
resources business process outsourcing services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Craig Carley Marchiando, Esq.
          Leonard Anthony Bennett, Esq.
          Mark Clifton Leffler, Esq.
          763 J Clyde Morris Boulevard, Suite 1A
          Newport News, VA 23601
          Telephone: (757) 930-3660
          Facsimile: (757) 930-3662
          E-mail: craig@clalegal.com

Defendant Equifax Information Services, LLC is represented by:

          Noah Patrick Sullivan, Esq.
          GENTRY LOCKE
          919 E. Main Street, Suite 1130
          Richmond, VA 23219
          Telephone: (804) 956-2069
          E-mail: nsullivan@gentrylocke.com

ERGO EXPERTS LLC: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Ergo Experts, LLC.
The case is styled as Lynn Zelvin, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. Ergo Experts, LLC, Case No.
1:23-cv-09805 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 6, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Ergo Experts, LLC -- https://www.ergoexperts.com/ -- are a leading
distributor of ergonomic computer furniture and accessories.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          10826 64th Avenue, Ste. 2nd Floor
          Forest Hills, NY 11375
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

EXCELL COMMUNICATIONS: Darden Files FLSA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Excell
Communications, Inc. The case is styled as Quincey Darden, on
behalf of himself and all other persons similarly situated v.
Excell Communications, Inc., Case No. 0:23-cv-08268 (E.D.N.Y., Nov.
7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Fair Labor
Standards Act.

Excel Communications, Inc. -- https://excellcommunications.com/ --
was a multi-level marketing telecommunications company that was, at
one point, America's fifth largest long-distance carrier after
AT&T, MCI, Sprint, and Worldcom.[BN]

The Plaintiff appears pro se.

FIFTH THIRD BANK: Faces Hunter Suit Over Improperly Charged OD Fees
Christy Hunter and Feon Smith-Branch, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, v. Fifth Third Bank, National
Association, Case No. 1:23-cv-00644-TSB (S.D. Ohio, Oct. 5, 2023)
involves Defendant's improper assessment and collection of
overdraft fees on debit card transactions authorized on sufficient
funds and violation of Regulation E of the Electronic Fund Transfer
Act, 12 C.F.R. Section 1005.17.

The Plaintiffs allege that because the Defendant provided
inaccurate and untruthful overdraft information to the Plaintiffs
and the Classes regarding the overdraft practice, the Defendant was
not authorized to assess OD Fees to consumers for debit card and
non-recurring debit card charges. However, the Defendant did charge
its customers OD fees ($25) for ATM and debit card charges. Through
the imposition of these fees, the Defendant made substantial
revenue to the tune of millions of dollars, seeking to turn its
customers' financial struggles into revenue. Unfortunately, the
Plaintiffs, like thousands of others, have fallen victim to the
Defendant's fee revenue maximization schemes, the lawsuit claims.

The practice also breaches the Defendant's duty of good faith and
fair dealing, unjustly enriches the Defendant to the detriment of
its customers, and violates OH Rev. Code section 1301.304, the
Plaintiffs add.

The proposed Classes are defined as:

The APSN Class:

      All Defendant checking accountholders who, during the
      applicable statute of limitations, were checking account
      holders of the Defendant and were assessed an overdraft fee
      on a debit card transaction that was authorized on sufficient

      funds and settled on negative funds in the same amount for
      which the debit card transaction was authorized (the "APSN

The Regulation E Class:

      All US residents who have or have had accounts with Defendant

      who were opted into the overdraft program for ATM and non-
      recurring debit card transactions through the use of an opt-
      in agreement which provided inaccurate or misleading
      information on Defendant’s overdraft program in violation
      Regulation E, and were assessed overdraft charges resulting
      from ATM and/or non-recurring debit card transactions since
      August 15, 2010 (the "Regulation E Class").

Excluded from the Classes are Defendant, its parents, subsidiaries,
affiliates, officers, directors, legal representatives, successors,
and assigns; any entity in which has a controlling interest; all
customers members who make a timely election to be excluded;
governmental entities; and all judges assigned to hear any aspect
of this litigation, as well as their immediate family members.

Plaintiff Christy Hunter is a Georgia citizen and has maintained a
checking account with the Defendant.

Fifth Third is an American bank holding company headquartered in
Cincinnati, Ohio.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Ashlie Case Sletvold, Esq.
          Brandon M. Wise, Esq.
          6370 Som Center Rd., Suite 108
          Cleveland, OH 44139
          Telephone: (216) 589-9280
          E-mail: asletvold@peifferwolf.com

                - and -

          Christopher D. Jennings, Esq.
          Tyler B. Ewigleben, Esq.
          Winston S. Hudson, Esq.
          JOHNSON FIRM
          610 President Clinton Avenue, Suite 300
          Little Rock, AR 72201
          Telephone: (501) 372-1300
          E-mail: chris@yourattorney.com

FIRST COMMEMORATIVE: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against First Commemorative
Mint, Inc. The case is styled as Lynn Zelvin, on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated v. First Commemorative Mint,
Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-09808 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 6, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

First Commemorative Mint -- https://www.fcmint.com/ -- is America's
trusted seller and the coin collector's source for Mint Coins,
Commemorative Coin, Presidential Coins, U S Quarters and more.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          10826 64th Avenue, Ste. 2nd Floor
          Forest Hills, NY 11375
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

FIRST SOLAR: PGERS Suit Over Solar Panel Dismissed
First Solar, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that on
July 14, 2023, the Clerk of Court entered judgment in favor of the
company with regards to a January 2022 putative class action
pending in the United States District Court for the District of
Arizona against the company and certain of our its officers.

Plaintiffs did not file an appeal and the judgment in favor of the
defendants is now final.

Said lawsuit titled "City of Pontiac General Employees' Retirement
System v. First Solar, Inc., et al.," Case No. 2:22-cv-00036-MTL,
was filed in behalf of a purported class consisting of all
purchasers of First Solar common stock between February 22, 2019
and February 20, 2020, inclusive. The complaint asserts violations
of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and Rule 10b-5 based on allegedly false and misleading statements
related to the company's "Series 6" solar modules and its project
development business. It seeks unspecified damages and an award of
costs and expenses.

On April 25, 2022, the Arizona District Court issued an order
appointing the Palm Harbor Special Fire Control & Rescue District
Firefighters' Pension Plan and the Greater Pennsylvania Carpenters'
Pension Fund as Lead Plaintiffs. On June 23, 2022, lead plaintiffs
filed an amended complaint that brought the same claims and sought
the same relief as the original complaint.

On January 10, 2023, the court granted the putative class action
defendants' motion to dismiss in full, with leave to amend by
February 10, 2023. On February 10, 2023, lead plaintiffs filed a
second amended complaint. Defendants filed a motion to dismiss it
February 24, 2023 and lead plaintiffs filed their opposition to the
motion to dismiss on March 10, 2023 and defendants filed a reply in
support of their motion to dismiss on March 17, 2023.

On June 23, 2023, the court granted the defendants' motion to
dismiss with prejudice

First Solar, Inc. is a manufacturer of solar panels, and a provider
of utility-scale PV power plants and supporting services that
include finance, construction, maintenance and end-of-life panel
recycling. It is based in Tempe, Arizona.

FIT FOODS: Court Narrows Claims in Scheibe Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JACOB SCHEIBE,
individually and on behalf of all those similarly situated, v. FIT
FOODS DISTRIBUTION, INC. dba Mutant, a Canadian corporation, Case
No. 3:23-cv-00220-JLS-AHG (S.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Janis L.
Sammartino entered an order granting in part and denying in part
the Defendant's motion to dismiss:

  -- The Court dismisses all claims to the extent they are premised
     the ingredient list theory.

  -- The Court further dismisses all claims for injunctive relief
     lack of standing and all claims for equitable monetary relief
     failure to plead the inadequacy of legal remedies.

  -- As a result, the Court dismisses Plaintiff's UCL, FAL, and
     enrichment claims in their entirety. The Court denies the
     remainder of Defendant's Motion.

  -- The Court grants Plaintiff leave to amend with respect to all

     claims to the extent that Plaintiff can cure the above-noted
     deficiencies. To that end, Plaintiff may file an amended
     complaint within 21 days of the electronic filing date of this


The cases Defendant cites—Pels and Vavak v. Abbott Lab'ys, Inc.,
No. SACV101995JVSRZX, 2011 WL 13130493 (C.D. Cal. Mar. 7, 2011) --
are distinguishable. In both cases, the district courts dismissed
the plaintiffs' complaints for failure to allege that the product
the plaintiffs purchased contained an alleged defect.

On August 16, 2022, Plaintiff purchased the blue raspberry flavor
of Mutant GEAAR essential amino acid powder -- a dietary supplement
created and sold by Defendant—on Amazon.com for $28.00.

The Plaintiff claims he carefully reviewed the Product's label to
ensure the Product did not contain artificial flavors and

According to Plaintiff, testing by an independent third-party
laboratory has confirmed that all flavors of the Product contain a
certain type of malic acid called "DL malic acid."

The Plaintiff asserts that "while there is a naturally occurring
form of malic acid," DL malic acid is a "synthetic substance
derived from petrochemicals."

Consequently, the Defendant's claims that the Product is devoid of
synthetic and artificial flavors are misleading -- at least, in
Plaintiff's view.

The Plaintiff contends that he "would not have purchased the
Product from Defendant if the truth about the Product was known, or
would have only been willing to pay a substantially reduced price
for the Product had he known that Defendant's representations were
false and misleading."

Fit Foods is a manufacturer and distributor of sport nutrition and
healthy lifestyle products.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47wW14d at no extra charge.[CC]

FIVESTORY NEW YORK: Melendez Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Fivestory New York,
LLC. The case is styled as Rhondine Melendez, on behalf of herself
and all others similarly situated v. Fivestory New York, LLC, Case
No. 1:23-cv-08351 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Fivestory New York, LLC -- https://fivestoryny.com/ -- is a apparel
& accessories from emerging designers, plus decor items, in a
luxurious townhouse setting.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          PeterPaul Elhamy Shaker, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          1 University Plaza, Ste. 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Phone: (201) 282-6500
          Email: pshaker@steinsakslegal.com

FLAGLER COLLEGE: Bishop Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Flagler College, Inc.
The case is styled as Cedric Bishop, on behalf of himself and all
other persons similarly situated v. Flagler College, Inc., Case No.
1:23-cv-09858 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Flagler College -- https://www.flagler.edu/ -- is a private liberal
arts college in St. Augustine, Florida.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael A. LaBollita, Esq.
          150 E. 18 St., Suite PHR
          New York, NY 10003
          Phone: (212) 228-9795
          Fax: (212) 982-6284
          Email: michael@gottlieb.legal

FMC CORPORATION: Heeg Sues Over Securities Law Violations
THOMAS J. HEEG, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. FMC CORPORATION, MARK A. DOUGLAS, and ANDREW
D. SANDIFER, Defendants, Case No. 2:23-cv-04398 (E.D. Pa., November
9, 2023) asserts claims against the Defendants for violations of
Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and
78t(a) and Rule 10b-5 of the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Plaintiff Heeg brings this class action on behalf of the class of
persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired FMC
common stock between November 2, 2022 and October 20, 2023.
Throughout 2023, FMC repeatedly offered investors optimistic
projections, predicated, in part, on the Company's progress in key
markets overseas, only to reverse that guidance and revise
projections downward, in some cases just weeks later.

Throughout the class period, the Defendants made materially false
and/or misleading statements, as well as failed to disclose
material adverse facts about the Company's business, operations,
and prospects. Specifically, the Defendants failed to disclose to
investors that: (1) the diminishment of patent protection for FMC's
flagship products following legal defeats in key markets including
India, China, and Brazil had opened the door to increased
competition from generics; (2) the Company repeatedly mislead
investors about the status of such proceedings and falsely claimed
that it did not and would not face generic competition in key
markets until 2026 at the earliest, says the suit.

Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, FMC is an agricultural sciences
company and chemical manufacturer specializing in the production of
patented crop protection products. The company describes its
business as advancing farming through innovative and sustainable
crop protection technologies. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael Dell'Angelo, Esq.
          Andrew Abramowitz, Esq.
          James Maro, Esq.
          1818 Market Street, Suite 3600
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Telephone: (215) 875-3000
          E-mail: mdellangelo@bm.net

                  - and -

          Jeffrey C. Block, Esq.
          260 Franklin Street, Suite 1860
          Boston, MA 02110
          Telephone: (617) 398-5600
          E-mail: jeff@blockleviton.com

FOCAL POINT: Durantas Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Focal Point Plumbing
& Hardware, Inc. The case is styled as Hakan Durantas, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated v. Focal Point Plumbing &
Hardware, Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-08274 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Focal Point Plumbing & Hardware, Inc. --
https://focalpointhardware.com/ -- is an enduring showroom
featuring a selection of upscale kitchen & bathroom hardware, home
decor & more.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          14749 71st Ave.
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

FORD MOTOR: Jackson Sues Over Structurally-Compromised Intake Valve
REGGIE JACKSON, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Case No. 2:23-cv-12563-TGB-DRG
(E.D. Mich., Oct. 10, 2023) sues Ford for its sale and lease of
Class Vehicles that suffer from a structural defect in their
valvetrains that makes the vehicles susceptible to catastrophic
engine failure, exposing occupants to great risk of bodily harm.

The Class Vehicles are certain Ford vehicles equipped with 2.7L or
3.0L "EcoBoost" engines containing intake valves made out of
"Silchrome Lite." Vehicles equipped with such engines include: the
Ford Bronco (model year 2022); the Ford F-150 (model year
2021-2022); the Ford Edge (model year 2021-2022); the Lincoln
Nautilus (model year 2021-2022); the Ford Explorer (model year
2021-2022); and the Lincoln Aviator (model year 2021-2022).

Accordingly, "Silchrome Lite" is a material that becomes
excessively hard and brittle if exposed to over-temperatures during
the machining of the component. These structurally-compromised
intake valves cannot withstand the pressures placed upon them and
risk fracturing (the "Valvetrain Defect").  When this occurs, the
consequence can be sudden, catastrophic engine failure and a loss
of motive power. In the aftermath of such an event, the only repair
available is a full engine replacement, the lawsuit claims.

If the Valvetrain Defect causes catastrophic engine failure during
high-velocity driving, this poses a high risk of injury not just to
the driver of the vehicle, and any passengers, but also to those in
the immediate surrounding area who have to contend with a speeding
hunk of metal whose driver has lost control, the lawsuit asserts.

In March 2022, aggrieved consumers penned a series of letters
petitioning National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
to launch a defect investigation into Ford for problems stemming
from the 2.7L EcoBoost engine. Each purchaser or lessee of the
Class Vehicle unwittingly paid for a vehicle with an undisclosed
and significant safety defect. Each of these purchasers and lessees
were damaged in that they paid more for their Class Vehicles than
they would have paid had they known about the Valvetrain Defect or
in that they would not have purchased or leased their Class
Vehicles at all had they been informed of the defect, added the

Mr. Jackson owns a 2022 Ford Bronco Wildtrak equipped with a 2.7L
EcoBoost engine. According to his vehicle's VIN number, it was
manufactured before October 2021.

Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automobile

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          E. Powell Miller, Esq.
          Dennis A. Lienhardt, Esq.
          950 West University Drive, Suite 300
          Rochester, MI 48307
          Telephone: (248) 841-2200
          E-mail: epm@millerlawpc.com

                - and -

          Adam J. Levitt, Esq.
          John E. Tangren, Esq.
          Daniel R. Ferri, Esq.
          Ten North Dearborn Street, Sixth Floor
          Chicago, IL 60602
          Telephone: (312) 214-7900
          E-mail: alevitt@dicellolevitt.com

                - and -

          Anthony J. Garcia, Esq.
          AG LAW, P.A.
          3602 West Euclid Avenue
          Tampa, FL 33629
          Telephone: (813) 259-9555
          E-mail: anthony@aglawinc.com

FORMULA ONE: Fans File Suit Over Being Forced to Exit Grand Prix
Mark Anderson at Associated Press reports that Formula One fans
upset at being forced to the leave the Las Vegas Grand Prix venue
before the start of the second practice session filed a
class-action lawsuit.

Las Vegas-based Dimopoulos Law Firm and co-counsel JK Legal &
Consulting filed the lawsuit against the Las Vegas Grand Prix and
its owner, Liberty Media, in Nevada state court seeking at least
$30,000 in damages.

Those who bought tickets to race's opening night saw just nine
minutes of action before Carlos Sainz Jr. ran over a water valve
cover and damaged his Ferrari. Race officials inspected the course,
which resulted in a 2 1/2-hour delay for the second session. They
also extended the practice session from an hour to 90 minutes.

Race officials have since offered a $200 discount at the official
gift shop, but only for those who held single-night tickets. The
majority of fans have three-day passes.

F1 President Stefano Domenicali and Renee Wilm, CEO of the Las
Vegas Grand Prix, issued a statement saying they closed the track
to spectators for safety and legal reasons.

"We have all been to events, like concerts, games and even other
Formula 1 races, that have been canceled because of factors like
weather or technical issues," the statement read. "It happens, and
we hope people will understand."[GN]

FOUQUET TRADING: Zelvin Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Fouquet Trading, LLC.
The case is styled as Lynn Zelvin, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. Fouquet Trading, LLC, Case No.
1:23-cv-09812 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 6, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Fouquet Trading, LLC doing business as Nick Fouquet --
https://www.nickfouquet.com/ -- offers custom made hats in Venice,

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          10826 64th Avenue, Ste. 2nd Floor
          Forest Hills, NY 11375
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

G-STAR RAW ESTORE: Amendola Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against G-Star Raw Estore,
Inc. The case is styled as Alexis Amendola, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. G-Star Raw Estore, Inc.,
Case No. 0:23-cv-62121-XXXX (S.D. Fla., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act.

G-Star RAW (commonly called G-Star) -- https://www.g-star.com/ --
is a Dutch designer clothing company, founded by Jos van Tilburg in
Amsterdam in 1989.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew John Shamis, Esq.
          Garrett O. Berg, Esq.
          Scott Adam Edelsberg, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE, PA
          14 NE 1st Ave., Ste. 1205
          Miami, FL 33132
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Fax: (786) 623-0915
          Email: ashamis@sflinjuryattorneys.com

GALVESTON COLLEGE: Love Files Suit in S.D. Texas
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Galveston College.
The case is styled as Racheal Love, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Galveston College, Case No.
3:23-cv-00367 (S.D. Tex., Nov. 6, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract for Breach of

Galveston College -- https://www.gc.edu/ -- is a public community
college in Galveston, Texas.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joe Kendall, Esq.
          3811 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 1450
          Dallas, TX 75219
          Phone: (214) 744-3000
          Fax: (214) 744-3015
          Email: jkendall@kendalllawgroup.com

GATOS SILVER: Maharaj Sues Over Board's Misleading Statements
DR. DAMIEN D. MAHARAJ,  Derivatively on behalf of GATOS SILVER,
Nominal Defendant, Case No. 1:23-cv-02977 (D. Colo., November 9,
2023) alleges violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

The shareholder derivative action is brought on behalf of Gatos
against certain officers and members of the Company's Board for
breaches of their fiduciary duties between at least March 29, 2021
and January 25, 2022 and violations of the federal securities laws
caused by the issuance of materially false and misleading
statements in connection with, among other things, the Company's
initial public offering. These statements have exposed the Company
to massive class-wide liability as well as the expenditure of
substantial defense costs in connection with the securities class
action, captioned Bilinsky v. Gatos Silver, Inc., et al, Case No.
1:22-cv-00453 (D. Colo. Feb. 22, 2022).

Gatos is a mining company that primarily focuses on the production
of silver and zinc. The Company's primary operations involve the
exploration and development of the Cerro Los Gatos mine in
Chihuahua, Mexico, in collaboration with Dowa Metals and Mining
Co., Ltd. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Karen Cody-Hopkins, Esq.
          4610 S. Ulster Street, #150
          Denver, CO 80237
          Telephone: (303) 221-4666
          Facsimile: (303) 221-4374
          E-mail: karen@codyhopkinslaw.com

                  - and -

          Seth Rigrodsky, Esq.
          Gina M. Serra, Esq.
          Timothy MacFall, Esq.
          Samir Aougab, Esq.
          RIGRODSKY LAW, P.A.
          825 East Gate Boulevard, Suite 300
          Garden City, NY 11530
          Telephone: (516) 683-3516
          E-mail: gms@rl-legal.com

GEORGETOWN CORNER: Fails to Pay Proper OT Wages, Dupuis and Fox Say
LARONDA DUPUIS and SHARON HEATHER FOX, on behalf of themselves and
all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. GEORGETOWN CORNER
TAVERN, LLC; and MICHAEL RABB, individually, Defendants, Case No.
2:23-cv-05739-DCN (D.S.C., November 9, 2023) seeks all available
relief under Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the South
Carolina Payment of Wages Act.

Plaintiff Dupuis was employed by Georgetown Corner Tavern from
approximately July 25, 2022 to October 17, 2023 as a bartender and
Fox worked from approximately August 22, 2022 to October 2023 as a
server. Allegedly, Plaintiffs were required to remit the tips they
have received to the Defendants, who failed to comply the notice
requirements of the FLSA and shared tips to the other employees who
do not customarily and regularly receive tips. Among other things,
Plaintiffs also did not receive proper overtime compensation for
all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek, says the suit.

Georgetown Corner Tavern, LLC operates a restaurant in Georgetown
County, South Carolina. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

         Bruce E. Miller, Esq., Esq.
         BRUCE E. MILLER, P.A.
         147 Wappoo Creek Drive, Suite 603
         Charleston, SC 29412
         Telephone: (843) 579-7373
         Facsimile: (843) 614-6417
         E-mail: bmiller@brucemillerlaw.com

GLOBAL ATLANTIC: Guzman Suit Moved From S.D.N.Y. to D. Mass.
The case styled MARCELINA GUZMAN, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. THE GLOBAL ATLANTIC FINANCIAL GROUP
LLC, Case No. 1:23-cv-08150, was transferred from the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York to the U.S. District
Court for the District of Massachusetts on November 14, 2023.

The Clerk of Court for the District of Massachusetts assigned Case
No. 1:23-cv-12762-ADB to the proceeding.

The nature of the suit is stated as 360 Torts - Personal Injury -
Other Personal Injury.

The Global Atlantic Financial Group LLC is a retirement and life
insurance company headquartered in New York, New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                                   
         Daniel Srourian, Esq.
         3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1710
         Los Angeles, CA 90010
         Telephone: (213) 474-3800
         E-mail: daniel@slfla.com

                 - and -

         Jared Ross Cooper, Esq.
         ROBINSON & YABLON, P.C.
         232 Madison Avenue, Suite 1200
         New York, NY 10016
         Telephone: (212) 725-8566
         Facsimile: (212) 725-8567
         E-mail: jcooper@ryinjury.com

GLOBAL ATLANTIC: Hendrix Contract Suit Transferred to D. Mass.
The case styled EUDOICE HENDRIX, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. GLOBAL ATLANTIC FINANCIAL COMPANY, et
al., Case No. 1:23-cv-08058, was transferred from the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York to the U.S. District
Court for the District of Massachusetts on November 14, 2023.

The Clerk of Court for the District of Massachusetts assigned Case
No. 1:23-cv-12765-ADB to the proceeding.

The nature of the suit is stated as 190 Contract - Other Contract.

Global Atlantic Financial Company is an insurance company
headquartered in New York, New York.

Accordia Life and Annuity Company is an insurance company
headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa.

Commonwealth Annuity and Life Insurance Company is an insurance
company headquartered in Brighton, Massachusetts.

First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company is an insurance
company headquartered in Brighton, Massachusetts.

Forethought Life Insurance Company is an insurance company
headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                                   
         Patrick A. Barthle, II, Esq.
         201 N. Franklin Street, 7th Floor
         Tampa, FL 33602
         Telephone: (813) 223-5505
         E-mail: pbarthle@forthepeople.com

                 - and -

         Jonathan M. Sedgh, Esq.
         MORGAN & MORGAN
         350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 6705
         New York, NY 10118
         Telephone: (212) 225-6747
         E-mail: jsedgh@forthepeople.com

GOLDMAN FINANCIAL: Rivera Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Goldman Financial.
The case is styled as Christy Rivera, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. Goldman Financial, Case No.
0:23-cv-62120-WPD (S.D. Fla., Nov. 7, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

Major Goldman Sachs offices The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. --
https://www.goldmansachs.com/ -- is an American multinational
investment bank and financial services company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq.
          Steven Saul, Esq.
          7450 Griffin Road, Suite 230
          Davie, FL 33314
          Phone: (954) 889-3359
          Fax: (954) 889-5913
          Email: jeggnatz@justiceearned.com

GPD HOLDINGS: Braman Files Suit in N.D. Illinois
A class action lawsuit has been filed against GPD Holdings, LLC.
The case is styled as David Braman, individually, and on behalf of
all other similarly situated v. GPD Holdings, LLC d/b/a CoinFlip,
GPD Holdings, LLC d/b/a CoinFlip, Case No. 1:23-cv-15656 (N.D.
Ill., Nov. 3, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Personal Property.

GPD Holdings LLC doing business as CoinFlip --
https://coinflip.tech/en-US -- is a FINCEN-registered Money Service
Business that currently operates 415 Bitcoin terminals across 31

The Plaintiff appears pro se.

GREAT AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION: Ruiz Sues Over Unpaid Compensations
Oscar Ruiz, on behalf of himself and current and former aggrieved
1 to 100, inclusive, Case No. 23STCV27007 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los
Angeles Cty., Nov. 2, 2023), is brought against the Defendants'
violation of the Labor Code based on Defendants' failure to pay
proper minimum and overtime compensations.

The Defendants' violated the Labor Code based on Defendants'
failure to pay wages for all hours worked at minimum wage and all
overtime hours worked at the overtime rate of pay; failure to
authorize or permit all legally required and/or compliant meal
periods or pay meal period premium wages; failure to authorize or
permit all legally required and/or compliant rest periods or pay
rest period premium wages; failure to timely pay earned wages
during employment, failure to produce requested employment records
failure to provide complete and accurate wage statements, says the

The Plaintiff was employed by Defendants in an hourly position.

business within the State of California and is doing business in
the State of California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joseph Lavi, Esq.
          Vincent C. Granberry, Esq
          Elizabeth Harrier, Esq.
          8889 W Olympic Blvd., Ste. 200
          Beverly Hills, CA 90211
          Phone: 310-432-0000
          Fax: 310-432-0001
          Email: jlavi@lelawfirm.com

GREAT EXPRESSIONS: Fails to Secure Personal Info, Doe Suit Alleges
JOHN DOE, a minor, through his guardian, JENNIFER LACASE, Plaintiff
v. GREAT EXPRESSIONS, LLC, Case No. 183534739 (Fla. Cir., Oct. 9,
2023) sues the Defendant for its failure to properly secure and
safeguard personally identifiable and financial information and
protected health information of the Plaintiff and the Class

The compromised information includes Social Security numbers,
medical information, treatment plans, health insurance information,
names, dates of birth, home addresses, phone numbers, Social
Security numbers, and email addresses.

On February 22, 2023, an intruder gained entry to Defendant's
database, accessed the Plaintiff's and the Class members' PHI and
PHI, and exfiltrated information from the Defendant's systems.

Accordingly, the Defendant did not notify Plaintiff and the Class
members of the incident until September 29, 2023. Until notified of
the Data Breach Incident, the Plaintiff and Class Members had no
idea their PHI and PHI had been stolen, and that they were, and
continue to be, at significant risk of identity theft and various
other forms of personal, social, and financial harm. The risk will
remain for their respective lifetimes, the Plaintiff asserts.

The Plaintiff and Class members have allegedly suffered actual and
imminent injuries as a direct result of the Data Breach, including
theft of their PHI and PHI; costs associated with the detection and
prevention of identity theft; costs associated with time spent and
the loss of productivity from taking time to address and attempt to
ameliorate, mitigate, and deal with the consequences of the Data
Breach Incident; invasion of privacy; and the emotional distress,
stress, nuisance, and annoyance of responding to, and resulting
from, the Data Breach Incident.

Plaintiff John Doe brings this suit by and through his mother and
legal guardian, who was a resident and a citizen of the Miami-Dade
County, Florida.

Great Expressions offer a wide range of dental services for our
adult and pediatric patients.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Manuel S. Hiraldo, Esq.
          HIRALDO P.A.
          401 E. Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1400
          Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
          E-mail: mhiraldo@hiraldolaw.com
          Telephone: (954) 400-4713

                - and -

          Jibrael S. Hindi, Esq.
          110 SE 6th Street, Suite 1744
          Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

GREAT LAKES SERVICES: Carlton Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Great Lakes Services,
LLC, et al. The case is styled as Johanna Carlton, an inidividual,
on behalf of herself and all other similarly situated v. Great
Lakes Services, LLC, Great Wolf Resorts Holdings, Inc., Case No.
STK-CV-UOE-2023-0011655 (Cal. Super. Ct., San Joaquin Cty., Nov. 6,

The case type is stated as "Unlimited Civil Other Employment."

Great Lakes Services, LLC -- https://greatlakesservicesllc.com/ --
is a professional carpet cleaning, restoration service, auto
detailing, power washing & more.[BN]

H&M HENNES: Sally Sues Over Consumer Products' False Green Tags
RANDALL SALLY, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. H&M HENNES & MAURITZ LP, Defendant, Case No.
4:23-cv-01451-SEP (E.D. Mo., November 15, 2023) is a class action
against the Defendant for violation of Missouri's Merchandising
Practices Act, breach of warranty, breach of implied warranty of
merchantability, unjust enrichment, negligent misrepresentation,
and fraud.

According to the complaint, the Defendant is engaged in false,
deceptive, and misleading advertising, labeling, and marketing of a
variety of personal, family, or household clothing products. The
Defendant labeled with a green hangtag that claims that they are
made with recycled and/or organic materials, when, in fact, they
are made with virgin synthetic, conventionally grown, and/or
non-organic materials. As a result, the Plaintiff and the Class
Members paid a premium for the Defendant's products. They would not
have purchased the products if they had known that they were not
made with any recycled and/or organic materials, says the suit.

H&M Hennes & Mauritz LP is a multinational clothing company, with
its principal place of business in Secaucus, New Jersey. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Daniel J. Orlowsky, Esq.
         7777 Bonhomme Ave., Suite 1910
         St. Louis, MO 63105
         Telephone: (314) 725-5151
         Facsimile: (314) 455-7375
         E-mail: dan@orlowskylaw.com

                 - and -

         Adam M. Goffstein, Esq.
         7777 Bonhomme Ave., Suite 1910
         St. Louis, MO 63105
         Telephone: (314) 725-5151
         Facsimile: (314) 455-7278
         E-mail: adam@goffsteinlaw.com

HANKINS & SOHN: Files Motion to Dismiss Suit Over Cyberattack
C.C. McCandless at fox5vegas.com reports that a Las Vegas plastic
surgery practice facing a class-action lawsuit after it suffered a
cyberattack that resulted in private patient information, including
photos, reportedly being leaked online has filed a motion asking
for the suit to be dismissed.

Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates filed the motion in
federal court on November 14, alleging that plaintiffs failed to
state a claim upon which relief could be granted. The 24-page
filing alleged that the plaintiffs have "failed to meet the legal
requirements for class certification" and added that "the practice
was not negligent in that it implemented reasonable security
measures to safeguard Plaintiff's personal identifiable

Las Vegas plastic surgery practice sued after cyber hack, leak of
patient photos and data
The filing acknowledged that the practice was a victim of a
criminal cyberattack in February "like so many companies and
entities before it." The defendants noted that, "Immediately upon
discovering the cyberattack, the Practice worked quickly and
decisively to disable the impacted accounts, reset passwords, and
thoroughly investigate the issue." The filing added that the FBI
also became involved in the investigation.

"Plaintiffs did not bring this class action due to the fact that
each of the purported class members experienced any damages. In
fact, many of the persons whom Plaintiffs claim are class members
have not suffered damages."

The filing added that the plaintiffs have "failed to plead any
facts to demonstrate damages or injuries to other class members."

The motion continued that the Ninth Circuit recently affirmed the
dismissal of a data breach class action lawsuit with facts "nearly
identical" to this matter, noting that the court held that "the
mere misappropriation of personal information does not establish
compensable damages."

The defendants also called the plaintiff's assertion of negligence

"First, the Practice implemented reasonable computer security
measures when it hired an IT professional to install and maintain
enhanced safety and security measures within its computer systems,"
the filing said. "Second, because the Practice had implemented
reasonable security measures within its computer system, the data
breach was not foreseeable and, obviously, the Practice had no
prior notice that a criminal cyberattack would occur at their

The motion said that the negligence claim should be dismissed for
failure to state a claim, and it alleged that the plaintiffs have
"failed to sufficiently allege cognizable damages." It also said
that an unjust enrichment claim "fails as a matter of law," as do
multiple other claims made in the complaint.

Dr. Warren Tracy Hankins, president of the practice, filed a
declaration in support of the motion to dismiss, noting that the
business hired an IT specialist to implement and maintain "enhanced
safety and security measures" more than one year before the breach.
His filing reiterated that the cyberattack "occurred unexpectedly
and without prior notice despite the enhanced computer security
measures in place throughout the Practice's computer system." [GN]

HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC: Burnes Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case captioned as Nova Burnes; Maui Concierge Aesthetics, LLC;
Lisa Gorman-Cabingas; Michael Cabingas; Lani Chadli, individually
and as Trustee of the Aotaki Family Irrevocable Trust; Kathryn
Llamas; and Barrett Procell, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. dba
and DOE DEFENDANTS 1-10, Case No. 2CCV-23-0000224 was removed from
the Circuit Court of the Second Circuit, State of Hawai'i, to the
United States District Court for the District of Hawai'i, on Nov.
6, 2023, and assigned Case No. 1:23-cv-00452.

The Plaintiffs' putative class consists of "all individuals and
businesses that, as of August 8, 2023, owned or resided on real
property in Lahaina, Ka`anapali, Honokowai, Kahana, Napili, and
Kapalua ('West Maui') and suffered real property, personal
property, and/or business losses from the Lahaina Fire." The Second
Amended Complaint asserts ten counts on behalf of the named
plaintiffs and the putative class members: Count I: Negligence
against all Defendants; Count II: Negligence Per Se against HECO
Defendants; Count III: Gross Negligence against HECO Defendants and
Bishop Estate; Count IV: Private Nuisance against HECO Defendants
and Bishop Estate; Count V: Public Nuisance against HECO Defendants
and Bishop Estate; Count VI: Trespass against HECO Defendants and
Bishop Estate; Count VII: Negligent Interference with Prospective
Economic Advantage against HECO Defendants and Bishop Estate; Count
VIII: Strict Liability against HECO Defendants; Count IX: Inverse
Condemnation against HECO Defendants; and Count X: Injunctive
Relief against HECO Defendants.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Paul Alston, Esq.
          Nickolas A. Kacprowski, Esq.
          Nathan P. Shimodoi, Esq.
          DENTONS US LLP
          1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1800
          Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813-3689
          Phone: (808) 524-1800
          Facsimile: (808) 524-4591
          Email: paul.alston@dentons.com

HERTZ CORPORATION: Benson Files Suit in M.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against The Hertz
Corporation. The case is styled as Coriana Benson, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. The Hertz Corporation,
Hertz Vehicles, LLC, Dollar Rent A Car, Inc., Thrifty Rent-A-Car
System LLC, Case No. 2:23-cv-00992-JES-NPM (M.D. Fla., Nov. 3,

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I for Personal Injury.

The Hertz Corporation -- https://www.hertz.com/ -- is an American
car rental company based in Estero, Florida.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Blake G Abbott, Esq.
          32 Ann St
          Charleston, SC 29403
          Phone: (843) 614-8888
          Email: blake@akimlawfirm.com

               - and -

          Jonathan M. Streisfeld, Esq.
          One West Las Olas Blvd Ste 500
          Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Phone: (954) 525-4100
          Fax: (954) 525-4300
          Email: streisfeld@kolawyers.com

               - and -

          Kristen Lake Cardoso, Esq.
          One West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Phone: (954) 990-2218
          Email: cardoso@kolawyers.com

               - and -

          Paul J. Doolittle, Esq.
          P.O. Box 1137
          Charleston, SC 29402
          Phone: (803) 720-9000

               - and -

          Jeffrey M. Ostrow, Esq.
          One West Las Olas Blvd Ste 500
          Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Phone: (954) 525-4100 Ext 215
          Fax: (954) 525-4300
          Email: ostrow@kolawyers.com

HILB GROUP: Fails to Secure Customers' Private Info, Hafiez Alleges
MULHAM HAFIEZ, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
Defendant, Case No. 3:23-cv-00760 (E.D. Va., November 10, 2023)
arises out of the recent targeted cyberattack and data breach on
Defendant's network that resulted in unauthorized access to highly
sensitive data, asserting claims against the Defendant for
negligence, negligence per se, and unjust enrichment.

The Plaintiff brings this class action lawsuit to address
Defendant's inadequate safeguarding of his and Class Members'
private information that Defendant collected and maintained, and
for Defendant's failure to provide timely and adequate notice to
Plaintiff and other Class Members that their private information
had been subject to the unauthorized access of an unknown,
unauthorized party.

Based in Richmond, VA, The Hilb Group is an insurance agency with
over 125 branches that offer insurance and other products and
services to its clients and/or customers. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Lee A. Floyd, Esq.
         Sarah G. Sauble, Esq.
         2100 East Cary Street, Suite 310
         Richmond, VA 23223
         Telephone: (804) 351-9040
         Facsimile: (804) 351-9170
         E-mail: Lee@bbtrial.com

                 - and -
         David K. Lietz, Esq.
         5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW
         Washington, DC 20015-2052
         Telephone: (866) 252-0878
         Facsimile: (202) 686-2877
         E-mail: dlietz@milberg.com

HILB GROUP: Greene Sues Over Data Breach of Private Information
BENNY GREENE, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
Defendant, Case No. 3:23-cv-00761 (E.D. Va., November 12, 2023)
seeks to hold the Defendant responsible for the harms it caused and
will continue to cause Plaintiff and at least 81,539 other
similarly situated persons in the massive and preventable
cyberattack that occurred between December 1, 2022 and January 12,

While the data breach began December 1, 2022, the Defendant did not
begin informing victims of the data breach until November 2, 2023,
over 11 months later. The Plaintiff brings this class action on
behalf of all persons whose private information was compromised due
to Defendant's failure to adequately protect Plaintiff's and Class
Members' private information. Accordingly, Plaintiff seeks redress
for the Defendant's unlawful conduct and asserts claims on behalf
of the class for negligence, breach of implied contract, unjust
enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duty.

The Hilb Group is a national independent insurance brokerage and
advisory firm headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. The company
provides services related to property and casualty, employee
benefits, and retirement services. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Lee A. Floyd, Esq.
          Sarah G. Sauble, Esq.
          2100 East Cary Street, Suite 310
          Richmond, VA 23223
          Telephone: (804) 351-9040
          Facsimile: (804) 351-9170
          E-mail: Lee@bbtrial.com

                  - and -

          Terence R. Coates, Esq.
          Justin C. Walker, Esq.
          119 East Court Street, Suite 530
          Cincinnati, OH 45202
          Telephone: (513) 651-3700
          Facsimile: (513) 665-0219
          E-mail: tcoates@msdlegal.com

HOME DEPOT: Fails to Disclose Salary Range in Its Job Postings
DESTINEE MOLIGA, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC., a Delaware corporation; HOME
DEPOT MANAGMENT COMPANY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company;
HOME DEPOT STORE SUPPORT, INC., a Delaware corporation; and DOES
1-20, Case No. 23-2-19486-1 SEA (Wash. Super., Oct. 10, 2023) is a
class action on behalf of individuals who applied to job openings
with the Defendants where the job postings did not include the wage
scale or salary range, and a general description of all of the
benefits and other compensation to be offered in direct violation
of Washington Revised Code 49.58.110.

From January 1, 2023 to the present, the Plaintiff and more than 40
Class members applied to job openings with the Defendants for
positions located in Washington state where the postings did not
disclose the wage scale or salary range.

On February 28, 2023, the Plaintiff applied for a job opening in
Washington state with the Defendants.

The Plaintiff and the Class members lost valuable time applying for
jobs with the Defendants for which the wage scale or salary range
was not disclosed to them. As a result of the Plaintiff's and Class
members' inability to evaluate the pay for the position, negotiate
that pay, and compare that pay to other available positions in the
marketplace, the Plaintiff and the Class members were harmed, says
the suit.

Plaintiff Destinee Moliga is a resident of King County, Washington,
and applied to work at the Defendants' Home Depot store located at
1145 W Washington St, Sequim, Clallam County, Washington 98382.

Home Depot is an American multinational home improvement retail
corporation that sells tools, construction products, appliances,
and services, including fuel and transportation rentals.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 442-9106
          Facsimile: (206) 441-9711
          E-mail: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

IBM CORP: Faces Suit Over Pension Plan
International Business Machines Corporation disclosed in its Form
10-Q report for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023,
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31,
2023, that it is currently facing a putative class action lawsuit
was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern
District of New York on June 2, 2022, alleging that the IBM Pension
Plan miscalculated certain joint and survivor annuity pension
benefits by using outdated actuarial tables in violation of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. IBM, the Plan
Administrator Committee, and the IBM Pension Plan are named as

International Business Machines Corporation is a technology company
based in New York.

ILLUMINA INC: Kangas Sues Over Artificially Inflated Securities
LESLIE KANGAS, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. ILLUMINA, INC., FRANCIS A. DESOUZA, and JOHN
THOMPSON, Defendant, Case No. 3:23-cv-02082-LL-MMP (S.D. Cal.,
November 10, 2023) asserts claims against the the Defendants under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Plaintiff Kangas brings the class action against the Defendants on
behalf of persons and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired
Illumina securities between May 1, 2023 and October 16, 2023,
inclusive. Throughout the said period, the Defendants failed to
disclose to investors: (1) that certain of the Company's insiders
had personal financial motives for acquiring GRAIL; (2) that,
contrary to Illumina's attempts to discount Carl Icahn's criticism,
Icahn had accurately concluded that insiders' interests did not
align with the Company's best interests; and (3) that, as a result
of the foregoing, Defendants' positive statements about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects were materially
misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis. These material
misstatements and/or omissions had the cause and effect of creating
in the market an unrealistically positive assessment of the Company
and its financial well-being and prospects, thus causing the
Company’s securities to be overvalued and artificially inflated,
says the suit.

Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Illumina is a genetic and genomic
analysis company with a portfolio of integrated sequencing and
microarray systems, consumables, and analysis tools designed to
accelerate and simplify genetic analysis. In 2015, Illumina formed
GRAIL, Inc. as a corporate subsidiary to develop a blood-based
cancer detection test. Its common stock trades on the NASDAQ
exchange under the symbol "ILMN." [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Robert V. Prongay, Esq.
          Charles Linehan, Esq.
          Pavithra Rajesh, Esq.
          1925 Century Park East, Suite 2100
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: (310) 201-9150
          Facsimile: (310) 201-9160
          E-mail: rprongay@glancylaw.com

                  - and -

          Lesley Portnoy, Esq.
          1800 Century Park East, Suite 600
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: 310-692-8883
          E-mail: lesley@portnoylaw.com

INSPIRIT DEVELOPMENT: Fails to Pay Subcontractors' Funds, GMF Says
GMF 157 LP, on behalf of itself and on behalf of all others
(IDC), and ALEX R. CHIESI, Case No. 654907/2023 (N.Y. Sup., Oct. 5,
2023) arises out of a series of transactions and events that led to
GMF paying IDC for work performed by IDC's subcontractors.

The suit alleges that IDC did not pay subcontractors with the funds
advanced by GMF, and GMF then having to pay those subcontractors
again. GMF and IDC entered into a contract whereby IDC would manage
and perform renovations of the Premises. The monies paid by GMF to
IDC were trust funds, pursuant to the Lien Law of the State of New
York. IDC did not properly apply, and diverted, those trust funds,
causing GMF to have to make duplicate payments, says the suit.

The Contract called for IDC to bill GMF, and for GMF to pay IDC, on
a "cost-plus" basis, meaning that IDC would pass along to GMF the
costs of various subcontractors engaged by IDC to perform the Work,
plus a mark-up for IDC's fee, general conditions, overhead,
insurance, etc. IDC submitted invoices to GMF, which purported to
set forth costs incurred, and amounts paid, to subcontractors by
IDC. The funds paid by GMF and received by IDC for the Project
constituted trust funds pursuant to Article 3-A of the Lien Law of
the State of New York. IDC was required to keep all such funds in
trust for the benefit of those providing work, labor, materials and
services to the Project. IDC was also required to keep records of
all such trust funds, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3-A of
the Lien law of the State of New York, the suit asserts.

GMF was damaged by such diversions in an amount to be determined at
trial, but not less than the sum of $907,402.81, plus interest from
March 1, 2020. IDC and Chiesi are liable to GMF on account of such
diversions in an amount to be determined at trial, but not less
than the sum of $907,402.81, plus interest from March 1, 2020, plus
attorney's fees, punitive damages, and such other and further
relief as the Court may deem just and proper.

GMF is the owner of a condominium unit located at 157 W57th Street,
Unit 64AB, New York.

Inspirit is a non-union Construction Management and General
Contracting firm.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Alexander Ferrini, Esq.
          1325 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY 10019
          Telephone: (212) 451-2300

JACOBS SOLUTIONS: Atkinson Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
The case captioned as Jacob Atkinson, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. JACOBS SOLUTIONS INC., a Delaware
corporation; and JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC., a Delaware
corporation; and DOES 1-50, Case No. 23-2-18734-2 SEA was removed
from the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County
of King, to the United States District Court for the Western
District of Washington on Nov. 6, 2023, and assigned Case No.

The Plaintiff's Jacob Atkinson's claims against Defendants are all
premised on his allegation that Defendants published job postings
that "did not include the wage scale or salary range to be offered
to the hired applicant in violation of RCW. More specifically,
Plaintiff Jacob Atkinson alleges that "on or about March 1, 2023,
Plaintiff applied for a job opening at Defendants' Silverdale,
Kitsap County, Washington facility." The Plaintiff Jacob Atkinson
further alleges that "the posting for the job opening did not
disclose the wage scale or salary range to be offered to the hired

The Defendants are represented by:

          Peter H. Nohle, Esq.
          JACKSON LEWIS P.C.
          520 Pike Street, Suite 2300
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Phone: (206) 405-6436
          Email: Peter.Nohle@jacksonlewis.com

JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Etten Sues Over False Ads of Oral Decongestants
ROBERT ETTEN, on behalf of themselves and all other similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER, INC., AND THE
PROCTOR & GAMBLE CO., Defendants, Case No. 0:23-cv-03471-JWB-DTS
(D. Minn., November 9, 2023) asserts claims against the Defendants
for unjust enrichment and for violations of the Minnesota Deceptive
Trade Practices Act, the Minnesota Consumer Fraud Act, and the
Minnesota Unlawful Trade Practices Act.

The class action arises from the Defendants' practice of not
disclosing the lack of efficacy of their oral decongestant products
prior to Plaintiff's purchase. These products, which include
Sudafed PE, Vicks NyQuil Severe, and Vicks DayQuil Severe, contain
phenylephrine and are reportedly not effective remedies for
congestion and/or cold symptoms as advertised by the Defendants,
says the suit.

Headquartered in New Jersey, Johnson & Johnson manufactures,
markets and sells various oral over-the-counter pharmaceutical
products that include phenylephrine through the Vicks brand of
products. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Daniel E. Gustafson, Esq.
         Amanda M. Williams, Esq.
         Bailey Twyman-Metzger, Esq.
         Canadian Pacific Plaza
         120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2600
         Minneapolis, MN 55402
         Telephone: (612) 333-8844
         E-mail: dgustafson@gustafsongluek.com

JOHNSON & JOHNSON: Faces Isom Fraud Class Suit in W.D. Mo.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Inc. et al. The case is captioned as Isom v. Johnson &
Johnson Consumer Inc. et al., Case No. 2:23-cv-04200-BCW (W.D. Mo.,
Oct. 12, 2023).

The suit alleges violation of the Fraud related violations
demanding $5M in damages. The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge
Brian C. Wimes.

Johnson & Johnson offers a large range of consumer healthcare

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Aaron W. Smith, Esq.
          Ethan Charles Duckworth, Esq.
          A. W. SMITH LAW FIRM PC
          2100 West Broadway
          Columbia, MO 65203
          Telephone: (573) 777-3333
          Facsimile: (573) 443-7301
          E-mail: aw@awsmithlaw.com

                - and -

          Kelly Wallis, Esq.
          1103 E. Walnut St.
          Columbia, MO 65201
          Telephone: (573) 443-2889
          Facsimile: (573) 443-3889
          E-mail: kelly@awsmithlaw.com

JOSEPH CAMMARATA: Convicted of Tax Evasion in N.J. Class Suit
justice.gov reports that United States Attorney Jacqueline C.
Romero announced that Joseph Cammarata, 49, of Monmouth Beach, New
Jersey was found guilty on November 15, 2023, on five counts of tax
evasion following a two-week trial in the District of New Jersey
before U.S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan.

According to documents filed in this case and the evidence at

Cammarata and two conspirators, David Punturieri and Erik Cohen,
were the principals of Alpha Plus Recovery, a claims aggregator
firm based in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Punturieri and Cohen
previously pleaded guilty to tax evasion, fraud, and money
laundering charges.

Cammarata, Punturieri, and Cohen used Alpha Plus Recovery to make
false and fraudulent claims on the proceeds of securities fraud
class action settlements and SEC enforcement actions. They falsely
claimed that corporate clients of Alpha Plus Recovery had purchased
shares of securities that were the subject of the lawsuits and
enforcement actions. In reality, the supposed clients, which were
entities actually controlled by the defendants, had not purchased
the subject securities and were not entitled to any recovery from
the settlements or enforcement actions. To substantiate their false
claims, the defendants created fraudulent brokerage and other
financial documents to provide to claims administrators. Cammarata
and his partners then transferred the fraudulently obtained funds
into accounts that they controlled, stealing more than $39 million
from 2015 to 2019.

Cammarata's share of the illegally obtained fraud proceeds amounted
to more than $18 million. Cammarata failed to declare or pay taxes
on income of $1.72 million in 2015; $2.56 million in 2016; $4.82
million in 2017; $3.56 million in 2018; and $3.35 million in 2019.
Cammarata hid this income, which he received through corporate
entities, from his accountant in order to conceal these sums from
the IRS.

"Last year, a jury in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found
that Cammarata and his partners engaged in a multi-year fraud in
order to steal over $40 million," said U.S. Attorney Romero.
"Cammarata then concealed more than $16 million of his proceeds of
that fraud from the IRS. The verdict in the New Jersey case makes
clear that those who hide income gained by fraud will face the same
consequences as those who try to evade their tax obligations from
legal sources of income. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the
investigators and prosecutors on this case, this defendant has been
brought to justice for the full scale of his criminal conduct."

"This defendant has now been convicted by two separate juries of
serious crimes," U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger said. "First, he
was convicted by a jury in Philadelphia federal court for his role
in a scheme to defraud investors out of millions of dollars. Now, a
Trenton jury has convicted him of hiding from the IRS the more than
$16 million he pocketed as he tried to avoid paying his fair share
of taxes. Cammarata will now be held to account for his crimes at

"Year after year, Joseph Cammarata and his partners stole millions
from legitimate victim investors entitled to class action
settlement funds and hid the illegal proceeds from the IRS," said
Richard Langham, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's
Philadelphia Division. "Cammarata used the funds to support his
lavish lifestyle, including the use of private jets, the purchase
of expensive homes, luxury cars, and yachts, and even the
maintenance of a private island in The Bahamas. As investigators
closed in, Cammarata doubled down on his lies in order to
perpetuate the fraud and evade taxes. What Cammarata didn't know
was that Special Agents from the FBI and Postal Inspectors were
methodically building a case based on his emails and on phone calls
where he and his business partners conspired to lie to claims
administrators and the IRS. The FBI is proud to have assisted the
IRS in bringing Cammarata to justice."

"IRS Criminal Investigation special agents are specially equipped
to follow the complex financial trail left by criminals, and we are
dedicated to holding those accountable for crimes committed," said
Tammy Tomlins, Special Agent in Charge of the IRS Newark Field
Office. "Mr. Cammarata and his partners stole millions from his
victims. IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agents are committed to
working with our law enforcement partners to hold account
fraudsters like the defendant."

"A jury in New Jersey found Joseph Cammarata guilty of defrauding
thousands of investors of settlement proceeds and hiding his
illegal income from the IRS," said Christopher Nielsen, the
Inspector in Charge of the Philadelphia Division of the Postal
Inspection Service. "Since 2014, Mr. Cammarata and his
co-conspirators used the United States Mail to submit thousands of
fraudulent claims to civil security fraud settlement funds,
depriving actual harmed investors of money that they should have
received. They collected over $43 million in fraudulent payments
and failed to report their newfound income to the IRS. From 2015 to
2019, Mr. Cammarata collected over $18 million in the scheme and
falsified his tax returns each year to hide his illegal income and
his involvement in the scheme. I want to thank the agents from the
FBI and the IRS who worked alongside Inspectors from my office in
Philadelphia to uncover this scheme. I would also like to thank the
Assistant United States Attorneys who supported the investigation
and saw the prosecution through."

Each count of tax evasion is punishable by up to five years in
prison. Sentencing has not yet been scheduled.

Cammarata was previously convicted in the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania (EDPA) of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and mail
fraud, wire fraud, money laundering conspiracy, and money
laundering in connection with this scheme. On June 6, 2023, the
Honorable Chad F. Kenney sentenced Cammarata to 10 years in prison
on those charges. Because Cammarata filed his taxes from New
Jersey, the tax evasion case was brought in the District of New
Jersey and prosecuted by EDPA Assistant United States Attorneys
David J. Ignall and Paul G. Shapiro, who also tried the earlier

The case was investigated by the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal
Investigation Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
United States Postal Inspection Service, and the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission, with trial support from the
U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey. [GN]

KONINKLIJKE LUCHTVAART: Faces Environmental Sustainability Suit
Corrado Rizzi of ClassAction.org reports that a proposed class
action alleges certain claims from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
regarding environmental sustainability and "fly[ing] responsibly"
are bunk given that the airline bases the statements on outdated
carbon emissions targets.

According to the 21-page complaint, Netherlands-based KLM Royal
Dutch Airlines touts to consumers its commitment to "fly
responsibly," that it recognizes the need to stem global warming,
and that the airline has "committed to the targets defined in the
Paris Climate Agreement." Though the airline markets its commitment
to sustainability, the lawsuit contends that its Climate Action
Plan projections are based on a scenario that is "inconsistent with
the Paris Agreement to prevent world temperature rising above 1.5
degrees Celsius."

As the suit tells it, KLM Royal Dutch, on the contrary, contributes
to a trajectory in which there exists a high probability that
global warming will surpass 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050.

"The targets KLM is using to try and limit its carbon emissions are
outdated, and using this as a goal is insufficient to curb
dangerous global warming," the lawsuit summarizes. "Though KLM
attempts to specify its environmental initiatives with facts and
figures, the result is consumers being misled."

The allegedly misleading sustainability statements from KLM include
purported reductions in CO2 emissions, the amount of water saved by
the airline, and the use of sustainable biofuels, the filing

Further, the suit claims KLM Royal Dutch's descriptions of its
CO2ZERO carbon offsetting program—whereby the airline allows
fliers to buy carbon credits to, in theory, help contribute to the
reduction or removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by
planting and growing trees—are misleading. The filing alleges the
airline "has not used competent and reliable scientific and
accounting methods to properly quantify" the touted emissions
reductions from its use of carbon offsets.

"No credible evidence exists that purchasing carbon credits is
equivalent to negating the environmental effects of flying," the
lawsuit states.

The lawsuit ultimately claims KLM Royal Dutch flights cost more
than on other airlines, and more than similar flights, due to the
airline's "false and misleading representations and omissions about
its environmental initiatives."

The case looks to cover all consumers in Michigan who bought
flights on KLM Royal Dutch or via KLM through its codeshare
partners, including Delta, in reliance on the airline's
environmental claims during the applicable statute of limitations
period. [GN]

KRAFT HEINZ: Galbreth Sues Over Deceptive Product's Labeling
KAMILAH GALBRETH, individually, and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. THE KRAFT HEINZ COMPANY,
Defendant, Case No. 23CV050693 (Cal. Super., Alameda Cty., November
9, 2023) arises from the Defendant's deceptive packaging, labeling,
and advertising scheme of its Kraft Mac & Cheese products,
asserting claims against the Defendant for breach of express
warranty and for violations of the Consumers Legal Remedies Act and
the California's Unfair Competition Law.

The packaging prominently displays on the front of the label the
claim that the said products contain "No Artificial Flavors,
Preservatives, or Dyes." However, such statement is false because
these products are made with citric acid--a well known preservative
used in food products, says the suit.

Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, Kraft Heinz is engaged in food and
beverage manufacturing. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael T. Houchin, Esq
          CROSNER LEGAL, P.C.
          9440 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 301
          Beverly Hills, CA 90210
          Telephone: (866) 276-7637
          Facsimile: (310) 510-6429
          E-mail: mhouchin@crosnerlegal.com

LAZIZA DELI: Sosa Suit Seeks Unpaid Wages for Restaurant Cooks
GUADALUPE SOSA, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-08488 (E.D.N.Y., November 15, 2023) is
a class action against the Defendants for violations of the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the New York Labor Law including
failure to pay overtime wages, failure to pay minimum wages,
failure to provide accurate wage statements, and failure to provide
wage notice.

The Plaintiff was hired by the Defendants as a cook since November

Laziza Deli Grocery Corp. is a restaurant owner and operator, with
its principal place of business located in the County of Kings,
State of New York.

Laziza Deli & Grill Corp. is a restaurant owner and operator, with
its principal place of business located in the County of Kings,
State of New York.

Laziza Deli & Grill 3 Corp. is a restaurant owner and operator,
with its principal place of business located in the County of
Kings, State of New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Yale Pollack, Esq.
         66 Split Rock Road
         Syosset, NY 11791
         Telephone: (516) 634-6340
         E-mail: ypollack@yalepollacklaw.com

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY: Fails to Pay Overtime Wages, Fortier Claims
KEVIN FORTIER, individually on behalf of himself, and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, et al., Plaintiffs, v. LIBERTY
UNIVERSITY, INC., Defendant, Case No. 6:23-cv-00069-NKM (W.D. Va.,
November 10, 2023) seeks to recover compensation, double and/or
triple damages, and attorneys' fees and costs pursuant the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938, the Virginia Wage Payment Act, and the
Virginia Overtime Wage Act.

Plaintiff Fortier was employed by Liberty from approximately August
2017 until June 30, 2023. During Fortier's employment, his title
varied between Athletic Training Coordinator, Associate Athletic
Trainer, and Associate Director of Athletic Training. Fortier
worked, on average, 40 to 45 hours per week; on occasion, he worked
closer to 50 hours per week. However, he was never paid for
overtime compensation, says the Plaintiff.

Headquartered in Lynchburg, VA, Liberty University, Inc.is a
private non-profit university that offers both undergraduate and
graduate degrees. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Brittany M. Haddox, Esq.
         L. Leigh Rhoads, Esq.
         4227 Colonial Avenue
         Roanoke, VA 24018
         Telephone: (540) 283-0802
         E-mail: brittany@strelkalaw.com

                 - and -

         Zev H. Antell, Esq.
         Craig J. Curwood, Esq.
         140 Virginia Street, Suite 302
         Richmond, VA 23219
         Telephone: (804) 648-4848
         E-mail: zev@butlercurwood.com

LOCAL GREEK: Fails to Pay Cooks' OT Wages, Lemus Suit Claims
MARIO LEMUS, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
and GUILLERMO RAMOS, Defendants, Case No. 3:23-cv-22163 (D.N.J.,
November 9, 2023) seeks equitable and legal relief for Defendants'
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the New Jersey
Wage and Hour Law, and the New Jersey Wage Payment Law.

The Defendants employed Mr. Lemus as a cook at Princeton from on or
around March 1, 2022 until on or around April 28, 2023. Throughout
his employment, Mr. Lemus was paid at fixed hourly rates for all
hours worked, including those over 40 per week. Thus, the
Defendants violated federal and state laws by failing to pay Mr.
Lemus overtime wages equal to one and one-half times his regular
hourly rates of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40, says the

Local Greek LLC is a domestic limited liability company with its
registered office located at 36 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ.
The company owns and operates Greek restaurants in New Jersey.

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Adam Sackowitz, Esq.
         Katz Melinger PLLC
         370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1512
         New York, NY 10017
         Telephone: (212) 460-0047
         Facsimile: (212) 428-6811
         E-mail: ajsackowitz@katzmelinger.com

LOTTE HOTEL: Garrido Seeks to Recover Unlawfully Retained Tips
KATHLEEN GARRIDO, individually and on behalf of others similarly
BEVERAGE (NYP), LLC, Case No. 616452/2023 (N.Y. Sup., Oct. 11,
2023) seeks to recover unlawfully retained tips and gratuities owed
to the Plaintiff and other similarly situated persons who are
presently or were formerly employed and/or assigned to provide
catering services for the benefit of the Defendants, pursuant to
the New York Labor Law, New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, and
the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Beginning on February 13, 2016 and continuing through the present,
the Defendants have allegedly engaged in a policy and practice of
unlawfully retaining employees' gratuities at all of the
Defendants' catering venues located in the State of New York.
Accordingly, documents including bills, menus, banquet event
orders, invoices and other catering related items contained a
Mandatory Charge assessed in connection with the administration of
a banquet and/or catered event without disclaiming that the
Mandatory Charge is not a gratuity for the staff. A reasonable
customer would believe that the Mandatory Charge was in fact a
gratuity for the Plaintiff and similarly situated service
employees, says the suit.

The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendants have engaged in a policy
and practice of failing to pay the Mandatory Charge to the
Plaintiff and similarly situated employees and instead retained the
money for their own benefit in violation of Labor Law Article 6
section 196-d, 12 NYCRR sections 146-2.18 and 2.19.

The Plaintiff has initiated this action seeking for herself, and on
behalf of all similarly situated employees, compensation, including
gratuities that they were deprived of – plus interest, attorneys'
fees, and costs.

Ms. Garrido worked for the Defendants in food service capacities at
catered events, specifically at The Lotte New York Palace.

Lotte is engaged in the hospitality industry.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Brett R. Cohen, Esq.
          Jeffrey K. Brown, Esq.
          Michael A. Tompkins, Esq.
          LEEDS BROWN LAW, P.C.
          One Old Country Road, Suite 347
          Carle Place, NY 11514
          Telephone: (516) 873-9550

MARATHON PETROLEUM: Cage Personal Injury Suit Removed to E.D. La.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Marathon Petroleum
Company LP et al. The case is captioned as Cage, et al., v.
Marathon Petroleum Company LP et al., Case No. 80743 (Oct. 12,
2023) was removed from 40th Judicial District Court, St. John the
Baptist, to the United States District Court for the Eastern
District Court of Louisiana on October 12, 2023.

The Eastern District Cout of Louisiana Court Clerk assigned Case
No. 2:23-cv-06098-DJP-JVM to the proceedings.

The nature of suit states Diversity-Personal Injury and is assigned
to the Hon. Judge Darrel James Papillion.

Marathon Petroleum provides oil refining, marketing, and pipeline
transportation services.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Daryl A. Gray, Esq.
          Eric Anthony Wright, Esq.
          WRIGHT & GRAY
          201 St Charles Avenue, Suite 2710
          New Orleans, LA 70170
          Telephone: (504) 500-0000
          Facsimile: (504) 324-0445
          E-mail: daryl@wrightgray.com

                - and -

          Arthur Mahony Murray, Esq.
          Stephen Barnett Murray, Esq.
          Thomas Matthew Beh, Esq.
          Hancock Whitney Center
          701 Poydras Street, Suite 4250
          New Orleans, LA 70139
          Telephone: (504) 525-8100
          Facsimile: (504) 584-5249
          E-mail: amurray@murray-lawfirm.com

                - and -

          George P Vourvoulias, III, Esq.
          400 Poydras Street, Suite 1680
          New Orleans, LA 70130
          Telephone: (504) 680-4303
          Facsimile: (504) 527-5456
          E-mail: georgev.vlf@gmail.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Tim D. Gray, Esq.
          Chandler Agee, Esq.
          Chelsea Gaudin Favret, Esq.
          McCann Elizabeth LeFeve, Esq.
          201 St. Charles Ave., Suite 2100
          New Orleans, LA 70170
          Telephone: (504) 799-4383
          Facsimile: (504) 799-4384
          E-mail: tim.gray@formanwatkins.com

MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL: Fails to Include Wage Scale in Job Postings
DESTINEE MOLIGA, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC., a foreign profit
corporation, et al., Case No. 23-2-19493-4 SEA (Wash. Super., Oct.
10, 2023) is a class action on behalf of individuals who applied to
job openings with the Defendants where the job postings did not
include the wage scale or salary range, and/or a general
description of all of the benefits and other compensation to be
offered, in direct violation of Washington Revised Code 49.58.110.

From January 1, 2023 to the present, the Plaintiff and more than 40
Class members applied to job openings with Defendants for positions
located in Washington state where the postings did not disclose the
wage scale or salary range, and/or a general description of the
benefits and other compensation to be offered.

On February 28, 2023, the Plaintiff applied for a job opening with
the Defendants at their hotel located at 925 Westlake Avenue North,
Seattle, King County, Washington 98109.

Accordingly, the Plaintiff and the Class members lost valuable time
applying for jobs with Defendants for which the wage scale or
salary range, and/or a general description of the benefits and
other compensation to be offered was not disclosed to them.

As a result of the Plaintiff's and Class members' inability to
evaluate the pay for the position, negotiate that pay, and compare
that pay to other available positions in the marketplace, the
Plaintiff and the Class members were harmed and have been damaged
in amounts to be proven at trial.

The Defendants include MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC., a foreign
profit corporation; COURTYARD MANAGEMENT LLC, a foreign limited
liability company doing business as COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT; W
OPERATING COMPANY LLC, a foreign limited liability company doing
WORLDWIDE, LLC, a foreign limited liability company doing business
Washington limited liability partnership doing business as SEATTLE
OPERATING LLC, a foreign limited liability company doing business

Plaintiff Destinee Moliga is a resident of King County, Washington
and applied to work for the Defendants at their hotels located in
King County, Washington at 925 Westlake Avenue N, Seattle,
Washington 98109; 1112 4th Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101; and
1400 6th Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101.

Marriott is an American multinational company that operates,
franchises, and licenses lodging including hotel, residential and
timeshare properties.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 442-9106
          Facsimile: (206) 441-9711
          E-mail: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

MCLAREN HEALTH: Fails to Secure Patients' Info, Drugich Says
Cheryl Drugich, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. McLaren Health Care Corporation, Case No.
2:23-cv-12520-MFL-CI (E.D. Mich., Oct. 5, 2023) is a class action
arising out of the recent ransomware attack and data breach
resulting from McLaren's failure to implement reasonable and
industry standard data security practices.

On October 3, 2023, a cybercriminal group known as Alphv/BlackCat
took credit for the Data Breach and claimed "to have stolen 6
terabytes of data on 2.5 million patients." The Private Information
compromised in the Data Breach included the Plaintiff's and Class
Members' personally identifiable information and medical and health
insurance information, which is protected health information as
defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
of 1996. The Private Information included names, dates of birth,
Social Security numbers, and medical and treatment information
generated or received in the course of the Defendant's provision of
services to the Plaintiff and Class Members, the suit says.

As a result of the Data Breach, the Plaintiff and approximately 2.5
million Class Members, suffered injuries including invasion of
privacy; theft of their Private Information; lost or diminished
value of Private Information; lost time and opportunity costs
associated with attempting to mitigate the actual consequences of
the Data Breach; loss of benefit of the bargain; and the continued
and certainly increased risk to their Private Information, the suit

Accordingly, the Plaintiff brings this class action lawsuit on
behalf all those similarly situated to address the Defendant's
inadequate safeguarding of the Class Members' Private Information
that it collected and maintained, and for failing to provide timely
and adequate notice to the Plaintiff and other Class Members that
their information had been subject to the unauthorized access by an
unknown third party and precisely what specific type of information
was accessed.

The Plaintiff seeks remedies including compensatory damages and
injunctive relief including improvements to the Defendant's data
security systems, future annual audits, and adequate credit
monitoring services funded by the Defendant.

Ms. Drugich is a citizen of North Branch, Michigan, where she
intends to remain.

McLaren Health Care Corporation is a $6.6 billion, fully integrated
health care delivery system that includes 13 hospitals in Michigan,
ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, a 490-member employed
primary and specialty care physician network, commercial and
Medicaid HMOs.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          E. Powell Miller, Esq.
          Emily E. Hughes, Esq.
          950 W. University Drive, Suite 300
          Rochester, MI 48307
          Telephone: (248) 841-2200
          E-mail: epm@millerlawpc.com

                - and -

          Gary M. Klinger, Esq.
          Nick Suciu, Esq.
          227 W. Monroe Street, Suite 2100
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Telephone: (866) 252-0878
          E-mail: gklinger@milberg.com

                - and -

          Benjamin F. Johns, Esq.
          Samantha E. Holbrook, Esq.
          SHUB & JOHNS LLC
          Four Tower Bridge,
          200 Barr Harbor Drive, Ste 400
          Conshohocken, PA 19428
          Telephone: (610) 477-8380
          E-mail: bjohns@shublawyers.com

MCNEIL CONSUMER: Valdes Sues Over Mislabeled Decongestants
A class action lawsuit has been filed against McNeil Consumer
Healthcare et al. The case is captioned as Valdes v. McNeil
Consumer Healthcare et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-23939-JEM (S.D. Fla.,
Oct. 13, 2023).

The Plaintiff seeks damages and equitable relief, individually and
on behalf of all other Class members, for the Defendant' sales of
products to be taken orally containing phenylephrine, a compound
that purportedly acts as a decongestant, but that Defendants have
long known does not. The Defendants sold these
phenylephrine-containing "decongestants" anyway, generating
billions of dollars in sales in the last year alone.

Phenylephrine is one of two compounds found in nasal decongestants
administered orally and offered for sale on store shelves. The
other compound is pseudoephedrine. While pseudoephedrine is
effective as a decongestant, purchasing pseudoephedrine is often
inconvenient for a consumer because pseudoephedrine has been used
as an ingredient in illicit methamphetamine laboratories, products
containing it are usually placed behind store counters or in locked
cabinets, and purchasers are sometimes forced to leave personal
information every time they purchase it or are otherwise limited in
the number of pseudoephedrine-containing medications they can buy.

Consumers are naturally attracted to a decongestant that could be
purchased without inconvenience. Unknown to the public, but known
to the manufacturers in this lucrative market, phenylephrine taken
orally is ineffective. It provides no relief for congestion, and is
no better than a placebo, like a sugar pill, as a decongestant when
taken orally, says the suit.

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Jose E. Martinez.

McNeil is an American medicals products company belonging to Kenvue
consumer health group.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Brett Elliott von Borke, Esq.
          Seth Eric Miles, Esq.
          David Buckner, Esq.
          2020 Salzedo Street, Suite 302
          33134 Coral Gables, FL 33133
          Telephone: (305) 964-8003
          E-mail: vonborke@bucknermiles.com

                - and -

          Kevin Bruce Love, Esq.
          CRIDEN & LOVE PA
          7301 SW 57th Court, Suite 515
          South Miami, FL 33143
          Telephone: (305) 357-9000
          Facsimile: (305) 357-9050
          E-mail: klove@cridenlove.com

META PLATFORMS: 500,000 Claimants Rejected From Privacy Suit Deal
Alix Martichoux of The Hill reports that half a million hopefuls
waiting for a check from the massive $725 million Facebook privacy
settlement received a rejection letter over the past couple of

The huge payout, which Facebook parent company Meta agreed to in
order to settle claims it violated users' privacy by sharing their
data with third parties, was given final approval by a judge in San
Francisco last month.

Meanwhile, the company administering the settlement fund, Angeion,
is working to verify the 28 million claims it received.

"As far as we can tell that's the largest number of claims ever
filed in a class action in the United States," Lesley Weaver,
co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the case, said in court.

Angeion is still working through the pile of applications, but a
representative for the company told Nexstar about 17 million have
been validated so far.

As the company checks each application, some are thrown out because
they appear to be fraudulent. About 500,000 such claims have been
rejected so far, Angeion said.

Those who were rejected still have hope. Your application may have
been incorrectly flagged as fraudulent because the username you
provided didn't match what Facebook had on file, you may have
provided an email address other than the one associated with your
Facebook account, your phone number might not have matched, among
other errors, Angeion said.

People whose claims were rejected received an email directly
notifying them. You may want to check your inbox and spam folders
to see if you received such a notice because you only have 10 days
to appeal the rejection from the date of the email.

Instructions on how to appeal a rejection are in the email sent by
"Facebook Consumer Privacy Settlement Administrator." You'll need
to fill out a form online to correct or clarify information on

Even if you weren't among the 500,000 recently rejected, you may
want to keep an eye out for such an email. Angeion still has
millions of claims to pore through, and yours could be among them.

While the settlement was granted approval, the court still needs to
deal with pending appeals before payments can be sent to an
estimated 23 million or more Americans whose claims are eventually

Not everyone will receive the same sized payment - the longer you
had a Facebook account, the more money you qualify for - but
lawyers for the plaintiffs estimated the median check will be
around $30.  [GN]

MIROMATRIX MEDICAL: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Suit
Founder and managing partner of the class action firm (the "M&A
Class Action Firm"), a national securities firm rated Top 50 in the
2018-2022 ISS Securities Class Action Services Report and
headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City, is

Miromatrix Medical Inc. (Nasdaq: MIRO), relating to its proposed
sale to United Therapeutics Corp. Under the terms of the agreement,
MIRO shareholders will receive $3.25 and potentially an additional
payment of $1.75 in cash per share they own. Click here for more
https://www.monteverdelaw.com/case/miromatrix-medical-inc. It is
free and there is no cost or obligation to you.

About Monteverde & Associates PC

We are a national class action securities and consumer litigation
law firm that has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders
and is committed to protecting investors and consumers from
corporate wrongdoing. Monteverde & Associates lawyers have
significant experience litigating Mergers & Acquisitions and
Securities Class Actions, whereby they protect investors by
recovering money and remedying corporate misconduct. Mr.
Monteverde, who leads the legal team at the firm, has been
recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in Securities
Litigation in 2013, 2017-2019 and a Super Lawyers Honoree in
Securities Litigation in 2022-2023. He has also been selected by
Martindale-Hubbell as a 2017-2023 Top Rated Lawyer. Our firm's
recent successes include changing the law in a significant victory
that lowered the standard of liability under Section 14(e) of the
Exchange Act in the Ninth Circuit. Thereafter, our firm
successfully preserved this victory by obtaining dismissal of a
writ of certiorari as improvidently granted at the United States
Supreme Court. Emulex Corp. v. Varjabedian, 139 S. Ct. 1407 (2019).
Also, over the years the firm has recovered or secured over a dozen
cash common funds for shareholders in mergers & acquisitions class
action cases. [GN]

MOHAWK INDUSTRIES: Shareholder Suit in Georgia Court Settled
Mohawk Industries, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in October 27, 2023, that a
final settlement hearing was held on May 31, 2023 with regards to a
securities class action. United States District court for the
Northern District of Georgia entered final approval of the
settlement and closed the case on June 1, 2023.

On January 3, 2020, the company and certain of its executive
officers were named as defendants in a putative shareholder class
action lawsuit filed in the. The complaint alleged that defendants
violated the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5
promulgated thereunder by making materially false and misleading
statements and that the officers are control persons under Section
20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The complaint was
filed on behalf of shareholders who purchased shares of the
company's common stock between April 28, 2017 and July 25, 2019.

On June 29, 2020, an amended complaint was filed in the Securities
Class Action against Mohawk and its CEO Jeff Lorberbaum, based on
the same claims and the same Class Period. The amended complaint
alleges that the company engaged in fabricating revenues by
attempting delivery to customers that were closed and recognizing
these attempts as sales; overproduced product to report higher
operating margins and maintained significant inventory that was not
salable; and valued certain inventory improperly or improperly
delivered inventory with knowledge that it was defective and
customers would return it.

On December 13, 2022, the parties reached an agreement in principle
to settle the Securities Class Action for $60,000, of which a
significant portion is covered by insurance, in exchange for the
dismissal and a release of all claims against the defendants.

Mohawk Industries, Inc. manufactures, sources and markets a broad
line of ceramic tile, porcelain tile, natural stone tile and other
products including natural stone, porcelain slabs and quartz
countertops, which it distributes primarily in North America,
Europe, Brazil and Russia through various selling channels, which
include company-owned stores, independent distributors, residential
and commercial contractors and home centers.

MR. COOPER: Granados Sues Over Breach of Contract in N.D. Texas
WILLIAMSON GRANADOS, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. MR. COOPER GROUP, INC., Defendant,
Case No. 3:23-cv-02522-X (N.D. Tex., November 14, 2023) is a class
action against the Defendant for breach of contract.

The nature of the suit is stated as 190 Contract - Other Contract.

Mr. Cooper Group, Inc. is a mortgage services company based in
Texas. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Joe Kendall, Esq.
         3811 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 825
         Dallas, TX 75219
         Telephone: (214) 744-3000
         Facsimile: (214) 744-3015
         E-mail: jkendall@kendalllawgroup.com

MUBI INC: Consumer Voluntarily Dropped Video-Info Sharing Suit
Christopher Brown of Bloomberg Law reports that online streaming
provider Mubi Inc. is free of allegations that it shared the
video-viewing histories of its users with X Corp., Meta Platforms
Inc., and TikTok Inc., after a consumer voluntarily dropped her
proposed class action against the company.

Liz Johnson alleged that Mubi installed tracking tools from the
social media giants on its websites and apps, allowing them to
record users' interactions there and collect information about the
videos they viewed without their consent.

The Video Privacy Protection Act prohibits providers of video
content from sharing information with third parties linking
consumers to the videos. [GN]

MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OR: Lynch Sues Over Civil Rights Act Violation
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Multnomah County, et
al. The case is captioned as Lynch, et al., v. Multnomah County, et
al., Case No. 3:23-cv-01502-IM (D. Or., Oct. 12, 2023).

The suit alleges violation of the Civil Rights Act.

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Karin J. Immergut.

Multnomah is the smallest county in Oregon, with only 465 square

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David F. Sugerman, Esq.
          Nadia H. Dahab, Esq.
          707 SW Washington Street, Suite 600
          Portland, OR 97205
          Telephone: (503) 228-6474
          Facsimile: (503) 228-2556
          E-mail: david@sugermandahab.com

NATIONAL FOOTBALL: Portnoy Sues Over Alleged Wrist Injury
Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy says he is filing a class
action lawsuit against the Cincinnati Bengals and the NFL for not
disclosing quarterback Joe Burrow's alleged wrist injury prior to
the game.

A video was posted on the official Bengals social media accounts
prior to Bengals - Ravens game that showed Burrow walking off the
team plane with a brace around his wrist. However, nothing was ever
officially disclosed to the league or the public if Burrow was in
fact injured; which would be a serious violation of NFL rules.

Conveniently, the Bengals deleted the video in question:

However, many sports bettors -- including Portnoy who put $100,000
on the Bengals to cover +4 -- became infuriated after Burrow
actually DID get hurt during the game on that same questionable
wrist, and subsequently missed the entire second half as the Ravens
defeated the Bengals.

The NFL is currently investigating the incident.

Although he's known to joke from time to time, Portnoy is serious
about this potential lawsuit -- and rightfully so, as the story
goes beyond people just losing money.

Let's look at the facts:

The NFL, like other professional sports leagues, have massive
advertisement deals with the sportsbooks. What was once the
"unspoken" of gambling on sports has now become thrown in every
single viewer's face nonstop. It's a MASSIVE cash flow for the NFL
and the other leagues.

However, football fans absolutely believe that sometimes "the fix
is in." A late pass interference call, a roughing the passer call
that never should have even been a penalty, etc.

When you combine those two aspects -- there's already at least some
doubt about the relationship between the leagues and the

So when the Cincinnati Bengals show their star quarterback being
seen on a now-deleted video from their official account having some
sort of wrist injury, you can understand why people like Portnoy
are upset.

The Bengals can't do that – regardless whether Burrow was
actually hurt or not. Burrow later said he was wearing a
compression sleeve on the flight.

The optics alone are absolutely awful for the Bengals and the NFL.

Why did the Bengals delete the initial video of Burrow's wrist
being injured?

Would a lawsuit bring up any sort of discovery on who knew what
when, and who told the Bengals social team to delete it? And was it
deleted because the Bengals knew they may get in trouble because
they did not officially disclose whatever was wrong with Burrow?

We may find out sooner than later if Portnoy and others go forward
with a lawsuit. [GN]

NATIONSTAR FINANCIAL: Faces Walker Contract Suit in N.D. Texas
KATRINA WALKER, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. NATIONSTAR FINANCIAL, INC., Defendant, Case
No. 3:23-cv-02524-B (N.D. Tex., November 14, 2023) is a class
action against the Defendant for contract violation.

The nature of the suit is stated as 190 Contract - Other Contract.

Nationstar Financial, Inc. is a financial services company based in
Texas. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Bruce William Steckler, Esq.
         12720 Hillcrest Rd., Suite 1045
         Dallas, TX 75230
         Telephone: (972) 387-4040
         Facsimile: (972) 387-4041
         E-mail: bruce@swclaw.com

NEW YORK, NY: Williams Sues Over Unlawful Arrest & Imprisonment
STANLEY WILLIAMS, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, POLICE
NO. 29706,, Defendants, Case No. 533629/2023 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings
Cty., November 15, 2023) is a class action against the Defendants
for violation of rights under the Eighth Amendment and Fourteenth
Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and
under 42 U.S. Code Sec. 1983.

According to the complaint, the Defendants unconstitutionally
stopped, questioned, and searched the Plaintiff and further
assaulted, confined, unduly restrained, falsely arrested, and
falsely imprisoned him without justification or provocation and
without a warrant. At the time of his unlawful arrest, detention
and imprisonment, the Plaintiff had not committed or attempted to
commit any illegal act or crime. As a result of the false arrest
and false imprisonment, the Plaintiff suffered emotional and
psychological distress, anguish, anxiety, fear, humiliation, loss
of freedom and damage to his reputation, says the suit.

The City of New York is a municipal government in New York, New
York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Nicolas Bagley, Esq.
         380 Lexington Avenue, 29th Floor
         New York, NY 10168
         Telephone: (212) 307-5800

NORTH CAROLINA: Longshaw Sues Over Violation of Civil Rights
MICHAEL LONGSHAW, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. ELISA CHINN-GARY, in her
individual and official capacities, Defendant, Case No.
3:23-cv-00766 (W.D.N.C., November 14, 2023) is a class action
against the Defendant for violation of civil rights.

The nature of the suit is stated as 440 Civil Rights - Other Civil

North Carolina is a state in the Southeastern region of the United

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Paul Moore Dubbeling, Esq.
         210 North Columbia Street
         Chapel Hill, NC 27514
         Telephone: (919) 260-1615
         Facsimile: (919) 404-7074
         E-mail: paul.dubbeling@pmdubbeling.com

NORTHWELL HEALTH: Fails to Protect Private Information, Gelman Says
ELENA GELMAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. NORTHWELL HEALTH, INC., Defendant, Case No.
618441/2023 (N.Y., Nassau Cty., November 10, 2023) seeks monetary
damages and injunctive and declaratory relief arising from
Defendant's failure to safeguard the private information of its

The data security failure resulted in unauthorized access to its
information systems on or around between April 7, 2023 and April
19, 2023 and the compromised and unauthorized disclosure of that
private information, causing widespread injury and damages to
Plaintiff and the proposed Class members. Accordingly, Plaintiff
brings causes of action against Defendant for negligence,
negligence per se, and breach of implied contract, seeking an award
of monetary damages and injunctive and declaratory relief,
resulting from Defendant's failure to adequately protect their
highly sensitive private information, says the suit.

Headquartered in New Hyde Park, NY, Northwell Health, Inc. is a
private not-for-profit hospital serving New York City, Long Island
and Westchester. As the largest private healthcare provider in New
York, Northwell treats over two million patients annually and
employs over 79,000 employees. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Andrew J. Shamis, Esq.
         Leanna A. Loginov, Esq.
         SHAMIS & GENTILE, P.A.
         14 NE 1st Avenue, Suite 400
         Miami, FL 33132
         Telephone: (305) 479-2299
         E-mail: ashamis@shamisgentile.com

                 - and -

         Scott Edelsberg, Esq.
         EDELSBERG LAW, P.A.
         20900 NE 30th Ave., Suite 417
         Aventura, FL 33180
         Telephone: 305-975-3320
         E-mail: scott@edelsberglaw.com

PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC: Ogans Suit Removed to E.D. California
The case captioned as Dorian Ogans, an individual, on behalf of
himself, and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. PACIFIC
GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation; and DOES 1-50,
Inclusive, Case No. 23CV008944 was removed from the Superior Court
of the State of California, County of Sacramento, to the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of California on
Nov. 2, 2023, and assigned Case No. 2:23-at-01118.

The Complaint contains 8 causes of action, alleging: Unfair
Competition; Failure to Pay Minimum Wages; Failure to pay Overtime
Wages; Failure to Provide Meal Periods; Failure to Provide Rest
Breaks; Waiting Time Penalties; Failure to Provide Wage Statements;
and Failure to Reimburse Necessary Business Expenses.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Joshua D Kienitz, Esq.
          Treat Towers
          1255 Treat Boulevard, Suite 600
          Walnut Creek, CA 94597
          Phone: 925.932.2468
          Fax: 925.946.9809
          Email: jkienitz@littler.com

               - and -

          Courtney Chambers, Esq.
          Harman S Deol, Esq.
          333 Bush Street, 34th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94104
          Phone: 415.433.1940
          Fax: 415.399.8490
          Email: cchambers@littler.com

PAPIER INC: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Papier Inc. The case
is styled as Kevin Yan Luis, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Papier Inc., Case No.
1:23-cv-09622-LJL (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 1, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Papier -- https://www.papier.com/ -- is a British online e-commerce
brand that sells personalized stationery. The company sells
customizable wedding invitations and stationery including,
on-demand customized notebooks, and notecards.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Noor Abou-Saab, I, Esq.
          380 North Broadway, Suite 300
          Jericho, NY 11753
          Phone: (718) 740-5060
          Email: noorasaablaw@gmail.com

PATHWARD NA: Kent Contract Suit Moved From D.S.D. to D. Mass.
The case styled JACOB KENT, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. PATHWARD, N.A. et al., Case No.
4:23-cv-04177, was transferred from the U.S. District Court for the
District of South Dakota to the U.S. District Court for the
District of Massachusetts on November 14, 2023.

The Clerk of Court for the District of Massachusetts assigned Case
No. 1:23-cv-12764-ADB to the proceeding.

The nature of the suit is stated as 190 Contract - Other Contract.

Pathward, N.A. is a financial institution headquartered in Sioux
Falls, South Dakota.

Ipswitch, Inc. is a software company headquartered in Burlington,

Progress Software Corporation is a software company headquartered
in Burlington, Massachusetts. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                                   
         Edward Hruska, III, Esq.
         BACHAND & HRUSKA, P.C.
         P.O. Box 1174
         206 W. Missouri Ave.
         Pierre, SD 57501
         Telephone: (605) 224-0461
         E-mail: ehruska@pirlaw.com

PERFECTO PIZZERIA: Plaza Sues Over Failure to Pay Proper Wages
Javier Alejandro Diaz Plaza, Cesar Luis Regente Maria, Rigoberto
Maria Cristobal, and Guadalupe Sebastian Soriano Jimenez,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
and HESHAM AHMED, as an individual, Case No. 1:23-cv-09842
(S.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023), is brought to recover damages for the
Defendants' egregious violations of state and federal wage and hour
laws arising out of Plaintiffs' employment with the Defendants
pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor
Laws as a result of the Defendants failure to pay minimum and
overtime wages.

Although Plaintiffs regularly worked for more than 40 hours or more
hours each week, the Defendants did not pay Plaintiffs at a wage
rate of time and a half for their hours regularly worked over 40
hours in a work week, a blatant violation of the overtime
provisions contained in the FLSA and NYLL. the Defendants willfully
failed to post notices of the minimum wage and overtime wage
requirements in a conspicuous place at the location of their
employment as required by the FLSA and NYLL, says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs were employed by the Defendants.

a New York domestic business corporation, organized under the laws
of the State of New York.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Roman Avshalumov, Esq.
          80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 601
          Kew Gardens, NY 11415
          Phone: 718-263-9591

PERRY JOHNSON: Gill Sues Over Inadequate Data Security Practices
RONNIE GILL, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v.  PERRY JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES, INC., and
NORTHWELL HEALTH, INC., Defendants, Case No. 2:23-cv-01851-CDS-EJY
(D. Nev., November 10, 2023) arises from the Defendants' failure to
properly secure and safeguard private information, which was
accessed by unauthorized individuals during a massive cyberattack
starting on March 27, 2023 and discovered by Defendant Perry
Jackson & Associates, Inc. on May 2, 2023.

Plaintiff Gill seeks to hold Defendants responsible for not
ensuring that the private information was maintained in a manner
consistent with industry standards, the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and other relevant
standards. Accordingly, Plaintiff brings this class action lawsuit
on behalf of those similarly situated to address Defendant's
inadequate safeguarding of Class Members' private information that
it collected and maintained, and for failing to provide adequate
notice to Plaintiff and other Class Members that their information
had been subject to the unauthorized access of an unknown third
party and precisely what specific type of information was accessed.

Based in Henderson, NV, PJ&A provides health information technology
solutions, including services such as medical transcription,
coding, billing, recording, digital dictation, and court reporting
services. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         David Hilton Wise, Esq.
         Nevada Bar No. 11014
         421 Court Street
         Reno, NV, 89501
         Telephone: (775)329-1766
         Facsimile: (703)934-6377
         E-mail: dwise@wiselaw.pro

                 - and -

         Joseph M. Lyon, Esq.
         Kevin M. Cox, Esq.
         THE LYON FIRM
         2754 Erie Ave.
         Cincinnati, OH 45208
         Telephone: (513) 381-2333
         Facsimile: (513) 766-9011
         E-mail: jlyon@thelyonfirm.com

PHL VARIABLE: Plaintiffs Seek Final Approval of Class Settlement
In the class action lawsuit captioned as PHT HOLDING I LLC, and
JAMES KENNEY, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
1:18-cv-03444-MKV (S.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter
an order granting final approval of the Settlement and distribution
plan and certifying the Settlement Class.

PHL offers life insurance and annuity services.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47sd3Rz at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Seth Ard, Esq.
          Ryan Kirkpatrick, Esq.
          Komal Patel, Esq.
          Steven G. Sklaver, Esq.
          Krysta Kauble Pachman, Esq.
          Michael Adamson, Esq.
          1301 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor
          New York, NY 10019-6023
          Telephone: (212) 336-8330
          Facsimile: (212) 336-8340
          E-mail: sard@susmangodfrey.com

PLAYTIKA HOLDING: Continues to Defend Bar-Asher Class Suit
Playtika Holding Corp. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Bar-Asher class suit in
the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New

On November 23, 2021, the Company, its directors and certain of its
officers were named in a putative class action lawsuit filed in the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
(Bar-Asher v. Playtika Holding Corp. et al.). The complaint is
allegedly brought on behalf of a class of purchasers of the
Company's securities between January 15, 2021 and November 2, 2021,
and alleges violations of federal securities laws arising out of
alleged misstatements or omissions by the defendants during the
alleged class period. On March 10, 2022, the court appointed
LBMotion Ltd as lead plaintiff, and the plaintiff filed an amended
complaint on May 6, 2022. The amended complaint alleges violations
of Section 11 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 and seeks, among
other things, damages and attorneys' fees and costs on behalf of
the putative class.

The amended complaint also added the companies that served as
underwriters for the Company's IPO as defendants in the lawsuit.

On September 15, 2022, in accordance with local rules of the Court,
the Company and other defendants in the case filed a letter
notifying the Court of defendants' service upon plaintiffs of,
among other things, a notice of motion to dismiss plaintiffs'
amended complaint and a memorandum of law in support of the
defendants' motion to dismiss plaintiffs' amended complaint.

On November 30, 2022, the Company filed with the Court a motion to

As the case is in preliminary stages, the Company cannot estimate
what impact, if any, the litigation may have on its results of
operations, financial condition or cash flows.

The Company has defended this case vigorously and will continue to
do so.

Playtika Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, is a developer of
mobile games.

PLAYTIKA HOLDING: Continues to Defend Yosef Class Suit
Playtika Holding Corp. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Yosef class suit.

On May 17, 2022, Guy David Ben Yosef filed a Motion for Approval of
a class action lawsuit in district court in Tel Aviv-Jaffa Israel
against Playtika Group Israel Ltd. ("PGI"), on behalf of all of
PGI's customers who made game token purchases in Israel as part of
games marketed by PGI during the seven years preceding the filing
of the motion and for all subsequent customers of such games who
purchase tokens until the resolution of the claim.

The Motion alleges that certain of the Company's slot, poker and
solitaire-themed games, including Slotomania, Caesars Slots,
Solitaire Grand Harvest, House of Fun and Poker Heat, constitute
illegal gambling and are prohibited under Israeli law and are
misleading under Israeli consumer protection laws and alleges
unjust enrichment.

The Motion asserts damages of NIS 50 million.

On January 12, 2023, PGI filed its response to the Motion for

On March 5, 2023, the applicant submitted his reply to PGI's

A pre-trial hearing was held on May 4, 2023.

The parties agreed to appoint a mediator to try and resolve the

The first mediation meeting was held on August 16, 2023 and the
second mediation meeting is scheduled for October 30, 2023.

As the case is in preliminary stages, the Company cannot estimate
what impact, if any, the litigation may have on its results of
operations, financial condition or cash flows.

If a mediated resolution will not be reached the Company will
continue defending this case vigorously.

Playtika Holding Corp. and its subsidiaries, is a developer of
mobile games.

PORSCHE CARS: Faces Mastrodicasa Class Action Suit in S.D. Fla.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against PORSCHE CARS NORTH
AMERICAN, INC. The case is captioned as Mastrodicasa v. PORSCHE
CARS NORTH AMERICAN, INC., Case No. 0:23-cv-61942-JEM (S.D. Fla,
Oct. 11, 2023).

The nature of suit states Contract Product Liability. The case is
assigned to the Hon. Judge Jose E. Martinez.

Porsche Cars is engaged in the retail sale of new and used

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David Philip Milian, Esq.
          1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800
          Miami, FL 33131
          Telephone: (305) 788-6680
          E-mail: david@lawmilian.com

POSTMEDS INC: MacDonald Sues Over Inadequate Data Security Measures
DAVID MACDONALD individually, and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. POSTMEDS, INC. d/b/a TRUEPILL, Defendant,
Case No. 3:23-cv-05772-TSH (N.D. Cal., November 9, 2023) arises
from the Defendant's inadequate data security practices caused the
data breach that occurred between August 30, 2023, and September 1,
2023, asserting claims against the Defendant for negligence,
negligence per se, breach of implied contract, breach of fiduciary
duty, invasion of privacy, and for violations of the California's
Unfair Competition Law and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

The Defendant waited until October 31, 2023, before it began
notifying the affected individuals -- a full two months after it
discovered the data breach. Thus, the Defendant deprived these
individuals the opportunity to try and mitigate their injuries in a
timely manner, says the suit.

Headquartered in California, PostMeds, Inc. is pharmacy company
that fulfills mail-order prescriptions. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John J. Nelson, Esq.
          402 W. Broadway, Suite 1760
          San Diego, CA 92101
          Telephone: (858) 209-6941
          E-mail: jnelson@milberg.com

                  - and -

          Samuel J. Strauss, Esq.
          Raina Borrelli, Esq.
          613 Williamson Street, Suite 201
          Madison, WI 53703
          Telephone: (608) 237-1775
          Facsimile: (608) 509-4423
          E-mail: sam@turkestrauss.com

POSTMEDS INC: Toles Suit Alleges Personal Injury in N.D. Cal.
LASEDRICK TOLES, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. POSTMEDS, INC., Defendant, Case No.
3:23-cv-05852-LB (N.D. Cal., November 14, 2023) is a class action
against the Defendant for personal injury claims.

The nature of the suit is stated as 360 Torts - Personal Injury -
Other Personal Injury.

PostMeds, Inc. is an online pharmacy delivery services provider in
California. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Daniel Srourian, Esq.
         3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1710
         Los Angeles, CA 90010
         Telephone: (213) 474-3800
         E-mail: daniel@slfla.com

POWER BEAUTY: Faces Chavez Suit Over Deceptive Balm Packaging
AMY CHAVEZ, individually, and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. POWER BEAUTY CO., a Delaware Corporation; and DOES
1-25, Inclusive, Case No. 30-2023-01355475-CU-MT-CXC-ROA (Cal.
Super., Oct. 11, 2023) alleges that Defendant intentionally packs
"Flush Balm" product in opaque packages that contain a false bottom
and false side wall such that the actual volume of product is a
small fraction of the exterior volume of the container.

The Plaintiff and the class have been and continue to be deceived
by comparatively large size of Balm's exterior container. A
consumer cannot see the true amount of the Balm they are paying for
unless they purchase the product and then force the small inner
container to the exterior container, the suit asserts.

The Defendant's exaggerated and/or blatant misrepresentations
regarding the quantity of the Balm were designed to, and did, lead
the Plaintiff and others similarly situated to believe that the
Balm included a much greater quantity that is actually present. The
Plaintiff and members of the Class relied on the Defendant's
misrepresentation and would not have paid as much, if at all, for
Balm but for Defendant's misrepresentations, the suit claims.

The Balm is sold for $30.00 per container. As a result, the
Defendant has wrongfully taken thousands of dollars from

Accordingly, the Plaintiff brings this lawsuit to enjoin the
ongoing deception of thousand consumers by the Defendant, and to
recover the funds taken by this unlawful practice.

The Plaintiff is a resident of Orange County, California and
purchased the Balm on July 2023.

Power Beauty manufactures, markets and sells cosmetic

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ryan M. Ferrell, Esq.
          Thomas W. Kohler, Esq.
          APEX TRIAL LAW
          A Professional Corporation
          4934 South Hemet Street
          II Gilbert, AZ 852980
          Telephone: (949) 438-0033
          Facsimile: (949) 299-0133
          E-mail: rferrell@apextrial.com

PRIME HEALTHCARE: Hearing on Class Cert Bid Set for Dec. 15
In the class action lawsuit re: Prime Healthcare ERISA Litigation,
Case No. 8:20-cv-01529-JLS-JDE (C.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge
Josephine L. Staton entered an order regarding parties' joint
Stipulation to continue Class certification Hearing date:

   1. The Plaintiffs' motion for Class Certification shall be
      for hearing on December 15, 2023, concurrently with the Final

      Pretrial Conference and Defendants' Motions to Preclude the
      testimony of Plaintiffs' experts;

   2. The Defendants' opposition to Plaintiffs' motion for class
      certification shall be filed by November 24, 2023; and

   3. The Plaintiffs' reply in further support of their Motion for
      Class Certification shall be filed by December 1, 2023.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47pDaYY at no extra charge.[CC]

PROGRESS SOFTWARE: Fails to Secure Consumers' Info, Young Alleges
CHARLES YOUNG and ELIZABETH PECCATIELLO, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. PROGRESS SOFTWARE CORPORATION,
Case No. 1:23-cv-12342-ADB (D. Mass., Oct. 11, 2023) alleges that
the Defendant failed to properly secure and safeguard the
Plaintiffs' and Class Members' protected personally identifiable
information from a data breach, which occurred on May or June

The Defendant's actions resulting in the Data Breach have impacted
approximately 40 million people, through more than 600
organizations, including pension fund management companies,
corporations, government agencies, and law and accounting firms.
The compromised information includes full names, dates of birth,
and Social Security numbers, the suit alleges.

As a direct and proximate result of the Defendant's inadequate data
security, the Plaintiffs and Class Members are now at a
significantly increased and certainly impending risk of fraud,
identity theft, misappropriation of health insurance benefits,
intrusion of their health privacy, and similar forms of criminal
mischief, risk which may last for the rest of their lives.
Consequently, the Plaintiffs and Class Members must devote
substantially more time, money, and energy to protect themselves,
to the extent possible, from these crimes, says the suit.

The Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves, and the Class, bring
claims for negligence, negligence per se, breach of implied
contract, unjust enrichment, and declaratory judgment, seeking
actual and putative damages, with attorneys' fees, costs, and
expenses, and appropriate injunctive and declaratory relief.

Mr. Young is a citizen and resident of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. He received a Notice of Data Incident letter dated
August 3, 2023, from Allegheny County, that his personal
identifying information provided to the Defendant by the County of
Allegheny was part of the Data Breach .

Progress is a Massachusetts-based company that develops and sells a
variety of software for businesses, including the secure file
transfer application MOVEit.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Joseph P. Guglielmo, Esq.
          Amanda M. Rolon, Esq.
          230 Park Avenue, 17th Floor
          New York, NY 10169
          Telephone: (212) 223-6444
          Facsimile: (212) 223-6334
          E-mail: jguglielmo@scott-scott.com

                - and -

          Alfred G. Yates, Jr., Esq.
          1575 McFarland Road, Suite 305
          Pittsburgh, PA 15216
          Telephone: (412) 391-5164
          Facsimile: (412) 471-1033
          E-mail: yateslaw@aol.com

PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Boyd Files Suit in D. Utah
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Prog Leasing LLC. The
case is styled as Chad Boyd, on behalf of himself and all others
similarly situated v. Prog Leasing LLC doing business as:
Progressive Leasing, Case No. 2:23-cv-00800-JCB (D. Utah, Nov. 2,

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract.

Prog Leasing LLC doing business as Progressive Leasing --
https://progleasing.com/ -- provides a rental-or lease- purchase
agreement or in certain states, a rent-to-own agreement, a consumer
rental-purchase agreement, or a lease agreement with an option to

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Justin M. Galvez, Esq.
          1483 W. 1820 S.
          WOODS CROSS, UT 84087
          Phone: (801) 690-6820
          Email: justing@zevlag.com

PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Maddox Files Suit in D. Utah
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Prog Leasing LLC. The
case is styled as Ralph Maddox, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Prog Leasing LLC doing business as:
Progressive Leasing, Case No. 2:23-cv-00797-DAO (D. Utah, Nov. 2,

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract for Breach of

Prog Leasing LLC doing business as Progressive Leasing --
https://progleasing.com/ -- provides a rental-or lease- purchase
agreement or in certain states, a rent-to-own agreement, a consumer
rental-purchase agreement, or a lease agreement with an option to

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jason R. Hull, Esq.
          10 Exchange Pl., Ste. 350
          Salt Lake City, UT 84111
          Phone: (801) 456-7655
          Email: jhull@mohtrial.com

PROGRESSIVE LEASING: Pierce Files Suit in D. Utah
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Progressive Leasing.
The case is styled as Nazia Pierce, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. Progressive Leasing, Case No.
2:23-cv-00799-DBB (D. Utah, Nov. 2, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I. for Personal Injury.

Progressive Leasing -- https://progleasing.com/ -- provides a
rental-or lease- purchase agreement or in certain states, a
rent-to-own agreement, a consumer rental-purchase agreement, or a
lease agreement with an option to purchase.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ashton J. Hyde, Esq.
          250 E. 200 S., Ste. 1100
          Salt Lake City, UT 84111
          Phone: (801) 312-8756
          Fax: (801) 335-6478
          Email: ashton@yhmlaw.com

PROGRESSIVE SELECT: Carroll Suit Seeks Class Certification
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SIOBAHN CARROLL and ALAN
LUKEN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
2:21-cv-09217-FMO-RAO (C.D. Cal.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court to
enter an order granting class certification.

Progressive operates as an insurance company.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3QwjUly at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          G. Thomas Martin, Esq.
          Nicholas J., Bontrager, Esq.
          4605 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 535
          Toluca Lake, CA 91602
          Telephone: (323) 940-1700
          Facsimile: (323) 238-8095
          E-mail: tom@mblawapc.com

                - and -

          Asaf Agazanof, Esq.
          ASAF LAW APC
          2330 Westwood Blvd., Second Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90064
          Telephone: (424) 253-8870
          Facsimile: (888) 254-0651
          E-mail: Asaf@Lawasaf.com

                - and -

          Manfred Muecke, Esq.
          MANFRED, APC
          600 West Broadway, Suite 700
          San Diego, CA 92101
          Telephone: (619) 550-4005
          Facsimile: (619) 550-4006
          E-mail: mmuecke@manfredapc.com

                - and -

          Robert L. Schug, Esq.
          Matthew H. Morgan, Esq.
          80 S. 8th Street, Ste. 4700
          Minneapolis, MN, 55402
          Telephone: (612) 256-3200
          Facsimile: (612) 338-4878
          E-mail: schug@nka.com

                - and -

          Ryan F. Stephan, Esq.
          James B. Zouras, Esq.
          Teresa M. Becvar, Esq.
          222 W. Adams Street, Suite 2020
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Telephone: (312) 233-1550
          Facsimile: (312) 233-1560
          E-mail: rstephan@stephanzouras.com

                - and -

          David R. Markham, Esq.
          8910 University Center Lane, Suite 400
          San Diego, CA 92122
          Telephone: (619) 399-3995
          Facsimile: (619) 615-2067
          E-mail: dmarkham@markham-law.com

PROGRESSIVE SELECT: Leave to File Documents Under Seal Sought
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SIOBAHN CARROLL and ALAN
LUKEN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
2:21-cv-09217-FMO-RAO (C.D. Cal.), the Parties ask the Court to
enter an order granting application for leave to file under seal
the following unredacted materials submitted with their Joint Brief
Regarding Motion for Class Certification and associated Joint

  Joint Brief Regarding Motion    Portions Redacted at FN1 and FN12

  for Class Certification

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 1        Portions Redacted at Appx. 31, 33

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 2        Portions Redacted at Appx. 50,

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 9        Portions Redacted at Appx. 130,
                                  132, 133

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 14       Portions Redacted at Appx. 162,
                                  164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169,
                                  171, 172, 173, 175

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 15       Portions Redacted at Appx. 180,
                                  181, 182

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 16       Portions Redacted at Appx. 196,
                                  199, 203, 206, 207, 210

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 17       Entire Document Confidential at
                                  Appx. 221-223

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 23       Entire Document Confidential at
                                  Appx. 342-346

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 40       Portions Redacted at Appx. 517,
                                  559, 560, 571

  Joint Appendix Exhibit 41       Portions Redacted at Appx. 598

Progressive operates as an insurance company.

A copy of the Parties' motion dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3G1cwKe at no extra charge.[CC]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          G. Thomas Martin, Esq.
          Nicholas J., Bontrager, Esq.
          4605 Lankershim Blvd., Suite 535
          Toluca Lake, CA 91602
          Telephone: (323) 940-1700
          Facsimile: (323) 238-8095
          E-mail: tom@mblawapc.com

                - and -

          Asaf Agazanof, Esq.
          ASAF LAW APC
          2330 Westwood Blvd., Second Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90064
          Telephone: (424) 253-8870
          Facsimile: (888) 254-0651
          E-mail: Asaf@Lawasaf.com

                - and -

          Manfred Muecke, Esq.
          MANFRED, APC
          600 West Broadway, Suite 700
          San Diego, CA 92101
          Telephone: (619) 550-4005
          Facsimile: (619) 550-4006
          E-mail: mmuecke@manfredapc.com

                - and -

          Robert L. Schug, Esq.
          Matthew H. Morgan, Esq.
          80 S. 8th Street, Ste. 4700
          Minneapolis, MN, 55402
          Telephone: (612) 256-3200
          Facsimile: (612) 338-4878
          E-mail: schug@nka.com

                - and -

          Ryan F. Stephan, Esq.
          James B. Zouras, Esq.
          Teresa M. Becvar, Esq.
          222 W. Adams Street, Suite 2020
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Telephone: (312) 233-1550
          Facsimile: (312) 233-1560
          E-mail: rstephan@stephanzouras.com

                - and -

          David R. Markham, Esq.
          8910 University Center Lane, Suite 400
          San Diego, CA 92122
          Telephone: (619) 399-3995
          Facsimile: (619) 615-2067
          E-mail: dmarkham@markham-law.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Kymberly Kochis, Esq.
          Tracey Ledbetter, Esq.
          1114 Avenue of the Americas, 40th Floor
          New York, NY 10036
          Telephone: (212) 389-5000
          Facsimile: (212) 389-5099
          E-mail: kymkochis@eversheds-sutherland.com

                - and -

          Amanda Villalobos, Esq.
          515 South Flower Street, Forty Second Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Telephone: (213) 430-3395
          Facsimile: (213) 430-3409
          E-mail: amanda.villalobos@tuckerellis.com

PROPAK LOGISTICS: Zamora Suit Removed to E.D. California
The case captioned as Francisco J. Zamora, on behalf of himself and
all others similarly situated, and the general public v. PROPAK
LOGISTICS, LLC, an Arkansas corporation; and DOES 1 through 50,
inclusive, Case No. 23CV008439 was removed from the Superior Court
of the State of California, County of Sacramento, to the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of California on
Nov. 2, 2023, and assigned Case No. 2:23-cv-02534-JDP.

The Complaint asserts the following Class Action Claims: Failure to
Provide Meal Periods, Failure to Provide Rest Periods,Failure to
Pay Hourly Wages and Overtime, Failure to Timely Pay All Final
Wages, Failure to Indemnify, and Unfair Competition.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          James E. Hart, Bar No. 194168
          Alejandra Gallegos, Bar No. 340320
          18565 Jamboree Road, Suite 800
          Irvine, CA 92612
          Phone: 949.705.3000
          Fax: 949.724.1201
          Email: jhart@littler.com

PROTECTIVE LIFE: Parties in Allen Must File Joint Status Report
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Allen, et al., v.
Protective Life Insurance Company, et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-00026
(E.D. Cal., Filed Jan. 5, 2023), the Hon. Judge Jennifer L.
Thurston entered an order that the parties shall file a joint
status report addressing each side's proposal for proceeding with
respect to Plaintiffs' motion to amend and any other relevant

In light of the parties' joint report regarding Plaintiffs' motion
to amend, and good cause appearing, Plaintiffs' motion shall be
held in abeyance pending resolution of the class certification
issues in Moriarty v. American General Life Insurance Co. Case No.
3:17-cv-1709 (S.D. Cal.).

The nature of suit states Diversity-Insurance Contract.

Protective Life is an insurance and annuity provider.[CC]

PROVIDENT FINANCIAL: Continues to Defend Consumer Fraud Act Suit
Provident Financial Services Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Consumer Fraud Act
violation class suit in the Superior Court of New Jersey.

On May 2, 2022, a purported class action complaint was filed
against Provident Bank in the Superior Court of New Jersey, which
alleges that Provident wrongfully assessed overdraft fees related
to debit card transactions.

The complaint asserts claims for breach of contract and breach of
the covenant of good faith and fair dealing as well as an alleged
violation of the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.

Plaintiff seeks to represent a proposed class of all Provident Bank
checking account customers who were charged overdraft fees on
transactions that were authorized into a positive available

Plaintiff seeks unspecified damages, costs, attorneys' fees,
pre-judgment interest, an injunction, and other relief as the Court
deems proper for the plaintiff and the proposed class.

Provident Bank denies the allegations and is vigorously defending
the matter.

Provident Financial Services, Inc. provides banking services. The
Company offers checking accounts, home equity loans, credit cards,
investment, telephone banking, bills payments, and merchant banking
services. Provident Financial Services serves customers in the
United States.

QANTAS AIRWAYS: Perez Labor Suit Removed to C. D. Calif.
The class action lawsuit captioned as AZIEL JOEY GOMEZ PEREZ, as an
individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. QANTAS
AIRWAYS LIMITED, an Australian corporation; and DOES 1-100,
inclusive, Case No. 23STCV18974 (Filed Aug. 9, 2023), was removed
from the Superior Court of the State of California for the County
of Los Angeles, to the United States District Court for the Central
District of California on Oct. 12, 2023.

The Central District of California Court Clerk assigned Case No.
2:23-cv-08620-RGK-RAO to the proceeding.

The suit is a putative wage-and-hour class action against the
Defendant on behalf of

   "all current and former non-exempt employees that worked either

   directly or via a staffing agency for any one or more of the
   Defendant at any location in California at any time within the
   four years prior to the filing of the initial Complaint."

Specifically, the Plaintiff asserts putative class claims against
Qantas under the California Labor Code and the Industrial Wage
Commission Wage Orders for recovery of unpaid minimum wages and
unpaid overtime wages; failure to provide compliant meal periods
and compliant rest periods; failure to timely pay all wages upon
termination; and failure to reimburse business expenses.

The Plaintiff also asserts a putative class claim for unfair
business practices under California's Unfair Competition Law.

The Plaintiff worked for Qantas as "a non-exempt employee with a
job title of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and/or a similar
title(s) and/or position(s) from February 18, 2019 to September 13,

Qantas is engaged in the operation of international and domestic
air transportation services.[BN]

The Defendant is represented by:

          Kelly Perigoe, Esq.
          Ramon A. Miyar, Esq.
          Jacqueline Suh, Esq.
          633 West Fifth Street, Suite 1600
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Telephone: (213) 443-4355
          Facsimile: (213) 443-4310
          E-mail: kperigoe@kslaw.com

QUALCOMM: Wins Summary Judgment in Antitrust Litigation
In the class action lawsuit re: Qualcomm Antitrust Litigation, Case
No. 3:17-md-02773-JSC (N.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Jacqueline Scott
Corley entered an order granting Qualcomm's motion for summary

Qualcomm argues such relief is inappropriate because Plaintiffs
have an adequate remedy at law under the Cartwright Act. The Court
agrees. A UCL monetary claim might lie when conduct falls outside
"the confines of traditional antitrust law."

But under Sonner and Guzman v. Polaris Industries, the failure to
pursue, or to successfully pursue, an adequate remedy at law does
not make that remedy inadequate.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/46iWxlc at no extra

QUANTUMSCAPE CORP: Faces Consolidated Shareholder Suit in N.D.Cal.
Quantumscape Corporation disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 27, 2023, that it is
currently facing a securities class action litigation which alleges
a purported class that includes all persons who purchased or
acquired the company's securities between November 27, 2020 and
April 14, 2021.

The consolidated complaint names the company, its Chief Executive
Officer, its Chief Financial Officer, and its Chief Technology
Officer as defendants. The consolidated complaint alleges that the
defendants purportedly made false and/or misleading statements and
failed to disclose material adverse facts about its business,
operations, and prospects, including information regarding its
battery technology.

Beginning in January 2021 class action lawsuits were filed in the
United States District court for the Northern District of
California by purported purchasers of Company securities. This was
consolidated on June 21, 2021.

On January 14, 2022, defendants' motion to dismiss the consolidated
complaint was substantially denied. On December 19, 2022, the court
granted plaintiffs' motion to certify the class.

The original QuantumScape Corporation, now named QuantumScape
Battery, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, was
founded in 2010 with the mission to revolutionize energy storage to
enable a sustainable future. The company is focused on the
development and commercialization of its solid-state lithium-metal
batteries. Planned principal operations have not yet commenced. As
of September 30, 2023, the company had not derived revenue from its
principal business activities.

QUEENS UNIVERSITY: Faces Class Suit Over Anti-Semitism
YGK News reports that Queen's University is one of three Canadian
schools being named in a class-action lawsuit alleging recurring
anti-semitism and failure to deal with incidents on campus in a
meaningful way.

The suit addresses anti-semitic events experienced on the campuses
of Toronto Metropolitan University, Queen's University and The
University of British Columbia - with each standalone lawsuit
seeking damages of $15 million.

The suit against Queen's represents current and former Jewish
students at the university, alleging that Queen's has been
negligent and failed in its duty to investigate instances of
anti-semitism and to foster an environment where Jewish students
feel safe and welcome.

The anonymous plaintiffs are being represented by Diamond and
Diamond Lawyers, who said in a release that the track record of
Queen's and other named universities offering statements denouncing
anti-semitism and hate speech have not gone far enough to satisfy
their responsibility to Jewish students.

"Despite numerous notifications from the Plaintiffs about
anti-Semitic occurrences, the University consistently fails to take
substantial action, often merely offering superficial statements
without meaningful resolution," states Sandra Zisckind, Managing
Partner at Diamond and Diamond Lawyers.

"Owning the campus space in question, they are obligated to
demonstrate accountability."

Diamond and Diamond said "100% [there will] be other schools added
to the claim" but those were still being finalized as of November
14, 2023 afternoon.

The lawsuit asserts that anti-semitic rhetoric is promoted by
various student groups and academic staff, and while not endorsed
by Queen's it is up to the university to sanction those

In many of the examples of anti-semitism listed in Diamond &
Diamond's suit Queen's has plead ignorance regarding the identities
of perpetrators, however the law firm says the university's
investigations into the matters have not been thorough enough.

Anti-semitism on campus has only increased since the October 7
Hamas attack on Israel according to the lawsuit, but Darryl Singer
- the head of class actions at Diamond & Diamond - says Queen's has
allowed a hateful environment to exist since long before that.

"Not only have they done nothing to stop it but in fact they've
sort of tacitly encouraged it," Singer said.

"These are not new things, it's gone on for many, many years but
the flashpoint that's driving this particular case now is of course
the events of October 7 in Israel."

Singer said while those supporting Palestine claim their protests
and what the lawsuit describes as hate speech are in response to
Israel's retaliation to the attack, a continued military response
that has killed more than 11,000 Palestinians in just over a month,
anti-semitism on campuses had already increased dramatically before
any action was taken by Israel.

The lawsuit essentially pushes Queen's to condemn pro-Palestinian
rallies, as Singer says much of the rhetoric incites violence
against Israel whereas pro-Israeli rallies are calling for peaceful

"There's not a single thing that goes on at any of those rallies
that's calling for harm to the Palestinians, that's calling for the
destruction of an entire people," Singer said.

"On the other side what we are seeing on those campuses is 'from
the river to the sea' which means basically the destruction of

The statement "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"
is often heard at rallies for Palestine, and has been condemned as
anti-semitic by organizations such as the Anti Defamation League.

However many pro-Palestinian advocates strongly disagree with that
interpretation, saying that it is a call for peace and an end to
Israeli occupation, and that extreme interpretations of the slogan
are misguided.

"The attempts to redefine this chant by those who are not
Palestinian is an overreach and mischaracterization," the Arab
American Anti-Discrimination Committee said.

Singer says there is a "juxtaposition" between the Jewish position
of supporting Israel versus the other position which he say is
supposedly supporting Palestine and Gaza but really crosses over
into what is essentially hate speech and calling for death and

He says if Muslim or Arab students were being subjected to the same
treatment that Queen's Jewish students are, the response from the
university would have more teeth.

He says he suspects the university is actually choosing not to
condemn anti-semitism or the actions of pro-Palestinian student
groups due to the perception that Israel is in the wrong.

In general, Singer says that universities have completely adopted a
pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel stance.

"In this particular academic worldview Israel's the bad guy,"
Singer said.

"And we don't want to offend the people that are perceived as the

Pro-Palestinian supporters however feel the exact opposite, saying
that in its statements since October 7 Queen's has consistently
condemned the Hamas attack while failing to acknowledge the Israeli
occupation or condemn the actions of Israel.

One student said statements released by Queen's Principal Patrick
Deane have been one sided, downplay the Palestinian struggle as a
whole, and routinely include pro-Israeli propaganda.

Singer said that it's early in the process of the lawsuit, and
Diamond and Diamond have only heard from Queen's counsel in the
last few days.

In response to the lawsuit, Queen's University said it can't
comment on the specifics but that the university has been clear
there is no space for violence or hate at Queen’s.

"We are committed to fostering a safe environment for all at the
university and we will continue to support our students, faculty,
and staff," Queen's statement reads.

"We encourage those impacted by recent events - especially those
from Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian and Muslim communities - to reach
out to access available supports, whether that's counselling,
academic advising, spiritual care, cultural support, or human
rights advocacy. We also continue to take seriously and investigate
all reports and incidents involving vandalism, acts of religious
intolerance, or hate, and will if appropriate, refer cases to the
police for further investigation."

The suit states explicitly that nothing within it is meant to
restrict the Canadian Charter right to free speech, and that
incidents and repeated behaviour named in the claim cross the line
into hate speech.

However if the suit is successful, both courts and university
campuses may need to reckon with free speech related complaints on
campus. [GN]

QUEST DIAGNOSTICS: Bratten Suit Removed to E.D. California
The case captioned as Gregory Bratten, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INCORPORATED, a
Delaware Corporation, and OPTUM360 LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company, Case No. 23-cv-009589 was removed from the
Superior Court of California for the County of Sacramento, to the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
on Nov. 3, 2023, and assigned Case No. 2:23-at-01122.

The Complaint alleges that Bratten obtained blood testing at a
Quest laboratory; in September 2016, Quest hired Optum360 to
"manage its revenue services operations" and consequently assigned
its contracts with third-party debt collectors to Optum360; between
January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018, Bratten's account was sent
to a third-party debt collector, presumably because he failed to
pay Quest's bills, as part of this process, Defendants transmitted
Bratten's "sensitive medical information to a third party debt
collection company," i.e., AMCA, without authorization; and the
third-party debt collector, i.e., AMCA, did not need medical
information. Based on these allegations, Bratten asserts a single
claim against Quest and Optum360 for violation of California Civil,
which is part of California's Confidentiality of Medical
Information Act ("CMIA").[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Amy P. Lally, Esq.
          1999 Avenue of the Stars, 17th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Phone: +1 310 595 9500
          Facsimile: +1 310 595 9501
          Email: alally@sidley.com

               - and -

          Amy P. Lally, Esq.
          1999 Avenue of the Stars, 17th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Phone: +1 310 595 9500
          Facsimile: +1 310 595 9501
          Email: alally@sidley.com

QUICK BOX: Tan Seeks OK of Class Cert Supplemental Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as LEANNE TAN, Individually
and On Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, v. QUICK BOX, LLC,
et al., Case No. 3:20-cv-01082-LL-DDL (S.D. Cal.), the Plaintiff
asks the Court to enter an order granting her leave to file
supplemental motion in support of class certification.

Mr. Kulvete's identity was not discovered until recently when, on
June 6, 2023, the Konnektive Defendants produced the names and
contact information for the Class. Mr. Kulvete's importance as
witness only became apparent after Plaintiff's counsel interviewed
numerous members of the putative Class and discovered that Mr.
Kulvete had saved
portions of the same exact website that Ms. Tan visited.

The Plaintiff suggests that in this case, there is good cause to
hear the additional evidence. While the Court set a deadline for
class certification motions, "newly discovered facts can constitute
good cause to modify a scheduling order."

The Plaintiff was not provided contact information for the Class
until June 6, 2023, when it received a spreadsheet with more than
146,000 rows full of names and contact information, some of them

Subsequently, on July 5, 2023, the Defendants filed their
Opposition to the Class Certification motion, in which they began
arguing for the first time that Ms. Tan had visited a URL including
"lms," and thus that Plaintiff had downloaded the "wrong website"
or that Ms. Tan was not being truthful.

Mr. Kulvete's experience confirms that Ms. Tan told the truth: she
did, in fact, experience what she claimed, because Mr. Kulvete had
the same experience at the same URL and kept records of it well
before this lawsuit was filed. To consider this evidence would not
result in delay but would result in a greater development of the
factual record.

Quick Box is a Business-to-Business (B2B) company offering
last-mile delivery, same day & on-demand delivery service.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3FXjP5k at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Kevin Kneupper, Esq.
          A. Cyclone Covey, Esq.
          KNEUPPER & COVEY, PC
          17011 Beach Blvd., Suite 900
          Huntington Beach, CA 92647
          Telephone: (512) 420-8407
          E-mail: kevin@kneuppercovey.com

R&S CONCRETE: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Arana Alleges
GUILLERMO ARANA, individually and on behalf of all other similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. R&S CONCRETE SOUTH, INC.; ROGER & SONS
1:23-cv-24353-XXXX (S.D. Fla., Nov. 14, 2023) seeks to recover from
the Defendants unpaid wages and overtime compensation, interest,
liquidated damages, attorneys' fees, and costs under the Fair Labor
Standards Act.

Plaintiff Arana was employed by the Defendants as a carpenter.

R&S CONCRETE SOUTH, INC. is a specialty contractor that serves the
Miami, FL area and specializes in concrete. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Julisse Jimenez, Esq.
          20900 NE 30th Avenue, Ste. 800
          Aventura, FL 33180
          Telephone: (305) 482-1475
          Email: julisse@legalopinionusa.com

RADARIS LLC: Faces Ducksworth Class Suit Over Selling People's Info
RADARIS LLC: Faces Ducksworth Class Suit Over Selling People's Info
Cook County Record reports that class action lawsuit accuses people
search site Radaris of violating Illinois' Right of Publicity Act
(IRPA) by allegedly charging people for access to other people's
identifying information.

The company operates a website, Radaris.com, "which provides access
to a database containing a vast trove of personal information about
untold numbers of individuals," states the lawsuit, filed in Cook
County Circuit Court.

Radaris allows visitors to the website to conduct a "free" people
search, the suit says.

"Once the search is complete, Radaris presents a preview of a
'report' showing, among other data points, the individual's full
name, age, relatives, and city and state of residence," the lawsuit

Lead plaintiff Reginald Ducksworth is "among those persons whose
names and other personally-identifiable information Radaris used to
market its subscription service," the lawsuit alleges.

But neither Ducksworth or any other members of the class of people
the suit seeks to represent ever gave the company permission to use
their personal information, the suit states.  

"As a result, Radaris violated -- and continues to violate -- the
IRPA by reaping a commercial benefit through the unauthorized use
of Plaintiff's and the Class's demographic information in its
advertisements," the lawsuit contends.

The lawsuit seeks $1,000 per violation, plus attorney fees.

The plaintiffs are represented by attorneys Keith J. Keogh and
Gregg M. Barbakoff, of Keogh Law Ltd., of Chicago. [GN]

RED TIGER: Ni Seeks to Certify Rule 23 Class Action
In the class action lawsuit captioned as LI NI on his own behalf
and on behalf of others similarly situated, v. RED TIGER DUMPLING
HOUSE INC. d/b/a Red Tiger Dumpling House JUN WEN BARNES, and HAI
QING LIU, Case No. 2:19-cv-03269-GRB-SIL (E.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiff
asks the Court to enter an order:

   (1) certifying this action as a class action pursuant to Rule 23
       the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure;

   (2) appointing Plaintiff Li Ni as the class representative;

   (3) appointing Troy Law, PLLC and its attorneys John Troy, Aaron
       Schweitzer, and Tiffany Troy as class counsel;

   (4) permitting Plaintiffs to circulate a notice of class action
       direct mail to class members and by publication; and

   (5) granting such other and further relief as the Court shall
       just and proper.

Red Tiger is a Chinese restaurant.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/40A7WvX at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John Troy, Esq.
          TROY LAW, PLLC
          41-25 Kissena Boulevard, Suite 110
          Flushing, NY 11355
          Telephone: (718) 762-1324
          E-mail: troylaw@troypllc.com

REDWIRE CORP: Continues to Defend Lemen Class Suit in Florida
Redwire Corp. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the Company continues
to defend itself from the Lemen class suit in the United States
District Court for the Middle District of Florida.

On December 17, 2021, the Company, our CEO, Peter Cannito, and our
former CFO, William Read, were named as defendants in a putative
class action complaint filed in the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Florida. That litigation is captioned
Lemen v. Redwire Corp. et al., Case No. 3:21-cv-01254-TJC-PDB (M.D.

On March 7, 2022, the Court appointed a lead plaintiff.

On June 17, 2022, the lead plaintiff filed an amended complaint. In
the amended complaint, the lead plaintiff alleges that the Company
and certain of its directors and officers made misleading
statements and/or failed to disclose material facts about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects, allegedly in
violation of Section 10(b) (and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder)
and Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act. As relief, the plaintiffs
are seeking, among other things, compensatory damages.

The defendants believe the allegations are without merit and intend
to defend the suit vigorously.

On August 16, 2022, the defendants moved to dismiss the complaint
in its entirety, and such motion was denied by the Court on March
22, 2023.

A reasonable estimate of the amount of any possible loss or range
of loss cannot be made at this time.

Redwire Corporation develops and manufactures mission critical
space solutions and high reliability components for the next
generation space economy, with valuable intellectual property for
solar power generation, in-space 3D printing and manufacturing,
avionics, critical components, sensors, digital engineering and
space-based biotechnology.

RESERVE AT LAVISTA: Faces Class Action Over Mismanaged Apartments
Hope Dean at atlantanewsfirst.com reports that more than a dozen
former residents of The Reserve at LaVista Walk, which burned down,
gathered to speak against the building's owners.

During the press conference, attorney Doug Dean announced that a
class action lawsuit will soon be filed against five companies that
were responsible for the complex. The property allegedly had
problems with its fire suppression systems, including broken
control valves and corroded sprinkler heads, that were well-known
but not fixed, Dean said.

Alexander Lanz, one of the complex's residents and also a staff
member, said the apartments had multiple issues, like black mold
and rats.

"It was disgusting," he said. " . . . This is me knowing that we're
doing the right thing, standing up to one of many predatory
landlords in Atlanta who think that they're going to move into town
and raise rates, not take care of the buildings and neglect us, not
only as business people but as tenants."

Alyssa Greene, another former resident, said she lost everything --
including 100-year-old family recipes, art pieces from since she
was 12 and elementary school stuffed animals.

"We should've been protected better from this," she said. "... We
are going to do everything that we can to survive this together."

Hundreds of people were evacuated and dozens lost their homes, the
American Red Cross said. The complex is expected to be torn down,
according to the fire department.

Two people, Robert Stokes and Charnelle Gunn, face charges of
first-degree criminal damage to property and reckless conduct in
connection to the fire. Police believe it was caused by fireworks
being shot from the building's roof.

Dean said he believes fireworks had been shot off from the roof
before, but the complex did nothing to stop it.

An Atlanta Police Department officer lost his cat in the fire.
Several people were also treated for smoke inhalation -- including
5-year-old Audrey Abuna, her mother Judy Abuna said. The mother
wasn't sure when her daughter, who has a medical condition, would
be released from the hospital.

"I stay positive," Judy said. "Whatever happens, my daughter keeps
me going."[GN]

REVANCE THERAPEUTICS: Continues to Defend Securities Class Suit
Revance Therapeutics Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending in September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the securities class suit
in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of

On December 10, 2021, a putative securities class action complaint
was filed against the Company and certain of its officers on behalf
of a class of stockholders who acquired the Company's securities
from November 25, 2019 to October 11, 2021, in the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California.

The complaint alleges that the Company and certain of its officers
violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of Exchange Act by making false
and misleading statements regarding the manufacturing of DAXXIFY®
and the timing and likelihood of regulatory approval and seeks
unspecified monetary damages on behalf of the putative class and an
award of costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

The court appointed the lead plaintiff and lead counsel on
September 7, 2022.

The lead plaintiff filed an amended complaint on November 7, 2022.

On January 23, 2023, it filed a motion to dismiss.

On March 8, 2023, the lead plaintiff filed an opposition to its
motion to dismiss. On April 7, 2023, it filed a reply in support of
its motion to dismiss.

A hearing on its motion to dismiss took place on August 10, 2023,
and it is awaiting a decision from the court.

The Company cannot be certain of whether that motion to dismiss
will be granted.

Revance Therapeutics Inc. is a biotechnology company focused on
developing and commercializing innovative aesthetic and therapeutic
offerings for muscle movement disorders, cervical dystonia and
upper limb spasticity.

RINGCENTRAL INC: Continues to Defend Reuben Class Suit
RingCentral Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Reuben class suit in
California Superior Court for San Mateo County.

On June 16, 2020, Plaintiff Meena Reuben filed a complaint against
the Company for a putative class action lawsuit in California
Superior Court for San Mateo County.

The complaint alleges claims on behalf of a class of individuals
for whom, while they were in California, the Company allegedly
intercepted and recorded communications between individuals and the
Company's customers without the individual's consent, in violation
of the California Invasion of Privacy Act ("CIPA") Sections 631 and

Reuben seeks statutory damages of $5,000 for each alleged violation
of Sections 631 and 632.7, injunctive relief, and attorneys' fees
and costs, and other unspecified amount of damages.

The parties participated in mediation on August 24, 2021.

On September 16, 2021, Reuben filed an amended complaint.

The Company filed a demurrer to the amended complaint on October
18, 2021, and a motion for judgment on the pleadings on January 23,

The Court overruled the Company's demurrer and motion for judgment
on the pleadings, and the parties are now engaged in discovery.

This litigation is still in its early stages.

Based on the information known by the Company as of the date of
this filing and the rules and regulations applicable to the
preparation of the Company's condensed consolidated financial
statements, it is not possible to provide an estimated amount of
any such loss or range of loss that may occur.

The Company intends to vigorously defend against this lawsuit.

RingCentral, Inc. is a provider of software-as-a-service solutions
that enables businesses to communicate, collaborate and connect.

ROADSAFE TRAFFIC: Turner Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case captioned as Vincent Turner, an individual; on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated and the general public v.
ROADSAFE TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation; and DOES 1
to 100, inclusive, Case No. 23CV043674 was removed from the Alameda
County Superior Court, State of California, to the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California on Nov. 6,
2023, and assigned Case No. 4:23-cv-05716.

In the Complaint, Plaintiff alleges nine causes of action against
Defendant: Violation of Business and Professions; Violation of
Labor; Failure to Pay Meal and Rest Break Premiums at the Regular
Rate of Pay; Failure to Provide and Maintain Accurate Wage
Statements pursuant to Labor Code; Failure to Provide Meal Periods;
Failure to Provide Rest Breaks; Failure to Reimburse Expenses; and
Violation of Labor Code (PAGA).[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Michael J. Nader, Esq.
          Alexandra Asterlin, Esq.
          Paul M. Smith, Esq.
          500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2500
          Sacramento, CA 95814
          Phone: 916-840-3150
          Facsimile: 916-840-3159
          Email: michael.nader@ogletree.com

ROBLOX CORP: Misrepresents Game as Safe to Children, Suit Says
Jeremy Gan of Dexerto reports that the Roblox Corporation has been
named in a civil action lawsuit filed by parents, alleging the
company has misrepresented their game as safe and appropriate for
their children.

Accusing the Roblox developers of negligent misrepresentation and
false advertising, the lawsuit alleges the game is showing children
inappropriate content due to its inadequate filtering and
moderation, leading children to be shown explicit content and be
able to engage in inappropriate encounters.

The lawsuit additionally alleges that Roblox's deceptive marketing
has misled parents into spending money on the platform, with
parents in the lawsuit spending thousands of dollars on the game.

In a statement made to PC Gamer on the lawsuit, Roblox said, "We
dispute the allegations and will respond in court. Roblox is
committed to providing a positive and safe experience for people of
all ages."

"We have an expert team of thousands of people dedicated to
moderation and safety on Roblox 24/7, and we act swiftly to block
inappropriate content or behavior when detected, including sexual
content which violates our Community Standards."

The lawsuit claims children have encountered "nude avatars, avatars
engaging in intercourse, and use of sex toys, as well as virtual
strip clubs".

One of the lawsuit's plaintiffs, a parent, said she discovered that
her then seven-year-old son had been receiving sexual messages in
the game's messaging service, "multiple users sent her child
abusive and profane messages directly through the Roblox messaging

The lawsuit goes into detail, "One user asked her son to perform
virtual [acts] on his avatar in the game. Another user asked her
son to show them his genitals, and yet another called him a
malicious racial slur."

Another plaintiff in the suit, Damon Uhl, told CBS News that his
daughter was "manipulated and groomed" by an adult who has made
contact through Roblox, which eventually turned into contact
outside of the game.

"There's a misperception that Roblox is safe," said Alexandra
Walsh, Founder of Walsh Law, the firm that is representing the
parent in the lawsuit. "Parents who would never let their kids use
TikTok don't think twice about letting them on Roblox, even though
what they encounter on Roblox can be far more harmful."

This lawsuit is not the only suit the Roblox Corporation is
currently facing. In August, Roblox was named in a lawsuit alleging
children were exposed to "illegal gambling" due to Roblox's in-game
currency's propensity for being used in illegal gambling sites
using Robux. [GN]

ROCKET MORTGAGE: Faces Suit Over Unsolicited Telemarketing Calls
Connie Kim of HousingWire reports that Detroit-headquartered lender
Rocket Mortgage faces a class-action lawsuit for making repeated,
unsolicited telephone calls, violating the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act.

According to the suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Arizona on November 15, 2023, Kellie Deits -- a
resident of Arizona -- received a call from a Rocket Mortgage
representative in April who offered her mortgage products and
services she had not requested nor inquired about.

Despite Deits' request to not be contacted again, she alleges she
received at least 27 more calls over the next 10 days from the same
telephone number that initially contacted her, according to court

The lawsuit seeks to represent a class that includes all
residential telephone subscribers who received more than one
telemarketing call within a 12-month period from Rocket Mortgage
within five years after requesting the lender not call them.

Deits does not know the exact size of the class-action lawsuit, but
she believes it to be, at minimum, in the hundreds, given the
number of complaints Rocket has received and the nationwide scale
of its business.

Rocket dismissed the suit as baseless.

"We care deeply about client service, as is evident by our 20 J.D.
Power awards, numerous industry accolades and one of our ISMs, or
founding principles, that insists we 'Do The Right Thing.' Despite
this, plaintiff attorneys continue to litter the industry with
baseless TCPA claims in hopes of securing quick and lucrative
settlements," the lender said in an e-mailed statement.

The barrier to file one of these cases is extremely low, but the
end result is what really matters, Rocket noted.

"To date, not one single TCPA class has been certified against
Rocket Mortgage. This is a clear indication of just how seriously
we take our compliance obligations. There is no merit to this case,
and we expect a quick and decisive ruling in our favor," the lender

The complaint seeks up to $500 per violation of the TCPA for the
National Do-Not-Call (DNC) Registry class and for Deits. The suit
also seeks an injunction prohibiting Rocket from making
telemarketing calls to residential phone numbers that do not wish
to receive them.

Attorneys for Deits didn't respond to requests for comment.

Rocket was hit with similar class-action lawsuits this year
alleging Rocket violated the TCPA.

In June, a California resident sued Rocket, alleging that the
lender made unsolicited calls and sent text messages to consumers
who registered their phones on the DNC registry.

Rocket, in response, also dismissed the lawsuit as baseless. The
case was dismissed in August by the U.S. District Court for Eastern
California. [GN]

Roger Crystal: Litten Files Suit in Del. Chancery Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Roger Crystal, et al.
The case is styled as James Litten, and other similarly situated v.
Roger Crystal, Ann MacDougall, Craig Collard, Gabrielle Silver,
Lorianne Masuoka, Michael Sinclair, Richard Daly, Thomas T. Thomas,
New Castle County, Sheriff, Case No. 2023-1105-LWW (Del. Chancery
Ct., Nov. 8, 2023).

The case type is stated as "Breach of Fiduciary Duties."

Roger Crystal is Former President/CEO at Opiant Pharmaceuticals

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ernst, Ryan M, Esq.
          1204 N. King St.
          Wilmington, DE 19801
          Phone: (302) 321-5411
          Fax: (302) 397-2557
          Email: rernst@bk-legal.com

SAGILITY LLC: Weller Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
The case captioned as Destiny Weller, individually and on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. SAGILITY LLC, Case No.
2023-CH-07957 was removed from the Circuit Court of Cook County,
Illinois, to the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois on Nov. 3, 2023, and assigned Case No.

The Complaint alleges only one cause of action asserting violations
of the Illinois Genetic Information Privacy Act ("GIPA").
Plaintiff's pleadings, however, are ambiguous and very vague as to
what actions of Sagility allegedly constituted violation(s) of

The Defendants are represented by:

          Christopher Ward, Esq.
          John Litchfield, Esq.
          321 North Clark Street, Suite 3000
          Chicago, IL 60654
          Phone: 312.832.4500
          Fax: 312.832.4700
          Email: CWard@foley.com

SALEM HEALTH: Faces Suit Over Disclosed Personal Info to 3rd Party
M.R., individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
No. 3:23-cv-01691 (D. Ore., November 15, 2023) is a class action
against the Defendant for breach of confidence, violation of
Electronic Communications Privacy Act, invasion of privacy, breach
of implied contract, unjust enrichment, and negligence.

The case arises from the Defendant's alleged unlawful practice of
disclosing the Plaintiff's and Class Members' confidential
personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health
information (PHI) to third parties, without consent, through the
use of tracking software that is embedded in the Defendant's
website. The Defendant breached its statutory and common law
obligations to the Plaintiff and Class Members by, inter alia,: (i)
failing to remove or disengage technology that was known and
designed to share web-users' information; (ii) failing to obtain
the written consent of the Plaintiff and Class Members to disclose
their Private Information to Facebook or others; (iii) failing to
take steps to block the transmission of the Plaintiff's and Class
Members' Private Information through Tracking Tools like the
Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics; (iv) failing to warn the
Plaintiff and Class Members; and (v) otherwise failing to design,
and monitor its website to maintain the confidentiality and
integrity of patient Private Information. As a result of the
Defendant's conduct, the Plaintiff and Class Members have suffered
numerous injuries, says the suit.

Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics is a health care provider with a
principal place of business located at 890 Oak Street, Salem,
Oregon. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Timothy S. DeJong, Esq.
         209 SW Oak Street, Suite 500
         Portland, OR 97204
         Telephone: (503) 227-1600
         Facsimile: (503) 227-6840
         E-mail: tdejong@stollberne.com

                 - and -

         Gary M. Klinger, Esq.
         227 W. Monroe Street, Suite 2100
         Chicago, IL 60606
         Telephone: (866) 252-0878
         E-mail: gklinger@milberg.com

                 - and -

         Glen L. Abramson, Esq.
         Alexandra M. Honeycutt, Esq.
         800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1100
         Knoxville, TN 37929
         Telephone: (866) 252-0878
         E-mail: gabramson@milberg.com

                 - and -

         Bryan L. Bleichner, Esq.
         Philip J. Krzeski, Esq.
         100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1700
         Minneapolis, MN 55401
         Telephone: (612) 339-7300
         Facsimile: (612) 336-2940
         E-mail: bbleichner@chestnutcambronne.com

                 - and -

         Terence R. Coates, Esq.
         Dylan J. Gould, Esq.
         119 E. Court St., Ste. 530
         Cincinnati, OH 4502
         Telephone: (513) 651-3700
         Facsimile: (513) 665-0219
         E-mail: tcoates@msdlegal.com

                 - and -

         Joseph M. Lyon, Esq.
         THE LYON FIRM
         2754 Erie Ave.
         Cincinnati, OH 45208
         Telephone: (513) 381-2333
         Facsimile: (513) 766-9011
         E-mail: jlyon@thelyonfirm.com

SALON COMMODITIES: General Pretrial Management Entered in Luis Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KEVIN YAN LUIS, v. SALON
COMMODITIES, LTD, Case No. 1:23-cv-06271-DEH-BCM (S.D.N.Y.), the
Hon. Judge Barbara Moses entered an order regarding general
Pretrial management:

-- All pretrial motions and applications, including those related
    scheduling and discovery (but excluding motions to dismiss or
    judgment on the pleadings, for injunctive relief, for summary
    judgment, or for class certification under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23)

    must be made to Judge Moses and in compliance with this Court's

    Individual Practices in Civil Cases, available on the Court's
    website at https://nysd.uscourts.gov/hon-barbara-moses.

-- Parties and counsel are cautioned:

    1. Once a discovery schedule has been issued, all discovery
       be initiated in time to be concluded by the close of
       set by the Court.

    2. Discovery applications, including letter-motions requesting

       discovery conferences, must be made promptly after the need
       such an application arises and must comply with Local Civil

       Rule 37.2 and section 2(b) of Judge Moses's Individual

Salon Commodities was founded in 1999. The Company's line of
business includes the manufacturing of miscellaneous fabricated

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 6, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3N3vP9J at no extra charge.[CC]

SANTA MONICA, CA: Class Cert Filing Deadline Extended to Dec. 20
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BLACK LIVES MATTER LOS
HOGAN, all individually and on behalf of a class of similarly
situated persons, v. CITY OF SANTA MONICA, a municipal entity,
CHIEF CYNTHIA RENAUD, and DOES 1 TO 10, inclusive, Case No.
2:21-cv-05253-CAS-AFM (C.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Christina A.
Snyder entered an order extending the deadline to file the motion
for class certification until December 20, 2023, thirty days after
the scheduled deposition of former Santa Monica City Manager Lane

Santa Monica is an 8.3 square mile city situated at a gateway to
the Pacific Ocean on the west side of Los Angeles County.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3MKHn1k at no extra charge.[CC]

SC HEALTH: Grossman Sues Over Misleading Statements on Securities
KENNETH S. GROSSMAN, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. DAVID SIN, ANGELO JOHN COLOMA,
Defendants, Case No. 2:23-cv-09501 (C.D. Cal., November 9, 2023)
asserts claims against the Defendants under Sections 10(b) and
20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and 78t(a), and Rule
10b-5 promulgated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The federal securities class action is brought on behalf of all
purchasers of SC Health and Rockley securities between March 19,
2021 and January 23, 2023, inclusive and purchasers directly in the
March 2021 private investment in public equity of Rockley share
conducted in connection with the merger of SC Health and Rockley.
Allegedly, the Defendants failed to disclose that, among other
things, the a joint venture agreement was in jeopardy because
Hengtong, Rockley's joint venture partner, had acquired a majority
interest in a company, Huawei Marine (later renamed HMN Tech), on
the banned entities list maintained by the US Bureau of Industry
and Security of the US Department of Commerce since 2019.

SC Health Holdings Limited, a Cayman Islands exempted company,
served as the sponsor of SC Health during the Class Period and in
connection with the merger. The Sponsor is an affiliate of SINCap
and is owned by SC Health Group Limited. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Brian E. Cochran, Esq.
         655 West Broadway, Suite 1900
         San Diego, CA 92101
         Telephone: (619) 231-1058
         Facsimile: (619) 231-7423
         E-mail:  bcochran@rgrdlaw.com

                  - and -

         Samuel H. Rudman, Esq.
         58 South Service Road, Suite 200
         Melville, NY 11747
         Telephone: (631) 367-7100
         Facsimile: (631) 367-1173
         E-mail: srudman@rgrdlaw.com

                 - and -

         Richard W. Gonnello, Esq.
         420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1832
         New York, NY 10170
         Telephone: (212) 432-5100
         E-mail: rgonnello@rgrdlaw.com

SCHELL & KAMPETER: Maciel Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Schell & Kampeter,
Inc. The case is styled as Teresa Maciel, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. Schell & Kampeter, Inc.,
Case No. STK-CV-UOE-2023-0011530 (Cal. Super. Ct., San Joaquin
Cty., Nov. 2, 2023).

The case type is stated as "Unlimited Civil Other Employment."

Schell & Kampeter, Inc., doing business as Diamond Pet Foods, Inc.
-- http://www.diamondpet.com/-- manufactures and markets animal
food products.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Vladimir J. Kozina, Esq.
          2453 Grand Canal Blvd.
          Stockton, CA 95207
          Phone: 209-477-3833
          Fax: 209-473-4818
          Email: vjkozina@mayallaw.com

SCHUYLER COUNTY, IL: Crow Files Suit in C.D. Illinois
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Schuyler County
Sheriff's Office. The case is styled as Jacqueline Crow, Mackenzie
Cooley, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
v. Schuyler County Sheriff's Office, Case No. 4:23-cv-04204-CRL-KLM
(C.D. Ill., Nov. 8, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Prisoner Petitions-Prison
Conditions for Prisoner Civil Rights.

Schuyler County Sheriff's Office --
https://www.schuylercounty.us/182/Sheriff -- is the Sheriff's
department in Watkins Glen, New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy Jon Freiberg, Esq.
          4320 Spring Brook Road
          Rockford, IL 61107
          Phone: (217) 801-2733
          Fax: (217) 698-0203
          Email: freiberglaw@gmail.com

SCULPTOR CAPITAL: Continues to Defend Beauchemin Class Suit
Sculptor Capital Management Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Beauchemin class suit
in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware.

On September 11, 2023, stockholder Gilles Beauchemin filed a
purported class action against the Company and each of the
Company's directors in the Court of Chancery of the State of
Delaware, captioned Gilles Beauchemin v. Marcy Engel, et al., No.
2023-0921- (Del. Ch. September 11, 2023) (the "Beauchemin Action").

The Beauchemin Action alleges, among other things, that the Board
and Special Committee violated their fiduciary duties in connection
with the Mergers.

The Beauchemin Action seeks, among other things, injunctive relief.

Along with his September 11 complaint, the plaintiff in the
Beauchemin Action filed a motion for a preliminary injunction, and
a motion to expedite seeking expedited relief from the court.

On September 25, 2023, plaintiff in the Beauchemin Action served
requests for production on the defendants and issued subpoenas to
certain advisors of the Company and the Special Committee and Saba
Capital Management, LP.

On September 26, 2023, the Court held argument on the motion to
expedite, during which it denied the motion without prejudice on
the grounds that it was premature given the ongoing nature of the
Special Committee's deliberations.

The Court ordered the parties to negotiate a plan for expedited
discovery in the event it ordered such discovery at a later date.

On October 15, 2023, the plaintiff in the Beauchemin Action filed
an amended complaint.

A hearing in the matter is scheduled for November 14, 2023.

The Company, Board and Special Committee believe that the
allegations set forth in the Beauchemin Action are without merit
and intend to oppose the request to enjoin the Special Meeting.

SCULPTOR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. operates as a global alternative
asset management firm. [BN]

SCULPTOR CAPITAL: Continues to Defend Former EMD Class Suit
Sculptor Capital Management Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Former EMD Group class

On October 17, 2023, stockholders and former Executive Managing
Directors Daniel S. Och, Harold A. Kelly, Jr., Richard Lyon, James
O'Connor, and Zoltan Varga (the "Former EMD Group") filed a
purported class action complaint on behalf of themselves and
purportedly all other similarly situated stockholders of the
Company against Marcy Engel, Bharath Srikrishnan, Charmel Maynard,
David Bonanno, James Levin, Wayne Cohen, Sculptor Capital
Management, Inc., Sculptor Capital LP, Sculptor Capital Advisors
LP, Sculptor Capital Advisors II LP, Calder Sub, Inc., Calder Sub
I, LP, Calder Sub II, LP, Calder Sub III, LP, and Rithm Capital
Corp. in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, captioned
Och, et al. v. Engel, et al., C.A. No. 2023-1043-SG.

The complaint in the Former EMD Group Action alleges, among other
things, that the Board and Special Committee violated their
fiduciary duties in connection with the Mergers.

The Former EMD Group complaint sought, among other things,
injunctive relief.

On October 20, 2023, the parties in the Beauchemin Action and the
Former EMD Group Action jointly filed a proposed stipulation
coordinating and consolidating the two proceedings in connection
with discovery and a preliminary injunction hearing on November 9,

The Court ordered the stipulation coordinating and consolidating
the two proceedings on October 23, 2023.

On October 27, 2023, Rithm filed a letter with the Court, providing
an update regarding the Founder EMD Group's agreement to vote their
shares in favor of a revised merger agreement between Rithm and the
Company and seeking the Court's approval to enter a stipulation and
proposed order withdrawing the claims in the Former EMD Group
Action with prejudice as to the Former EMD Group.

The stipulation provides that stockholder Gilles Beauchemin will
continue to represent the putative class in the consolidated
action, including with respect to the preliminary injunction

On October 29, 2023, the plaintiff in the Beauchemin Action filed a
consolidated amended complaint, adding the Former EMD Group as
defendants, alleging that they breached duties to the class in
connection with their settlement, and Rithm as a defendant,
alleging it aided and abetted the former EMD Group's breach of

The Company, Board and Special Committee believe that the
allegations set forth in the Beauchemin Action are without merit
and intend to oppose the request to enjoin the Special Meeting.

SCULPTOR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. operates as a global alternative
asset management firm. [BN]

A class action lawsuit has been filed against Semihandmade
Incorporated. The case is styled as Colette Stroude, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. Semihandmade
Incorporated, Case No. 1:23-cv-08340 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Semihandmade Incorporated -- https://www.semihandmade.com/ --
offers affordable designer-favorite custom cabinet doors for the
kitchen, bathroom & living spaces.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          PeterPaul Elhamy Shaker, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          1 University Plaza, Ste. 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Phone: (201) 282-6500
          Email: pshaker@steinsakslegal.com

SHADOW CARGO: Chawla Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Shadow Cargo Inc. The
case is styled as Ramanpreet Singh Chawla, an Induvial, on behalf
of himself and all others similarly situated v. Shadow Cargo Inc.,
Narinder Nutt, Case No. STK-CV-UOE-2023-0011854 (Cal. Super. Ct.,
San Joaquin Cty., Nov. 9, 2023).

The case type is stated as "Unlimited Civil Other Employment."

Shadow Cargo, Inc. is a licensed and DOT registred trucking company
running freight hauling business from Tracy, California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Lori J. Castanzo, Esq.
          111 W Saint John St., Ste. 700
          San Jose, CA 95113-1106
          Phone: 408-993-8493
          Fax: 408-993-8496
          Email: lori@costanzo-law.com

SHARECARE CL: Cunningham Suit Removed to E.D. California
The case captioned as Amanda Cunningham, individually, and on
behalf of other members of the general public similarly situated v.
SHARECARE CL, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; SHARECARE
HEALTH DATA SERVICES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company;
INC., a Delaware corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive,
Case No. CV2023-2034 was removed from the Superior Court of the
State of California, County of Yolo, to the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of California on Nov. 6, 2023, and
assigned Case No. 2:23-at-01130.

The Complaint asserts the following eight causes of action against
Defendants: Violation of California Labor Code for Unpaid Overtime;
Unpaid Meal Period Premiums; Unpaid Rest Period Premiums; Unpaid
Minimum Wages; Final Wages Not Timely Paid; Non-Compliant Wage
Statements; Unreimbursed Business Expenses; and Violation of
California Business & Professions Code.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Bernard M. Resser, Esq.
          Georgiana P. Young, Esq.
          BARTON LLP
          100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1300
          Santa Monica, CA 90401
          Phone: 212.687.6262
          Fax: 212.687.3667
          Email: BResser@BartonEsq.com

SHARED IMAGING: Class Action Settlement in Ranger Gets Final Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MONICA RANGER,
individually and on behalf of all those similarly situated, v.
SHARED IMAGING LLC, Case No. 2:20-cv-00401-KJN (E.D. Cal.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court to enter an order granting final approval
of the class action settlement.

Shared Imaging is a hospital & health care company specializing in
multi-vendor service solutions.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3udLSv1 at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John T. Stralen, Esq.
          Joshua H. Watson, Esq.
          CLAYEO C. ARNOLD, PC
          865 Howe Avenue
          Sacramento, CA 95825
          Telephone: (916) 777-7777
          Facsimile: (916) 924-1829
          E-mail: jwatson@justice4you.com

SIMPLE SICHUAN: Morales Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
Jose Ramon Caraballo Morales, Marlon Orlando Funes, and Celso
Antonio Aleman Valle, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. SIMPLE SICHUAN HICKSVILLE INC. d/b/a O
MANDARIN and PENG LIU, as an individual, Case No. 2:23-cv-08254
(E.D.N.Y., Nov. 7, 2023), is brought to recover damages for the
Defendants' egregious violations of state and federal wage and hour
laws arising out of Plaintiffs' employment with the Defendants
pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor
Laws as a result of the Defendants failure to pay minimum and
overtime wages.

Although the Plaintiffs regularly worked over 40 hours or more
hours per week, the Defendants did not pay Plaintiff at a wage rate
of time and a half for their hours regularly worked over 40 hours
in a work week, a blatant violation of the overtime provisions
contained in the FLSA and NYLL. The Defendants willfully failed to
post notices of the minimum wage and overtime wage requirements in
a conspicuous place at the location of their employment as required
by the FLSA and NYLL. The Defendants failed to provide Plaintiffs
with a wage notice at the time of their hire or at any time during
their employment in violation of the NYLL. The Defendants failed to
provide the Plaintiffs with an accurate wage statement that
included all hours worked and all wages received each week when the
Plaintiffs were paid in violation of the NYLL.

As a direct result of Defendants' violations and failure to provide
proper wage notices and wage statements, the Plaintiffs suffered a
concrete harm, resulting from Plaintiffs' inability to identify
Plaintiffs' employer to remedy their compensation problems, lack of
knowledge about the rates of pay they were receiving and/or should
have receiving for their regular hours and spread of hours, terms,
and conditions of their pay, and furthermore, an inability to
identify their hourly rate of pay to ascertain whether they were
being properly paid in compliance with the FLSA and NYLL--which
they were not, says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs were employed by the Defendants.

domestic business corporation.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Roman Avshalumov, Esq.
          80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 601
          Kew Gardens, NY 11415
          Phone: 718-263-9591

SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Carovillano Class Action in S.D. N.Y.
Sirius XM Holdings, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that on
June 5, 2023, Christopher Carovillano and Steven Brandt,
individually, as private attorneys general, and on behalf of all
other United States persons similarly situated (excluding persons
in the states of California, New Jersey and Washington), filed a
class action complaint against us in the United States District
Court for the Southern District of New York.

SiriusXM features music, sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news,
traffic and weather channels and other content, as well as podcasts
and infotainment services, in the United States on a subscription
fee basis. It packages include live, curated and certain exclusive
and on demand programming. The SiriusXM service is distributed
through our two proprietary satellite radio systems and streamed
via applications for mobile devices, home devices and other
consumer electronic equipment.

SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Posternock Class Suit in D. N.J.
Sirius XM Holdings, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that on May
17, 2023, Robyn Posternock, Muriel Salters and Philip Munning,
individually, as private attorneys general, and on behalf of all
other New Jersey persons similarly situated, filed a class action
complaint against the company in the United States District Court
for the District of New Jersey.

SiriusXM features music, sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news,
traffic and weather channels and other content, as well as podcasts
and infotainment services, in the United States on a subscription
fee basis. It packages include live, curated and certain exclusive
and on demand programming. The SiriusXM service is distributed
through our two proprietary satellite radio systems and streamed
via applications for mobile devices, home devices and other
consumer electronic equipment.

SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS: Faces Stevenson Class Action in N.D. Cal.
Sirius XM Holdings, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that on
April 14, 2023, Ayana Stevenson and David Ambrose, individually, as
private attorneys general, and on behalf of all other California
persons similarly situated, filed a class action complaint against
the company in the Superior Court of the State of California,
County of Contra Costa. The case has since been removed to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of

SiriusXM features music, sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news,
traffic and weather channels and other content, as well as podcasts
and infotainment services, in the United States on a subscription
fee basis. It packages include live, curated and certain exclusive
and on demand programming. The SiriusXM service is distributed
through our two proprietary satellite radio systems and streamed
via applications for mobile devices, home devices and other
consumer electronic equipment.

SIRIUS XM: Wins Bid to Compel Arbitration
In the class action lawsuit captioned as AYANA STEVENSON, et al.,
v. SIRIUS XM RADIO INC., Case No. 3:23-cv-02367-WHO (N.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge William H. Orrick entered an order granting XM's
motion to compel arbitration and dismissing case.

The Plaintiffs Ayana Stevenson, David Ambrose, and Liza Ramirez
brought this action on behalf of a putative class of California
Sirius XM subscribers to challenge what they describe as a
"deceptive pricing scheme whereby Sirius XM falsely advertises its
music plans at lower prices than it actually charges."

Sirius XM seeks to compel plaintiffs to arbitration pursuant to the
arbitration provision in the Sirius XM Customer Agreement.

The Plaintiffs oppose, arguing that provisions in the Customer
Agreement's "Class Action Waiver" violate California public policy,
are unenforceable, and as a result trigger a "poison pill"
nullifying the entire arbitration agreement.

The Plaintiffs allege that Sirius XM, a satellite radio service
that broadcasts channels to more than 33 million subscribers,
including 3.8 million Californians, intentionally does not disclose
the "U.S. Music Royalty Fee" to its customers.

The fee increases the plan price by 21.4% above the advertised
price for the plans; plaintiffs assert that Sirius XM prevents
customers from learning about the additional charge by never
sending period bills or payment receipts after initial
subscription, yet nevertheless automatically renewing their

Sirius is a satellite radio service that broadcasts channels to
more than 33 million subscribers.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 9, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3QIhGQ3 at no extra charge.[CC]

SMILIST MANAGEMENT: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against The Smilist
Management, Inc. The case is styled as Nihal Erkan, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. The Smilist
Management, Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-08265-NRM-JAM (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 7,

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

The Smilist Dental -- https://thesmilist.com/ -- is the leading
dental group in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and
Delaware offering general and cosmetic dentistry.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          14749 71st Ave.
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

SPARKY'S CONSULTING: Perez Allowed Leave to File Class Cert Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ESTEBAN PEREZ, on behalf
of himself and all other plaintiffs similarly situated, known and
unknown, v. SPARKY'S CONSULTING & TACTICS, LLC, a Colorado limited
liability company, and TIMOTHY MOORE, individually, Case No.
1:23-cv-02058-NRN (D. Colo.), the Hon. Judge N. Reid Neureiter
entered an order that:

  -- The deadline to file the consent/non-consent form is vacated
     reset to November 15, 2023.

  -- The Plaintiff's motion for leave to file additional exhibit to

     their motion for class certification granted.

Sparky's specializes in armed and unarmed security, protection
detail, firearms training and CCW certification, and self defense

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47wXZ4r at no extra charge.[CC]

SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS: Continues to Defend Christiansen Suit
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Christiansen class suit
in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Christiansen v. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. et al., Case No.
1:22-cv-10292 (filed December 5, 2022 in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of New York) (the "New York Action").

Three additional related putative securities class action lawsuits
were subsequently filed by Spectrum shareholders against Spectrum
and certain of its former executive officers in the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of New York: Osorio-Franco v.
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al., Case No. 1:22-cv-10292
(filed December 5, 2022); Cummings v. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., et al., Case No. 1:22-cv-10677 (filed December 19, 2022); and
Carneiro v. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al., Case No.
1:23-cv-00767 (filed January 30, 2023).

These three New York lawsuits allege that Spectrum and certain of
its former executive officers made false or misleading statements
about, inter alia, the safety and efficacy of and clinical trial
data for Poziotinib in violation of Section 10(b) (and Rule 10b-5
promulgated thereunder) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act, and seek
remedies including damages, interest, costs, attorneys' fees, and
such other relief as may be determined by the Court.

On February 15, 2023, the Court consolidated the three New York

On March 21, 2023, the Court entered an order designating Steven
Christiansen as the lead plaintiff.

Lead plaintiff Christiansen filed an amended consolidated complaint
in the New York Action under the caption Christiansen v. Spectrum
Pharmaceuticals, Inc, et al., on May 30, 2023, alleging a Class
Period between March 17, 2022 and September 2022.

The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the consolidated New York
Action on July 25, 2023, which was fully briefed as of October 19,
2023 and remains pending.

Discovery is stayed pending resolution of the motion to dismiss.

There is no hearing date presently scheduled.

The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in this matter.

Spectrum purports to be a biopharmaceutical company focused on
acquiring, developing, and commercializing novel and targeted
oncology therapies.[BN]

SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS: Continues to Defend Luo Securities Suit
Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Inc., disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 8, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Luo securities class
suit in the U.S. District Court, District of Nevada.

Luo v. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., et al., U.S. District Court,
District of Nevada, Case No. 2:21-cv-01612. On August 31, 2021,
this putative securities class action lawsuit was filed by a
purported shareholder, alleging that Spectrum and certain of its
former executive officers and directors made false or misleading
statements and failed to disclose material facts about Spectrum's
business and the prospects of approval for its BLA to the FDA for
eflapegrastim (ROLVEDON) in violation of Section 10(b) (and Rule
10b-5 promulgated thereunder) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").

On November 1, 2021, four individuals and one entity filed
competing motions to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval
of counsel.

On July 28, 2022, the Court appointed a lead plaintiff and counsel
for the putative class.

On September 26, 2022, an amended complaint was filed alleging,
inter alia, false and misleading statements with respect to
ROLVEDON manufacturing operations and controls and adding
allegations that defendants misled investors about the efficacy of,
clinical trial data and market need for Poziotinib during a Class
Period of March 7, 2018 to August 5, 2021.

The amended complaint seeks damages, interest, costs, attorneys'
fees, and such other relief as may be determined by the Court.

On November 30, 2022, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the
amended complaint, which was fully briefed as of February 27, 2023
and remains pending.

Discovery is stayed pending resolution of the motion to dismiss.

There is no hearing date presently scheduled.

The Company intends to vigorously defend itself in this matter.

Spectrum purports to be a biopharmaceutical company focused on
acquiring, developing, and commercializing novel and targeted
oncology therapies.[BN]

SPIRIT REALTY: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Class Suit
Founder and managing partner of the class action firm (the "M&A
Class Action Firm"), a national securities firm rated Top 50 in the
2018-2022 ISS Securities Class Action Services Report and
headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City, is

Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. (NYSE: ), relating to its proposed sale
to Realty Income Corp. Under the terms of the agreement, SRC
shareholders will receive 0.762 shares of RIC per share they own.
Click here for more information:
https://www.monteverdelaw.com/case/spirit-realty-capital-inc. It is
free and there is no cost or obligation to you.

               About Monteverde & Associates PC

We are a national class action securities and consumer litigation
law firm that has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders
and is committed to protecting investors and consumers from
corporate wrongdoing. Monteverde & Associates lawyers have
significant experience litigating Mergers & Acquisitions and
Securities Class Actions, whereby they protect investors by
recovering money and remedying corporate misconduct. Mr.
Monteverde, who leads the legal team at the firm, has been
recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in Securities
Litigation in 2013, 2017-2019 and a Super Lawyers Honoree in
Securities Litigation in 2022-2023. He has also been selected by
Martindale-Hubbell as a 2017-2023 Top Rated Lawyer. Our firm's
recent successes include changing the law in a significant victory
that lowered the standard of liability under Section 14(e) of the
Exchange Act in the Ninth Circuit. Thereafter, our firm
successfully preserved this victory by obtaining dismissal of a
writ of certiorari as improvidently granted at the United States
Supreme Court. Emulex Corp. v. Varjabedian, 139 S. Ct. 1407 (2019).
Also, over the years the firm has recovered or secured over a dozen
cash common funds for shareholders in mergers & acquisitions class
action cases. [GN]

STANDARD LIFE: Nunz Sues Over Failure to Properly Safeguard PII
Jeremy Nunz, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated
SOFTWARE CORPORATION, Case No. 1:23-cv-12669 (D. Mass., Nov. 6,
2023), is brought against Defendants for their failure to properly
secure and safeguard Plaintiff's and other similarly situated
Standard customers' and/or beneficiaries'' sensitive information,
including full names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, and
other sensitive information ("personally identifiable information"
or "PII").

Former and current Standard customers and/or beneficiaries are
required to entrust Defendants with sensitive, non-public PII,
without which Defendants could not perform their regular business
activities, in order to obtain insurance and/or other products or
services from Standard. By obtaining, collecting, using, and
deriving a benefit from the PII of Plaintiff and Class Members,
Defendants assumed legal and equitable duties to those individuals
to protect and safeguard that information from unauthorized access
and intrusion.

On May 31, 2023, Standard learned that Pension Benefit Information,
LLC's network, which PSC provided software services to and Standard
relied on for the sending and receiving of sensitive information,
had been penetrated by a cyberattack. In response, Pension Benefit
Information, LLC ("PBI") "promptly launched an investigation into
the nature and scope of the MOVEit vulnerability's impact on
Standard's systems." As a result of the investigation, PBI
concluded..on undisclosed date--that "the third party accessed one
of Standard's MOVEit Transfer servers on May 29, 2023 and May 30,
2023 and downloaded data."

The Defendants failed to adequately protect Plaintiff's and Class
Members PII––and failed to even encrypt or redact this highly
sensitive information. This unencrypted, unredacted PII was
compromised due to Defendants' negligent and/or careless acts and
omissions and their utter failure to protect consumers' sensitive
data. Hackers targeted and obtained Plaintiff's and Class Members'
PII because of its value in exploiting and stealing the identities
of Plaintiff and Class Members. The present and continuing risk to
victims of the Data Breach will remain for their respective

The Plaintiff brings this action on behalf of all persons whose PII
was compromised as a result of Defendants' failure to: adequately
protect the PII of Plaintiff and Class Members; warn Plaintiff and
Class Members of Defendants' inadequate information security
practices; and effectively secure hardware containing protected PII
using reasonable and effective security procedures free of
vulnerabilities and incidents. Defendants' conduct amounts at least
to negligence and violates federal and state statutes, sats the

The Plaintiff is an individual and citizen of Oak Ridge,

The Standard Life Insurance Company of New York is a company that
offers to its customers "insurance, retirement and investment
products and services."[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Randi Kassan, Esq.
          100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500
          Garden City, NY 11530
          Phone: (212) 594-5300
          Email: rkassan@milberg.com

STANFORD INTERNATIONAL: Depositions in Ponzi Scheme Suit Discussed
Matt Bruce at theadvocate.com reports that attorneys have wrangled
for nearly 15 years in a class-action lawsuit filed against
Louisiana regulators by 900 investors who lost their retirement
savings in a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

Six months ago, a Baton Rouge judge ordered the law firm
representing the Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions to get
depositions done by Oct. 30. Attorneys for the state regulatory
agency asked for more time to depose the court-appointed receiver
now handling affairs of the failed Stanford Trust Bank.

Donald Johnson, chief judge of the 19th Judicial District Court,
gave the agency another three months, setting a Feb. 1 deadline for
the state agency to conduct the deposition. He granted the
extension over the objections of the plaintiffs' lead attorney, who
worried it's yet another tactic to delay proceedings.

"They've had seven months to do this and didn't do it," said
Phillip Preis, who's representing hundreds of retirees who invested
their nest eggs into fraudulent Stanford Trust certificates of
deposit, or CDs, as rollover IRAs.

Earlier this year, Johnson pushed the trial date up to July 22,
2024. In doing so, he urged attorneys on both sides to handle their
pre-trial motions and depositions in time to hit that mark.

An attorney for OFI said her team isn't trying to move the trial
date. Lawyers just need more time to file motion for deposition in
a federal court in Texas that has jurisdiction over the receiver.

"We are not seeking any sort of delay of the trial. There is zero
prejudice to the plaintiffs," said Monica Vela-Vick. "They say,
'Get the show on the road.' I assure you we are working very
earnestly to get the show on the road."

Stanford Trust's Ponzi scheme was run out of one of the
international bank's Baton Rouge branches, according to court
filings. Many of the victims were retirees from Exxon Mobil and
other plants along the Mississippi, Preis has indicated. He
estimates victims in Louisiana were bilked out of about $250

In the lawsuit, plaintiffs allege the Office of Financial
Institutions failed to protect investors from R. Allen Stanford's
predatory investment practices for years.

Stanford preyed on investors for two decades while serving as
chairman of the offshore Stanford International Bank, prosecutors
said. He embezzled $7 billion in investors' money from the bank to
finance his personal businesses and lavish lifestyle.

He was sentenced to 110 years in prison in 2012 for orchestrating
the global misappropriation of investment funds.

The lawsuit against Louisiana was originally filed in 2009. Since
then, a growing number of victims have died or fallen ill waiting
for the matter to go to trial, plaintiff's attorneys have said.
It's been appealed to the Louisiana Supreme Court on multiple
occasions and Preis has lobbied the court over the past two years
to push for a trial, according to court filings.

Johnson, the presiding judge, issued a scheduling order to expedite
the process in May. He told OFI to submit a list of "non-party
defendants" that they might want to depose by July 27. That's also
when he set the Oct. 30 deadline for all depositions to be

OFI submitted a list of 41 banks and banking officials that it
intended to depose in July. Among them was Ralph Janvey, appointed
by the U.S. Northern District Court of Texas as the receiver, or
bookkeeper, of the Stanford Trust receivership.

Janvey and his experts could be key witnesses in the case. Through
the receivership, the state can glean more financial information
about the different Stanford Trust entities to help determine all
the parties liable in the Ponzi scheme.

At a hearing, Vela-Vick indicated she needs time to file motions in
the Northern Texas court for a judge to order the Janvey
deposition. She said the state doesn't intend to depose any of the
other litigants listed in July.

"The plaintiffs say, 'OFI is horrible, OFI has delayed things. The
court shouldn't allow this continued delay,'" Vela-Vick argued.
"There is no delay. The trial date is going to be exactly the
same." [GN]

STATE FARM: Court Narrows Claims in Securities Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JAMES DOE, v. STATE FARM
GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Case No. 3:23-cv-04734-JSC (N.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley entered an order granting in
part and denying in part State Farm's motion to dismiss.

The surviving claims are:

   1. Plaintiff's breach of contract claim (Claim I)

   2. Plaintiff's breach of the covenant of good faith and fair
      dealing claim (Claim II)

   3. Plaintiff's Unruh Civil Rights Act Claim (Claim VI)

   4. Plaintiff's defamation claim (Claim VIII)

   5. Plaintiff's wrongful policy cancellation claim (Claim IX).

The Plaintiff shall file any amended complaint, if any, by November
22, 2023. If Plaintiff does not file an amended complaint by that
date, the case will proceed on the above claims.

The Court sets an Initial Case Management Conference set for
December 14, 2023.

The Court says, "The Defendant's motion to dismiss this claim is
denied, as Defendant has failed to show accepting the Plaintiff's
allegations of defamatory conduct as true, the Defendant's conduct
is privileged. After losing a luxury watch, James Doe filed an
insurance claim with State Farm for the value of that watch. State
Farm denied that claim. Now, Doe is bringing a purported class
action because of that denial, alleging nine causes of action
against State Farm."

After carefully considering the parties' written submissions, the
Court concludes oral argument is not necessary, see N.D. Cal. Civ.
L.R. 7-1(b), vacates the November 16, 2023 hearing, and grants in
part and denies in part State Farm's motion to dismiss without
prejudice and with leave to amend, the Court adds.

The Plaintiff purchased a luxury watch on October 3, 2017. The
Plaintiff also purchased a Personal Articles Policy from State Farm
for this wristwatch. According to Plaintiff, this insurance policy
was an "all-risk policy that provides coverage for losses that
occur anywhere around the world caused by everyday perils."

On June 19, 2022, Plaintiff was in a car crash. The Plaintiff
sustained injuries and was transported by ambulance from the
accident scene to an emergency room.

The Plaintiff filed a class action civil complaint in California
state court. The Plaintiff seeks to certify a class of:

   "All persons (1) insured under a Personal Articles Policy and
   homeowners policy issued in California by State Farm; (2) who
   a claim to State Farm for damages to or losses of their covered

   properties; (3) for claims where State Firm [sic] referred the
   claims to its Special Investigating Unit; (4) and for claims
   State Farm denied coverage or paid less than the amount of fair

   market value or the replacement value of each loss."

   State Farm provides property liability insurance services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/46hnkye at no extra charge.[CC]

STATE FARM: Faces Simon Class Action Lawsuit in E.D. Louisiana
A class action lawsuit has been filed against State Farm General
Insurance Company. The case is captioned as Simon v. State Farm
General Insurance Company, Case No. 2:23-cv-06139-JCZ-KWR (E.D. La.
Oct. 13, 2023).

The suit alleges Diversity-Insurance Contract related violations.
The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Jay C. Zainey.

State Farm provides property liability insurance services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Stephen B. Murray, Jr., Esq.
          Arthur Mahony Murray, Esq.
          Jessica W. Hayes, Esq.
          Thomas Matthew Beh, Esq.
          701 Poydras Street, Suite 4250
          Hancock Whitney Center
          New Orleans, LA 70139
          Telephone: (504) 525-8100
          Facsimile: (504) 584-5249
          E-mail: smurrayjr@murray-lawfirm.com

STATE STREET: Faces EFC Class Suit in New York
State Street Corporation disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in October 27, 2023, that it was
named in case captioned "Edmar Financial Company, LLC et al v.
Currenex, Inc. et al." filed in August 2021 by two former Currenex

The latter filed a putative civil class action lawsuit in the
Southern District of New York alleging antitrust violations, fraud
and a civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act
(RICO) violation against Currenex, State Street and others.

State Street Corporation is a provider of financial services to
institutional investors, mainly asset managers and owners,
insurance companies, official institutions and central banks.

STATE STREET: Faces Gomes ERISA Suit Over Investment Fund
State Street Corporation disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in October 27, 2023, that in
case captioned "Gomes, et al. v. State Street Corp.," eight
participants in the company's Salary Savings Program filed a
purported class action complaint in May 2021 on behalf of
participants and beneficiaries who participated in the Program and
invested in its proprietary investment fund options between May
2015 and the present.

The complaint names the plan sponsor as well as the committees
overseeing the plan and their respective members as defendants, and
alleges breach of fiduciary duty and violations of other duties
owed to retirement plan participants under the Employee Retirement
Income and Security Act (ERISA).

State Street Corporation is a provider of financial services to
institutional investors, mainly asset managers and owners,
insurance companies, official institutions and central banks.

STK MIDTOWN: Troitskaia Seeks Unpaid Wages for Restaurant Staff
and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. STK MIDTOWN, LLC,
HOSPITALITY, INC., Defendants, Case No. 1:23-cv-10074 (S.D.N.Y.,
November 15, 2023) is a class action against the Defendants for
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the New York
Labor Law including failure to pay minimum wages, failure to pay
overtime wages, failure to pay spread-of-hours premium, failure to
pay timely wages, tip misappropriation, failure to provide accurate
wage statements, and failure to provide wage notices.

Plaintiffs Troitskaia and Huntley were employed by the Defendants
as a bartender and a server at STK Steakhouse - Downtown, in New
York, New York, from in or around September 2019 until June 2021
and from in or around June or July 2020 until June 2021,

STK Midtown, LLC is an owner and operator of STK restaurants in New
York, New York.

STK Midtown Holdings, LLC is an owner and operator of STK
restaurants in New York, New York.

The ONE Group LLC is an owner and operator of STK restaurants in
New York, New York.

The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. is an owner and operator of STK
restaurants in New York, New York. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:                
         Molly Brooks, Esq.
         685 Third Ave., 25th Floor
         New York, NY 10017
         Telephone: (212) 245-1000
         Facsimile: (646) 509-2060
         E-mail: mb@outtengolden.com

                 - and -

         Pooja Shethji, Esq.
         1225 New York Avenue NW, Suite 1200B
         Washington, DC 20005
         Telephone: (202) 847-4400
         Facsimile: (202) 847-4410
         E-mail: pshethji@outtengolden.com

                 - and -

         Molly Frandsen, Esq.
         One California, 12th Floor
         San Francisco, CA 94111
         Telephone: (415) 638-8800
         Facsimile: (415) 638-8810
         E-mail: mfrandsen@outtengolden.com

STRATEGIC STAFFING: Norton Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Strategic Staffing
Solutions-S3, L.L.C., et al. The case is styled as Paula Norton,
individually and on behalf of all similarly situated individuals v.
Strategic Staffing Solutions-S3, L.L.C., Cynthia J. Pasky, an
individual, Does 1-100, Case No. CGC23610255 (Cal. Super. Ct., San
Francisco Cty., Nov. 7, 2023).

The case type is stated as "Other Non-Exempt Complaints."

Strategic Staffing Solutions-S3, L.L.C. (S3) --
https://www.strategicstaff.com/ -- is a staffing and consulting
solutions agency with years of global industry expertise to support
our international client base.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Elliot J Siegel, Esq.
          2390 Las Posas Road, C168
          Camarillo, CA 93010
          Phone: 805-250-7488
          Fax: 805-250-7499
          Email: Xavier@XavierVillegasLaw.com

               - and -

          Xavier Villegas, Esq.
          KING & SIEGEL, LLP
          724 S. Spring Street, Suite 201
          Los Angeles, CA 90014
          Phone: 213-465-4802
          Fax: 213-465-4803
          Email: elliot@kingsiegel.com

SUIT CORNER INC: Gomberg Files ADA Suit in E.D. Pennsylvania
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Suit Corner, Inc. The
case is styled as Matthew Gomberg, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. Suit Corner, Inc., Case No.
2:23-cv-04306 (E.D. Pa., Nov. 3, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Suit Corner, Inc. -- https://suitcornerplus.com/ -- is an unfussy
store selling suits & dress shirts in a wide range of sizes, plus
ties & other accessories.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David S. Glanzberg, Esq.
          123 S. Broad Street, Suite 1640
          Philadelphia, PA 19109
          Phone: (215) 981-5400
          Fax: (267) 319-1993
          Email: david.glanzberg@gtlawpc.com

SUMMIT FINANCIAL: Monteverde Probes Potential Securities Suit
Founder and managing partner of the class action firm (the "M&A
Class Action Firm"), a national securities firm rated Top 50 in the
2018-2022 ISS Securities Class Action Services Report and
headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City, is

Summit Financial Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: ), relating to its proposed
merger with Burke & Herbert Financial Services Corp. Under the
terms of the agreement, SMMF shareholders are expected to own 50%
of the combined company.

About Monteverde & Associates PC

We are a national class action securities and consumer litigation
law firm that has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders
and is committed to protecting investors and consumers from
corporate wrongdoing. Monteverde & Associates lawyers have
significant experience litigating Mergers & Acquisitions and
Securities Class Actions, whereby they protect investors by
recovering money and remedying corporate misconduct. Mr.
Monteverde, who leads the legal team at the firm, has been
recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in Securities
Litigation in 2013, 2017-2019 and a Super Lawyers Honoree in
Securities Litigation in 2022-2023. He has also been selected by
Martindale-Hubbell as a 2017-2023 Top Rated Lawyer. Our firm's
recent successes include changing the law in a significant victory
that lowered the standard of liability under Section 14(e) of the
Exchange Act in the Ninth Circuit. Thereafter, our firm
successfully preserved this victory by obtaining dismissal of a
writ of certiorari as improvidently granted at the United States
Supreme Court. Emulex Corp. v. Varjabedian, 139 S. Ct. 1407 (2019).
Also, over the years the firm has recovered or secured over a dozen
cash common funds for shareholders in mergers & acquisitions class
action cases. [GN]

SUNBELT HOMES: Risher Files TCPA Suit in N.D. Georgia
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Sunbelt Homes LLC.
The case is styled as Tyra Risher, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. Sunbelt Homes LLC, Case No.
1:23-cv-05178-ELR (N.D. Ga., Nov. 9, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act.

SunBelt Home Sales -- https://www.sunbelthomesales.com/ --
specialize in manufactured home sales.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rachel Berlin Benjamin, Esq.
          945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2000
          Atlanta, GA 30326
          Phone: (678) 449-0365
          Email: rachel@beal.law

SUNTRUST BANK: Faces Bickerstaff Suit in Georgia Court
Truist Financial Corporation disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for
the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 31, 2023, that its
former component bank prior to the merger to form Truist, is facing
case captioned "Bickerstaff v. SunTrust Bank."

This class action case was filed in the Fulton County State Court
on July 12, 2010, and an amended complaint was filed on August 9,
2010. Plaintiff alleges that all overdraft fees charged to his
account which related to debit card and ATM transactions are
actually interest charges and therefore subject to the usury laws
of Georgia. The amended complaint asserts claims for violations of
civil and criminal usury laws, conversion, and money had and
received, and seeks damages on a class-wide basis, including
refunds of challenged overdraft fees and pre-judgment interest.

On October 6, 2017, the trial court granted plaintiff's motion for
class certification and defined the class as "every Georgia citizen
who had or has one or more accounts with SunTrust Bank and who,
from July 12, 2006, to October 6, 2017 (i) had at least one
overdraft of $500.00 or less resulting from an ATM or debit card
transaction; (ii) paid any Overdraft Fees as a result of the
Transaction; and (iii) did not receive a refund of those Fees,”
and the granting of a certified class was affirmed on appeal.

On behalf of the certified class as currently defined, Plaintiff
seeks a return of up to $452 million in paid overdraft fees from
the 2006 to 2017 period above, plus prejudgment interest. Trial is
presently set to commence on April 29, 2024.

Truist Financial Corporation is a financial institution with
national commercial banks and is based in Charlotte NC. Truist is
the product of the merger between BB&T Corporation and SunTrust
Banks, Inc.

SWAG.COM LLC: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Swag.com, LLC. The
case is styled as Kevin Yan Luis, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Swag.com, LLC, Case No. 1:23-cv-09624
(S.D.N.Y., Nov. 1, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Swag.com -- https://swag.com/ -- is a marketplace to buy quality
promotional products for a company or organization.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Noor Abou-Saab, I, Esq.
          380 North Broadway, Suite 300
          Jericho, NY 11753
          Phone: (718) 740-5060
          Email: noorasaablaw@gmail.com

TAKEYA USA: Scheduling Order Entered in Sookul Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SANJAY SOOKUL, on behalf
of himself and all others similarly situated, v. TAKEYA USA
CORPORATION, Case No. 1:23-cv-07234-PAE-KHP (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon.
Judge Katharine H. Parker entered a scheduling order as follows:

-- The parties shall file a status letter updating the Court on
    status of mediation and discovery by Friday, January 5, 2024.

-- The parties are reminded that they have the option to consent
    conduct all proceedings, including a trial, before the
    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. section 636(c). If all parties consent,
    shall complete and file the Consent form available on the
    website at

Takeya USA is a private company that specializes in the Consumer
Goods, Consumer Goods areas.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 9, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47nBWhe at no extra charge.[CC]

TANDEM DIABETES CARE: Faces Lowe Suit Over Disclosures
Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for
the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023, that on
September 8, 2023, a purported stockholder of the company filed a
putative securities class action complaint captioned "Lowe v.
Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., et al," (Case No. 23-cv-1657) in the
United States District Court for the Southern District of
California against the company and certain of the company's current
executive officers.

The complaint generally alleges that defendants violated Sections
10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
by failing to properly account for and disclose the full impact
that COVID-19, inflation, and the sales of competitors' products
were having on the company's sales and revenue. The complaint seeks
unspecified monetary damages and other relief.

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a medical device company focused on
the design, development and commercialization of insulin pump

TANDEM DIABETES CARE: Settles Consolidated Suit Over Data Breach
Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for
the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023, that on
August 15, 2023, the parties in a consolidated single case in the
Superior Court of the State of California in the County of San
Bernardino entitled "Joseph Deluna et al. v. Tandem Diabetes Care,
Inc.," reached a settlement.

In May 2020, the company was named as a defendant in three
California state court class action lawsuits arising from a
phishing incident that occurred in January 2020. Collectively,
these lawsuits sought statutory, compensatory, actual, and punitive
damages; equitable relief, including restitution; pre- and
post-judgment interest; injunctive relief; and attorney fees,
costs, and expenses.

On July 24, 2020, these three lawsuits were consolidated into a
single case in the Superior Court of the State of California in the
County of San Bernardino entitled "Joseph Deluna et al. v. Tandem
Diabetes Care, Inc." The consolidated case alleged violations of
the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA), CCPA,
California's Unfair Competition Law (UCL), and breach of contract.
The company filed a demurrer on all claims, which was heard by the
court on October 20, 2020, and the demurrer to the CCPA claim was
sustained. The plaintiffs filed a motion for class certification on
January 7, 2022 and we filed a motion for summary adjudication on
the CMIA claim on April 7, 2022.

On February 8, 2023, the court granted plaintiffs' request to
dismiss their remaining two claims with prejudice, and dismissed
the motion for class certification, thereby terminating the case in
the Superior Court.

On March 7, 2023, the plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal of the
Court's order granting the company's motion for summary
adjudication. The court dismissed the appeal after the parties
reached a settlement.

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a medical device company focused on
the design, development and commercialization of insulin pump

TCK SANKAR: Minyety Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Premium Pay
Jonathan Minyety, Individually and on behalf of all other persons
similarly situated v. TCK SANKAR LLC AND TIMRAJH SANKAR, Jointly
and Severally, Case No. 1:23-cv-09930 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2023), is
brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), that
Defendants failed to pay them overtime premium pay.

The Defendants paid the Plaintiff $140 per day. The Defendants paid
the Plaintiff $140 per day, regardless of the hours he worked per
week. The Defendants paid the Plaintiff $840 ($140 x 6 days) per
week. The Defendants paid the Plaintiff $840 ($140 x 6 days) per
week, regardless of the hours he worked per week. The Defendants
did not pay the Plaintiff overtime premium pay when he worked more
than 40 hours in a week. The Defendants' construction workers are
employed in non-exempt positions and entitled to overtime premium
pay. The Plaintiff knows from personal conversations and
observations that other constructions workers who Defendants
employed were paid the same way that he was paid, says the

The Plaintiff worked as a construction worker for the Defendants.

TCK Sankar LLC is a construction company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Douglas B. Lipsky
          420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1830
          New York, NY 10017-6705
          Phone: 212.392.4772
          Email: doug@lipskylowe.com

TEACHERS INSURANCE: Jentz Suit Transferred to D. Massachusetts
The case captioned as Gayle Jentz, on behalf of herself
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
1:23-cv-06944 was transferred from the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York, to the U.S. District Court for the
District of Massachusetts on Nov. 6, 2023.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:23-cv-12667-ADB to the

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I. for Contract Dispute.

The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America-College
Retirement Equities Fund -- https://www.tiaa.org/public/ -- is an
American financial services organization that is a private provider
of financial retirement services in the academic, research,
medical, cultural and governmental fields.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Vicki J. Maniatis, Esq.
          100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500
          Garden City, NY 11530
          Phone: (865) 412-2700
          Email: vmaniatis@milberg.com

               - and -

          Gary M. Klinger, Esq.
          227 W. Monroe Street, Suite 2100
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: (866) 252-0878
          Email: gklinger@milberg.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Aravind Swaminathan, Esq.
          Rebecca Harlow, Esq.
          401 Union Street, Suite 3300
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Phone: (206) 839-4300
          Email: aswaminathan@orrick.com

               - and -

          Marc Shapiro, Esq.
          51 West 52nd Street
          New York, NY 10019
          Phone: (212) 506-3521
          Email: mrshapiro@orrick.com

TETHER LTD: Court Dismisses Anderson's Stablecoin Class Suit
Adam James of The Block reports that U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York Chief Judge Laura Taylor dismissed a
class action lawsuit against Tether and Bitfinex filed by Matthew
Anderson and Shawn Dolifka -- citing a lack of "plausible
allegations of injury" -- according to the stablecoin issuer.

Anderson's and Dolifka's complaint centered around allegations that
Tether's statements regarding its stablecoin, USDT, being backed
one-to-one by the U.S. dollar were false.

"The entirety of the class action complaint being dismissed at this
very early stage of the proceedings punctuate the fact that
plaintiffs' claims were void of any legal merit," the stablecoin
issuer wrote in an official blog post.

Tether and Bitfinex CTO Paolo Ardoino also shared the news on X
(formerly Twitter), reiterating the companies' stance and stating:
"It's a good November 10, 2023."

Tether, the eleventh-largest holder of bitcoin in the world,
reported a net profit of $850 million in the second quarter. [GN]

TETRA TECH: Class Certification Hearing Re-Set to Jan. 25, 2024
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Pennington et al v. Tetra
Tech, Inc. et al., Case No. 3:18-cv-05330 (N.D. Cal., Filed Aug.
29, 2018), the Hon. Judge James Donato entered an order re-setting
for January 25, 2024, the hearing on:

-- Motion for Class Certification,

-- Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings,

-- Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, and

-- Motion to Exclude.

The nature of suit states Real Property -- Torts to Land.

Tetra Tech is an American consulting and engineering services

TEXAS TECH: Initial Expert Report in Stewart Due August 20, 2024
In the class action lawsuit captioned as GEORGE STEWART, v. TEXAS
5:23-cv-00007-H (N.D. Tex.), the Hon. Judge James Wesley Hendrix
entered an order a scheduling order as follows:

  Initial Expert Designation & Report            Aug. 20, 2024

  Responsive Expert Designation & Report         Oct. 4, 2024

  Completion of Discovery                        Jan. 7, 2025

  Expert Objections                              Jan. 17, 2025

  Dispositive Motions                            Feb. 7, 2025

  Trial Date                                     June 9, 2025

Texas Tech is a public medical school based in Lubbock, Texas, with
additional campuses in Abilene, Amarillo, Dallas, and the Permian

A copy of the Court's scheduling Order dated Nov. 9, 2023 is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3MOSnea at no
extra charge.[CC]

TEXTAINER GROUP: Monteverde Probes Firm for Securities Violations
Founder and managing partner of the class action firm (the "M&A
Class Action Firm"), a national securities firm rated Top 50 in the
2018-2022 ISS Securities Class Action Services Report and
headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City, is

Textainer Group Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: ), relating to its proposed
sale to Stonepeak. Under the terms of the agreement, TGH
shareholders will receive $50.00 in cash per share they own.

                About Monteverde & Associates PC

We are a national class action securities and consumer litigation
law firm that has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders
and is committed to protecting investors and consumers from
corporate wrongdoing. Monteverde & Associates lawyers have
significant experience litigating Mergers & Acquisitions and
Securities Class Actions, whereby they protect investors by
recovering money and remedying corporate misconduct. Mr.
Monteverde, who leads the legal team at the firm, has been
recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in Securities
Litigation in 2013, 2017-2019 and a Super Lawyers Honoree in
Securities Litigation in 2022-2023. He has also been selected by
Martindale-Hubbell as a 2017-2023 Top Rated Lawyer. Our firm's
recent successes include changing the law in a significant victory
that lowered the standard of liability under Section 14(e) of the
Exchange Act in the Ninth Circuit. Thereafter, our firm
successfully preserved this victory by obtaining dismissal of a
writ of certiorari as improvidently granted at the United States
Supreme Court. Emulex Corp. v. Varjabedian, 139 S. Ct. 1407 (2019).
Also, over the years the firm has recovered or secured over a dozen
cash common funds for shareholders in mergers & acquisitions class
action cases. [GN]

TGI FRIDAYS: Court Modifies Briefing Schedule in Gragnano Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as HAYDEN GRAGNANO, MICHELLE
MCCOLLUM, individually and on behalf of all other aggrieved
employees, v. TGI FRIDAYS INC., a New York corporation; and DOES 1
through 50, inclusive, Case No. 8:22-cv-00392-FWS-JDE (C.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge Fred W. Slaughter entered an order modifying
briefing scheduling on motion for class certification by two


  Jury Trial                                     Dec. 3, 2024

  Final Pretrial Conference & Hearing on         Oct. 24, 2024

  Non-Expert Discovery Cut-Off                   Feb. 20, 2024

  Last Date to Hear Motions                      July 18, 2024

  -- Motion for Summary Judgment due at least 6 weeks before

  -- All other motions due at least 4 weeks before hearing

  -- Opposition due 2 weeks after Motion is filed

  -- Reply due 1 week after Opposition is filed

  -- Deadline to Complete Settlement Conference   Aug. 1, 2024

  -- Trial Filings (first round)                  Aug. 19, 2024

  -- Trial Filings (second round)                 Aug. 26, 2024

TGI is an operator of a restaurant chain intended for American food
and drinks.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3sxI9YE at no extra charge.[CC]

TIERRA NUEVA: De Palacios Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
Sindy Marilu Hernandez De Palacios, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. TIERRA NUEVA RESTAURANT CORP. and
PEDRO GONZALEZ, as an individual, Case No. 2:23-cv-08266 (E.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 7, 2023), is brought to recover damages for the Defendants'
egregious violations of state and federal wage and hour laws
arising out of Plaintiffs' employment with the Defendants pursuant
to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Laws as a
result of the Defendants failure to pay minimum and overtime

The Plaintiff was regularly required to work approximately 72 to 81
hours per week from April 2022 until July 2023. The Plaintiff was
paid by Defendants a flat hourly rate of approximately $12.00 per
hour for all hours worked from April 2022 until December 2022; and
a flat hourly rate of approximately $15.00 per hour for all hours
worked from January 2023 until July 2023. The Defendants failed to
pay The Plaintiff the legally prescribed minimum wage for all her
hours worked from April 2022 until December 2022, a blatant
violation of the minimum wage provisions contained in the FLSA and
NYLL. Additionally, although The Plaintiff worked approximately 72
to 81 hours or more hours per week from April 2022 until July 2023,
Defendants did not pay Plaintiff time and a half for hours worked
over 40, a blatant violation of the overtime provisions contained
in the FLSA and NYLL, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants from April 2022 until
July 2023.

TIERRA NUEVA RESTAURANT CORP., is a New York domestic business
corporation organized under the laws of New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Roman Avshalumov, Esq.
          80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 601
          Kew Gardens, NY 11415
          Phone: 718-263-9591

TOTEM BRAND: Gomberg Files ADA Suit in E.D. Pennsylvania
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Totem Brand Co. The
case is styled as Matthew Gomberg, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. Totem Brand Co., Case No.
2:23-cv-04307 (E.D. Pa., Nov. 3, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Totem Brand -- https://totemshop.com/ -- focuses on American-made
and manufactured brands, as well as an attitude towards high
quality, durable and practical fashion.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David S. Glanzberg, Esq.
          123 S. Broad Street, Suite 1640
          Philadelphia, PA 19109
          Phone: (215) 981-5400
          Fax: (267) 319-1993
          Email: david.glanzberg@gtlawpc.com

TRACY LOGISTICS: Shanley Suit Removed to E.D. California
The case captioned as Travis Shanley, an individual, on behalf of
himself and all other aggrieved employees v. TRACY LOGISTICS LLC;
FRESNO LLC; and DOES 1 through 10, Inclusive, Case No.
STK-CV-UOE-2023-0010132 was removed from the Superior Court of the
State of California in and for the County of San Joaquin, to the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
on Nov. 8, 2023, and assigned Case No. 2:23-at-01140.

The Plaintiff's Complaint alleges a single cause of action under
the California Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act ("PAGA")
predicated on various alleged violations of California wage and
hour laws, including failure to pay minimum wages for all hours
worked; failure to pay overtime wages; failure to pay overtime,
vacation pay, sick leave, and meal and rest break premiums at the
correct regular rate of pay; failure to provide sick leave and
COVID-19 supplemental sick leave and to provide notice of accrued
sick leave available; failure to provide meal breaks; failure to
authorize and permit rest breaks; failure to reimburse business
expenses; failure to comply with California quota laws; failure to
provide a safe and healthful workplace; failure to timely pay wages
during employment; failure to provide accurate wage statements; and
failure to pay all wages due upon termination.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Matthew C. Kane, Esq.
          Amy E. Beverlin, Esq.
          Kerri H. Sakaue, Esq.
          11601 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1400
          Los Angeles, CA 90025-0509
          Phone: 310.820.8800
          Email: mkane@bakerlaw.com

               - and -

          Sylvia J. Kim, Esq.
          Transamerica Pyramid
          600 Montgomery Street, Suite 3100
          San Francisco, CA 94111-2806
          Phone: 415.659.2600
          Facsimile: 415.659.2601
          Email: sjkim@bakerlaw.com

TRAEGER PELLET GRILLS: Frost Files ADA Suit in D. Minnesota
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Traeger Pellet Grills
LLC. The case is styled as Clarence Frost, Tammy Frost,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Traeger Pellet Grills LLC doing business as: Traeger, Case No.
0:23-cv-03396-PJS-LIB (D. Minn., Nov. 3, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Traeger Pellet Grills -- https://www.traeger.com/ -- is a
manufacturer of wood pellet grills for outdoor cooking.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jason D. Gustafson, Esq.
          One Central Avenue West, Suite 101
          St. Michael, MN 55330-55376
          Phone: (763) 515-6110
          Email: jason@throndsetlaw.com

               - and -

          Patrick W. Michenfelder
          One Central Avenue West, Ste. 203
          St. Michael, MN 55376
          Phone: (763) 515-6110
          Fax: (763) 226-2515
          Email: pat@throndsetlaw.com

TRIPLEPOINT VENTURE: Shareholder Suit Ongoing in California
TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. disclosed in its Form 10-Q for
the period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023, that in June 2023, a
shareholder filed a putative securities class action complaint
against the company and certain of its directors and officers under
Case No. 3:23-cv-02980-TLT (N.D. Cal.).

The complaint alleges violations of federal securities laws during
a class period between March 4, 2020 and May 1, 2023. As relief,
the plaintiff seeks, among other things, unspecified damages and
fees and costs. The court appointed a lead plaintiff in September
2023, and an amended complaint is due on December 5, 2023.

TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. is structured as an
externally-managed, closed-end investment company formed to expand
the venture growth stage business segment of TriplePoint Capital
LLC's investment platform that serves venture capital-backed
companies with creative, flexible and customized debt financing,
equity capital and complementary services throughout their

TRUST BENEFITS: Lopez Files Suit in C.D. California
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Trust Benefits
Technologies, LLC. The case is styled as Raymond Lopez,
individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Trust Benefits Technologies, LLC also known as: Benefits
Technologies, LLC, Case No. 2:23-cv-09233 (C.D. Cal., Nov. 2,

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I. for Personal Injury.

Trust Benefit Technologies -- https://www.tbt4solutions.com/ -- is
an IT firm that focuses on hardware and software installation,
training, and product customization services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Daniel Z. Srourian, Esq.
          3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1710
          Los Angeles, CA 90010
          Phone: (213) 474-3800
          Email: daniel@slfla.com

TULIPS INC: Gonzalez Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Tulips, Inc. The case
is styled as Yanilza Gonzalez, on behalf of herself and all others
similarly situated v. Tulips, Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-09737-VSB
(S.D.N.Y., Nov. 3, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Tulips.com -- https://www.tulips.com/ -- is your source for the
biggest and best flower bulbs for fall planting.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Noor Abou-Saab, I, Esq.
          380 North Broadway, Suite 300
          Jericho, NY 11753
          Phone: (718) 740-5060
          Email: noorasaablaw@gmail.com

TYLER MAILLOUX: Appeals Ct. to Uphold Dismissal in Hit-and-Run Suit
Bethany Hooper of The Dispatch reports that the Office of the
Public Defender is requesting the state's appeals court uphold the
lower court's decision to dismiss charges against Tyler Mailloux.

Last November 10, 2023, the Office of the Public Defender filed its
brief with the Appellate Court of Maryland on behalf of Mailloux, a
local man who was charged earlier this year in the hit-and-run
death of 14-year-old Gavin Knupp. In their filing, Public Defender
Natasha Dartigue and Assistant Public Defender Celia Anderson Davis
argued the Worcester County Circuit Court was correct in dismissing
Mailloux's charges at an Aug. 18 motions hearing.

"Mr. Mailloux’s view is that the court below properly determined
that the charges filed fell with in the 'exclusive original
jurisdiction' of the District Court as defined in the Courts and
Judicial Proceedings Article, Section 4-301 . . .," the appellee
brief reads. "Given Maryland's two-tiered trial court system, there
could have been concurrent jurisdiction for trial of the
misdemeanors and felonies charged, but not for charging them."

During a motions hearing in August, Judge Brett Wilson granted a
motion to dismiss the case against Mailloux in Worcester County
Circuit Court over lack of jurisdiction, although he noted that
charges could be refiled in district court. Immediately following
the ruling, the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office filed a
notice to appeal.

"We appealed the judge's decision in the Mailloux case because we
think it is incorrect … and we believe the circuit court is the
most appropriate court to hear the case," Worcester County State's
Attorney Kris Heiser said earlier this month. "We have always
charged these types of offenses in the circuit court, and have
continued to do so since the judge's decision in Mailloux was
handed down."

In April, 17 traffic charges - including failure to immediately
stop at the scene of an accident involving bodily injury and
failure to immediately stop a vehicle at the scene of an accident
involving death - were filed against Mailloux, 23, of Berlin, in
the death of Knupp last July.

Knupp, 14, was struck and killed by an unidentified motorist in a
black Mercedes while crossing Greys Corner Road on July 11, 2022.
Knupp was returning to a vehicle driven by his older sister and
died from injuries sustained in the collision. Mailloux allegedly
fled the scene and did not return, according to charges filed. Six
days after the incident, the Mercedes identified as the vehicle in
the collision was seized from a local home.

In circuit court this summer, Mailloux's attorney, George Psoras,
presented 12 motions for the court's consideration, including a
motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. While he argued the
district court had jurisdiction over the traffic charges filed in
his client's case, the Worcester County State’s Attorney's Office
argued state statute provided exceptions allowing the case to be
tried in circuit court. The circuit court judge ultimately ruled in
favor of the motion to dismiss, and the case was appealed to the
Appellate Court of Maryland.

When the Office of the Attorney General filed its brief with the
appellate court last month, it set in motion a 30-day window for
Mailloux and his attorney to respond. In the appellee brief filed
last November 10, 2023, the Office of the Public Defender argued
the state misconstrued the relevant statutes that it claimed gave
both the district and circuit courts concurrent jurisdiction over
all charges filed in the case. The appellee opined that the "plain
language" of the statute indicates charges in the case should have
been filed in district court.

"Under Maryland's two-tiered trial court system, the circuit court
could have properly obtained jurisdiction over the charges in this
case if the criminal information had first been filed in the
District Court . . .," the brief reads.

The Office of the Public Defender added that the state did not meet
the exceptions that allowed the case to be tried in circuit court.

"An offense may be tried in the circuit court on a criminal
information under section (c) of this Rule if a defendant requests
or consents in writing to being charged by information or if a
defendant prays a jury trial from the District Court," the brief
reads. "Neither of these two things had happened in this case
before the August 18, 2023 hearing. The trial judge below properly
concluded that the charges should have been filed in District

The Office of the Public Defender said the state's decision to file
charges in circuit court deprived Mailloux of his right to choose
where and how he would be tried.

"It also interfered with Mr. Mailloux's Due Process Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article
24 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights," the brief reads.

The appellee asked that the Appellate Court of Maryland hear oral
arguments and uphold the circuit court's decision to dismiss the

"The prosecutor should have filed the criminal information in this
case in the District Court," the brief reads. "The trial judge
properly recognized this and correctly granted defense counsel's
motion to dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction. For the foregoing
reasons, Mr. Mailloux respectfully requests that this Court affirm
the judgement of the court below."

With both briefs now filed, the Appellate Court of Maryland will
review the case and schedule oral arguments before issuing a
written decision. [GN]

TYLER TECH: Class Cert. Bid Deadlines Extended in Chaplin Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as TIMIA CHAPLIN, and PAULINO
CASTELLANOS, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, v. WILLIE R. ROWE, in his official capacity as the
Sheriff of Wake County, BRIAN ESTES, in his Official capacity as
the Sheriff of Lee County, TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., JOHN DOE
SURETY, as the surety for the Sheriff of Wake County Defendant,
JOHN DOE SURETY, as surety for the Sheriff of Lee County, and DOES
1 THROUGH 20, INCLUSIVE, Case No. 1:23-cv-00423-WO-JLW (M.D.N.C.),
the Hon. Judge William L. Osteen Jr. entered an order that
Plaintiffs' motion to extend time is granted and Plaintiffs are
granted an extension of time to and including December 15, 2023, to
move for class certification.

Under Local Rule 23.1(b), Plaintiffs move the court to extend the
deadline for filing a motion for class certification until the
court implements a scheduling order setting specific deadlines in
this matter.

Tyler raises persuasive arguments in objecting to the motion for
extension. Although those arguments have merit, the Plaintiffs have
now filed a First Amended Complaint, adding new plaintiffs, an
action which does not affect the analysis.

The Plaintiffs' motion for certification of class action would be
untimely in the absence of an extension of time, the court's
general preference is to address the class action question after
any motion to dismiss is resolved.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/40HUXbp at no extra charge.[CC]

UNION PACIFIC: Faces Black Class Action Lawsuit in D. Kansas
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Union Pacific
Railroad Company. The case is captioned as Black et al v. Union
Pacific Railroad Company, Case No. 6:23-cv-01218-EFM-ADM (D. Kan.,
Oct. 10, 2023).

The nature of suit alleges Diversity-Property Damage. The case is
assigned to the Hon. Judge Eric F. Melgren.

Union Pacific provides rail transportation services.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          William Rick Griffin, Esq.
          645 East Douglas, Suite 100
          Wichita, KS 67202
          Telephone: (316) 265-9311
          Facsimile: (316) 265-2955
          E-mail: wrgriffin@martinpringle.com

UNITED AIRLINES: Sambrano Bid for Class Cert Due Dec. 22
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DAVID SAMBRANO, ET AL., v.
UNITED AIRLINES, INC., Case No. 4:21-cv-01074-P (N.D. Tex.), the
Hon. Judge Mark T. Pittman entered an order resetting the class
certification briefing deadlines as follows:

   1. The Plaintiff's motion for class              Dec. 22, 2023
      certification shall be filed by:

   2. The Defendant's response in                   Jan. 19, 2024
      opposition to class certification
      shall be filed by:

   3. The Plaintiff's reply shall be                Feb. 2, 2024
      filed by:

United Airlines provides commercial airline services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47as36j at no extra charge.[CC]

UNITED HEALTHCARE: Court Allows Filing of Certain Docs Under Seal
In the class action lawsuit captioned as FRANTZ SAMSON, v. UNITED
HEALTHCARE SERVICES INC., Case No. 2:19-cv-00175-MJP (W.D. Wash.),
the Hon. Judge Marsha J. Pechman entered an order granting United's
motion to seal in part and finding the following documents shall
remain under seal:

   (1) Plaintiff's Exhibits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,
       26, 28, 31, 32;

   (2) United's Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 31,

   (3) The Supplemental Declaration of Jennie Carter; and

   (4) The Declaration of Miranda Schutt.

Redacted versions of the relevant documents may be found at docket
number 245. The Court denies the remainder of United's Motion.

The Court is unconvinced as to the remainder of United’s
documents. United claims that call volumes disclose the extent of
United’s dialing campaigns and resources allotted to the
campaigns and that United’s competitors would be able to use that
information to develop similar campaigns. But knowing how United
allocates its resources does not necessarily provide a competitor
with information that could harm United.

The Court finds this is insufficient to demonstrate a compelling
interest with an identifiable harm that warrants sealing.

The Plaintiff Frantz Samson brings this case as a class action
against Defendant United HealthCare Services, for alleged
violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

United provides hospital, medical, and other health services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3QAqHuB at no extra charge.[CC]

UNITEDHEALTH GROUP: Fails to Pay Proper Wages, Quinones Alleges
ANGELICA QUINONES, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INCORPORATED;
inclusive, Defendants, Case No. 23STCV27996 (Cal. Super., Los
Angeles Cty., Nov. 14, 2023) is an action against the Defendants
for failure to pay minimum wages, overtime compensation, authorize
and permit meal and rest periods, provide accurate wage statements,
and reimburse necessary business expenses.

Plaintiff Quinones was employed by the Defendants as a medical

UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INCORPORATED owns and manages organized health
systems. The Company provides employers products and resources to
plan and administer employee benefit programs. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ronald W. Makarem, Esq.
          Daniel J. Bass, Esq.
          11601 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2440
          Los Angeles, CA 90025-1760
          Telephone: (310) 312-0299
          Facsimile: (310) 312-0296

               - and -

          Michael F. Rahmanou, Esq.
          9100 Wilshire Blvd. Ste 220west Bldg
          Beverly Hills, CA 90212
          Telephone: (424)777-3842
          Facsimile: (424)999-3088

UNITEDHEALTHCARE: Faces Class Suit Over Denial of Medicare Claims
Paige Minemyer of Fierce Healthcare reports that UnitedHealthcare
is facing a potential class-action lawsuit following allegations
that it used an algorithm to deny claims for post-acute care
services in Medicare Advantage (MA).

The proposed class action was filed on November 30, 2023 by the
families of two deceased MA members, who argue that the insurer
"illegally" deployed the naviHealth platform to deny medically
necessary care to seniors. The lawsuit said the technology has a
"90% error rate."

The plaintiffs allege that despite that high error rate,
UnitedHealth continued to deploy the technology because a very
small number of members, less than 1%, generally appeal denied

"Defendants bank on the patients' impaired conditions, lack of
knowledge, and lack of resources to appeal the erroneous AI-powered
decisions," they said in the lawsuit.

The suit comes on the heels of an investigative report this week
from Stat, which dug into the use of naviHealth. Employees at
UnitedHealthcare were pressured to use the technology to cut costs,
Stat reported.

In a statement to Fierce Healthcare, a UnitedHealth spokesperson
said the platform is not used to make decisions on coverage.

“The naviHealth predict tool is not used to make coverage
determinations. The tool is used as a guide to help us inform
providers, families and other caregivers about what sort of
assistance and care the patient may need both in the facility and
after returning home," the spokesperson said. "Coverage decisions
are based on CMS coverage criteria and the terms of the member's

"This lawsuit has no merit, and we will defend ourselves
vigorously," they said.

The lawsuit claims that the naviHealth predict tool determines the
member's eligibility for post-acute care coverage based on "rigid
and unrealistic predictions for recovery." The tool predicts how
much care a patient "should" need, according to the lawsuit, which
can lead it to override physicians' determinations on what their
recovery requires.

Through this, UnitedHealthcare's post-acute care claims denials
have increased significantly, according to the suit.

"The fraudulent scheme affords Defendants a clear financial
windfall in the form of policy premiums without having to pay for
promised care, while the elderly are prematurely kicked out of care
facilities nationwide or forced to deplete family savings to
continue receiving necessary medical care, all because an AI model
'disagrees' with their real live doctors' determinations," the
plaintiffs wrote.

The lawsuit also follows increased scrutiny of insurers' potential
use of artificial intelligence and algorithms to deny member
claims. Cigna has also been hit with multiple lawsuits over its
PxDx tool, which drew public scrutiny earlier this year after a
ProPublica report alleged it was used to systematically deny
thousands of claims, at times in just seconds. [GN]

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Dittberner et al. Sue Over Data Breach
Geoff Dittberner, Mary Wint, Chris Petroskas, and Joseph Rogers,
individually and on behalf of all themselves and all others
similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. University of Minnesota,
Defendant, Case No. 27-CV-23-17423 (Minn. Cir., 4th Judicial,
Hennepin Cty., November 10, 2023) arises from the Defendant's
inadequate data security practices that resulted to a data breach.

A hacker active on the dark web with a username of "niggy" reported
that he infiltrated the Defendant's database and gained access to
the personally identifiable information and other sensitive
information, including over seven million unique social security
numbers. Although the data breach occurred in 2021, the Defendant
did not learn until almost two years later. Indeed, the Defendant
only just started investigating the data breach as of July 21,
2023, says the suit.

University of Minnesota is a higher education public institution
that accepts applicants to its undergraduate and graduate programs
from people throughout the United States and from non-US born
individuals. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Brian C. Gudmundson, Esq.
          Michael J. Laird, Esq.
          Rachel K. Tack, Esq.
          1100 IDS Center, 80 South 8th Street
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          E-mail: brian.gudmundson@zimmreed.com

                  - and -

          Gary F. Lynch, Esq.
          Jamisen A. Etzel, Esq.
          Nicholas A. Colella, Esq.
          1133 Penn Avenue, 5th Floor
          Pittsburgh, PA 15222
          Telephone: (412) 322-9243
          E-mail: gary@lcllp.com

                  - and -

           Christopher D. Jennings, Esq.
           JOHNSON FIRM
           610 President Clinton Avenue, Suite 300
           Little Rock, AR 72201
           Telephone: (501) 372-1300
           E-mail: chris@yourattorney.com

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA: Segal Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII
Conrad Segal and Madeline VanDerHeyden, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. University of Minnesota, Case
No. 27-cv-23-17290 (D. Minn., Nov. 8, 2023), is brought against
Defendant for its failure to properly secure and safeguard the PII
of Plaintiffs and Class Members from the unauthorized access of an
unknown third party- Defendant' s severe failures have
affected--and continue to affect--over seven million people.

Students and prospective students, parents, employees and others
provide UMN with highly sensitive personal information, including,
among other things, names, birthdates, addresses, telephone
numbers, email addresses, driver's license or passport information
and social security numbers (collectively, "Private Information" or
"PIT') which UMN stores on its own university database.

UMN gathers, stores, and uses PII that it gathers from students,
applicants, employees, and other individuals. As such, UMN has a
duty to protect the sensitive data it retains- Indeed, it admits to
being governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
("MGDPA") and that it may not release personal information without
the pemussion of the Individual, Further, entities like UMN must
"establish appropriate security safeguards for all records
containing data on individuals,
including procedures for ensuring that data that are not public are
only accessible to persons whose work assignment reasonably
requires access to the data, and is only accessed by those persons
for purposes described in the procedure. "

Despite the mandates of the MGDPA and understanding of its need to
implement reasonable security measures to keep PII safe, UMN failed
to do so. Instead, a hacker active on the dark web with a username
of "niggy" reported that he infiltrated UMN's database and gained
access to and other sensitive information, including over 7 million
unique social security numbers ("Data Breach"). The stolen
information includes data from digitized records initially created
as far back as 1989.

UMN did not learn that the hacker had infiltrated and gained
control over its systems to steal millions of social security
numbers until aner the hacker had successfully done so. Indeed,
only recently started investigating the Data Breach as of July 21,
2023. By then, the hacker had already purported to have made the
information available on the dark web.

Although the PII of millions of victims was improperly exposed
beginning in 2021, UMN did not begin notifying affected individuals
of the Data Breach until some time in August 2023, approximately
two years after the breach took place, thus depriving Plaintiffs
and Class Members of the ability to promptly mitigate potential
adverse consequences resulting from the Data Breach. In fact, UMN
notified Plaintiffs that their PII was stolen by cybercriminals on
September 28, 2023—1nore than two months after Defendant
allegedly discovered the Data Breach. As a result of Defendant's
delay in detecting and notifying consumers of the Data Breach, the
risk of fraud for Plaintiffs and Class Members has been driven even
higher, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff Segal was a student at UMN from 2012 to 2014.

The University of Minnesota is the largest in Minnesota and the
second-largest institution of higher education in the Midwest.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Stuart L. Goldenberg, Esq.
          Noah C. Lauricella, Esq.
          Ethan Adams, Esq.
          800 LaSalle Plaza, Suite 2150
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          Email: slgoldenberg@goldenberglqw.com

               - and -

          David S. Almeida, Esq.
          Matthew J. Langley, Esq.
          849 W. Webster Avenue
          Chicago, IL 60614
          Phone: (312) 576-3024
          Email: david@almeidalawgroup.com

UNUM GROUP: Williams Class Suit Moved From E.D. Tenn. to D. Mass.
The case styled KIM WILLIAMS, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. UNUM GROUP, Case No. 1:23-cv-00182,
was transferred from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Tennessee to the U.S. District Court for the District
of Massachusetts on November 14, 2023.

The Clerk of Court for the District of Massachusetts assigned Case
No. 1:23-cv-12768-ADB to the proceeding.

The case arises from the Defendant's failure to properly secure and
safeguard the sensitive information of the Plaintiff and other
similarly situated customers following a data breach. The Plaintiff
brings claims for negligence and negligence per se, breach of
implied contract, and unjust enrichment.

Unum Group is an American insurance company headquartered in
Chattanooga, Tennessee. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                                   
         Jeffrey E. Ostrow, Esq.
         One West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500
         Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
         Telephone: (954) 525-4100
         Facsimile: (954) 525-4300
         E-mail: ostrow@kolawyers.com

                 - and -

         Andrew Shamis, Esq.
         SHAMIS & GENTILE P.A.
         14 N.E. 1st Ave., Ste. 705
         Miami, FL 33132
         Telephone: (305) 479-2299
         Facsimile: (786) 623-0915
         E-mail: ashamis@shamisgentile.com

US BANK NATIONAL: Frazier Suit Removed to W.D. Washington
The case captioned as Kalien Frazier, on behalf of himself and
others similarly situated v. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; and
DOES 1 to 100, inclusive, Case No. 23CV042876 was removed from the
Superior Court of the State of California for the County of
Alameda, to the United States District Court for the Northern
District Of California on Nov. 2, 2023, and assigned Case No.

The Plaintiff's Complaint seeks recovery of monetary damages,
penalties, and other relief against Defendant in connection with
the following alleged causes of action: alleged failure to pay
wages in violation of California Labor Code; alleged failure to
overtime pay wages for daily overtime worked and failure to include
additional remuneration when calculating overtime wages in
violation of California Labor Code; alleged failure to pay meal
period premium wages at the regular rate of pay in violation of
Labor Code; alleged failure to pay rest period premium wages at the
regular rate of pay in violation of California Labor Code; alleged
failure to pay sick wages for accrued paid sick days at the regular
rate of pay in violation of California Labor Code; alleged failure
to provide complete accurate itemized wage statements in violation
of California Labor Code; alleged failure to timely pay all earned
wages and final paychecks due at time of separation of employment
in violation of California Labor Code; and alleged unlawful and
unfair business practices in violation of California Business and
Professions Code.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Joan B. Tucker Fife, Esq.
          101 California Street
          San Francisco, CA 94111-5840
          Phone: (415) 591-1000
          Facsimile: (415) 591-1400
          Email: JFife@winston.com

               - and -

          Emilie C. Woodhead, Esq.
          Winston K. Hu, Esq.
          333 S. Grand Ave.
          Los Angeles, CA 90071-1543
          Phone: +1 213-615-1700
          Facsimile: +1 213-615-1750
          Email: ewoodhead@winston.com

US MED-EQUIP: Parties Must File Approval Bid of PAGA Settlement
In the class action lawsuit captioned as TAYLOR AMBROSE, v. US
MED-EQUIP, LLC, Case No. 1:23-cv-00114-SAB (E.D. Cal.), the Hon.
Judge Stanley Boone entered an order entering stipulation to
dismiss the Plaintiff's class claims as stipulation to amend, and
deeming complaint amended order requiring parties to submit motion
for approval of settlement or dispositional documents:

   1. The Plaintiff's first amended complaint is deemed amended and

      any class action claims asserted therein are no longer
      against Defendant; and

   2. The parties shall file any motion for approval of PAGA
      settlement, or otherwise file dispositional documents, on or

      before December 29, 2023.

The Plaintiff Taylor Ambrose, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated, filed this putative class action on
January 26, 2023.

Pursuant to stipulation, Plaintiff filed a proposed first amended
complaint that the Court deemed filed on April 13, 2023. On May 15,
2023, Defendant filed an answer.

On June 13, 2023, the Court issued a phase class scheduling order.
On October 27, 2023, the parties filed a notice of settlement.

On November 6, 2023, the parties filed a notice of dismissal
requesting Plaintiff's class claims only, be dismissed without

US Med-Equip offers medical equipment rentals, hospital equipment
rentals, medical equipment sales, biomedical services, and asset
management services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3unqyD5 at no extra

USCIS: Cartaya Files Suit in S.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against U.S. Citizenship &
Immigration Services (USCIS). The case is styled as Anabel De La
Caridad Zayas Cartaya, on her own behalf and on Behalf Of all
Individuals Similarly Situated v. Director, U.S. Citizenship &
Immigration Services (USCIS), Ur Mendoza Jaddou; Secretary, U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), USCIS; Alejandro Mayorkas;
Case No. 9:23-cv-81453-DMM (S.D. Fla., Nov. 3, 2023).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Immigration Actions.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) --
https://www.uscis.gov/ -- provides immigration benefits to people
entitled to stay in the U.S. on a temporary or permanent

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Eduardo Rigoberto Soto, Esq.
          EDUARDO SOTO
          999 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 1040
          Coral Gables, FL 33134
          Phone: (305) 446-8686
          Fax: 529-0445
          Email: grace@esotopa.com

VALLEY FIRST: Class Settlement in Ayala Suit Gets Initial Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KARLA AYALA, an individual
on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated, v. VALLEY
FIRST CREDIT UNION, Case No. 1:22-cv-00657-HBK (E.D. Cal.), the
Hon. Judge Helena M. Barch-Kuchta entered an order granting
preliminary Approval of class action settlement:

   (1) The Plaintiff's renewed motion for preliminary settlement
       approval is granted.

   (2) The Court conditionally certifies the following Settlement
       Class pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 for
       settlement purposes only in accordance with the terms of the

       Settlement Agreement as follows:

       "The 48 individuals, who, according to Defendant’s
       were legally residing in California and applied for
       with Defendant from June 1, 2020 through June 1, 2022 using
       'workonly' social security number and were denied membership

       based solely on their lack of U.S. citizenship."

   (3) For settlement purposes only, Plaintiff's counsel, the
       American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, are APPOINTED
       class counsel.

   (4) For settlement purposes only, Plaintiff Karla Ayala, is
       appointed as the class representative.

   (5) The Court preliminarily approves the settlement as fair,
       reasonable, and adequate.

   (6) The method of Notice to the Class Members, is approved.

   (7) RG2 Claims Administration, LLC is approved to serve as the
       neutral, thirdparty Settlement Administrator in accordance
       the Settlement Agreement and consistent with this Order.

Valley First offers loans, credit cards, insurance, mortgage loans,
mobile deposit, and digital wallets services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/49MxJoS at no extra charge.[CC]

VARSITY BRANDS: Bid to Strike Supplemental Declaration Partly OK'd
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JESSICA JONES and
CHRISTINA LORENZEN on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly
Situated, v. VARSITY BRANDS, LLC, et al., Case No.
2:20-cv-02892-SHL-tmp (W.D. Tenn.), the Hon. Judge Sheryl H. Lipman
entered an order granting in part and denying in part motion to
strike supplemental declaration and denying motion for leave to
file surreply.

Indirect Purchasers argue that Dr. Maki's statement was made in
direct response to Defendants' Response brief, which states
"although practices vary, gyms often bundle gym time, training,
apparel, choreography, and competitions, with competitions being a
relatively small portion of the total."

As for the other documents included in the appendices, none raise
an issue not previously addressed. Indeed, Defendants have not
identified a single new argument that they did not raise in their

The Plaintiffs Jessica Jones and Christina Lorenzen's filed an
Opposition to the Motion, on June 15, 2023. For the reasons stated
below, the Motion to Strike is granted in part and denied in part
and the motion for Leave to File Surreply is denied.

Indirect Purchasers Jessica Jones and Christina Lorenzen are the
parents of Competitive Cheer Athletes who were members of either
All-Star Gym teams or school cheer teams. They allege that they
paid artificially inflated prices for goods and services, including
enrollment in cheer competitions and apparel purchased indirectly
from Varsity, and seek to represent a class of all indirect
purchasers of Varsity products and all entrants into Varsity or
All-Star Cheer Competitions.

On April 7, 2021, the Court entered a Scheduling Order, which
established March 18, 2022, as Indirect Purchasers' expert
disclosure deadline. (ECF No. 61.) The Court later extended that
deadline twice, first to May 18, 2022, and then to June 20, 2022.
The Court set deadlines of December 14, 2022, for Indirect
Purchasers’ rebuttal expert reports, and January 24, 2023, for
all expert depositions to be completed.

Indirect Purchasers produced Dr. Maki's Expert Report on June 20,
2022, submitted her Rebuttal Report on December 14, 2022, and made
her available for a deposition on January 23, 2023.

On June 1, 2023, Defendants filed the instant motion, requesting
that the Court strike the Maki Declaration and seeking leave to
file a surreply in opposition to Indirect Purchasers' Motion for
Class Certification.

Varsity is a prominent host of competitive cheerleading
competitions and camps.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 8, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/479JZOk at no extra charge.[CC]

VENICE HMA: Parties Seek More Time to File Class Cert Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RITA KENT, INGRID
themselves and on behalf of all others similarly-situated, v.
HOLDINGS, LLC, Case No. 8:22-cv-01989-CEH-AEP (M.D. Fla.), the
Parties ask the Court to enter an order that Plaintiffs be
permitted up until and including January 31, 2024, to file their
motion for class certification.

The instant Motion is brought before the expiration of the time for
Plaintiffs to file their Motion for Class Certification.

Specifically, the enlargement will provide adequate time to resolve
outstanding discovery disputes, permit Plaintiffs to depose
Defendants' corporate representative, and permit Plaintiffs'
depositions to be taken by Defendants.

The Plaintiffs' current deadline to file their motion is November
30, 2023. The parties have diligently pursued written discovery in
this matter, and there has been a substantial exchange of both
documents and written responses to date. However, due to pending
discovery disputes, the Parties have refrained from setting
depositions until after the resolution of Defendants' Motion to
Compel, which is set to be heard on November 17, 2023.

Venice HMA offers services such as neurologic care, robotic
surgery, stroke care, CT scan, imaging, and rehabilitation

A copy of the Parties' motion dated Nov. 7, 2023 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/47BC7oN at no extra charge.[CC]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Brandon J. Hill, Esq.
          Luis A. Cabassa, Esq.
          Amanda E. Heystek, Esq.
          1110 N. Florida Avenue, Suite 300
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Telephone: (813) 224-0431
          Facsimile: (813) 229-8712
          E-mail: bhill@wfclaw.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Tracey K. Jaensch, B.C.S., Esq.
          Nicholas S. Andrews, Esq.
          Emily Chase-Sosnoff, Esq.
          Shannon L. Kelly, Esq.
          401 E. Jackson Street, Suite 2500
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Telephone: (813) 261-7800
          Facsimile: (813) 261-7899
          E-mail: tjaensch@fordharrison.com

VERISK ANALYTICS: Settlement Reached in ERISA-Related Suit
Verisk Analytics, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the quarterly
period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 1, 2023, that on October 4, 2023,
the parties in an ERISA litigation filed in the United States
District Court, District of New Jersey engaged in expert discovery
and the case was settled before a mediator. The parties are
currently drafting settlement terms.

On September 24, 2020, former employees Jillyn Peterson, Gabe Hare,
Robert Heynen and Adam Krajewski, filed said suit in said court
under Case No. 2:20-cv-13223-CCC-MF against defendants Insurance
Services Office Inc., the Plan Administration Committee of
Insurance Services Office Inc. and its members and the Trust
Investment Committee of Insurance Services Office Inc. and its
members. The class action complaint alleges violations of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

The class is defined as all persons who were participants in or
beneficiaries of the ISO 401(k) Savings and Employee Stock
Ownership Plan, at any time between September 24, 2014 through the
date of judgment. The complaint alleges that all defendants are
fiduciaries with respect to the plan. Plaintiffs challenge the
amount of fees paid by plan participants to maintain the investment
funds in the plan portfolio and the amount of recordkeeper fees
paid by participants. Plaintiffs allege that by permitting the
payment of excessive fees, the Committee Defendants breached their
ERISA duties of prudence and loyalty. Plaintiffs further allege
that ISO breached its ERISA duty by failing to monitor the
Committee Defendants who they allege committed known breaches of
their fiduciary duties. The complaint does not specify damages but
alleges the fiduciary breaches cost Plan participants millions of
dollars. Defendants filed their motion to dismiss the complaint on
January 12, 2021, which the court partially denied on April 13,
2021. Fact discovery was completed. The court stayed the litigation
pending the outcome of the parties' mediation, but the stay was
lifted on May 5, 2023

Verisk Analytics, Inc. is a strategic data analytics and technology
partner to the global insurance industry by empowering clients to
strengthen operating efficiency, improve underwriting and claims
outcomes, combat fraud and make informed decisions about global
risks, including climate change, extreme events, ESG
(environmental, social, and governance), and political issues
through advanced data analytics, software, scientific research, and
deep industry knowledge.

VERTIV HOLDINGS: Faces Consolidated Shareholder Suit
Vertiv Holdings Company disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in October 27, 2023, that a
putative securities class action, "In re Vertiv Holdings Co.
Securities Litigation," Case No. 22-cv-3572, filed against Vertiv,
certain of its officers and directors, and other defendants in the
U.S. Court for Southern District of New York on May 3, 2022 is
currently ongoing.

Plaintiffs filed an amended complaint on September 16, 2022.

The amended complaint alleges that certain of the company's public
statements were materially false and/or misleading with respect to
inflationary and supply chain pressures and pricing issues, and
asserts claims under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 11, 12(a)(2), and 15
of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These claims are
asserted on behalf of a putative class of all persons and entities
that purchased Vertiv securities between February 24, 2021 and
February 22, 2022 and/or purchased Vertiv securities in or
traceable to the November 4, 2021 secondary public offering by a
selling stockholder pursuant to a resale registration statement.

Vertiv Holdings Co. (formerly known as GS Acquisition Holdings
Corp.) provides mission-critical infrastructure technologies and
life cycle services for data centers, communication networks, and
commercial and industrial environments that include AC and DC power
management products, thermal management products, integrated rack
systems, modular solutions, management systems for monitoring and
controlling digital infrastructure, and services.

VERU INC: Continues to Defend Ewing Class Suit in Florida
Veru Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q/A Report for the quarterly
period ending June 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission on November 15, 2023, that the Company continues to
defend itself from the Ewing class suit in the Southern District of
Florida federal district court.

On December 5, 2022, a putative class action complaint was filed in
federal district court for the Southern District of Florida (Ewing
v. Veru Inc., et al., Case No. 1:22-cv-23960) against the Company
and certain of its current officers and directors (the "Ewing

The Ewing Complaint alleges that certain public statements about
sabizabulin as a treatment for COVID-19 between May 11, 2022 and
November 9, 2022 violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated

The Company believes that the allegations asserted in the Ewing
Complaint are without merit, and the Company intends to vigorously
defend the lawsuit.

Veru Inc. is primarily an oncology-based biopharmaceutical company
that develops drugs for the management of breast and prostate
cancers. Veru also develops medicines for COVID-19 and other
diseases related to viral and acute respiratory distress syndrome
("ARDS"), and has two FDA-approved products for sexual health.[BN]

VIACOMCBS INC: Appeals Class Certification Ruling of Antitrust Suit
ViacomCBS disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 9, 2023 that the Company defendants
appealed the class certification ruling of the consolidated
antitrust class suits of the United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York.

The Firm is a defendant in three antitrust class action complaints
which have been consolidated into one proceeding in the United
States District Court for the Southern District of New York
("SDNY") under the caption City of Philadelphia, et al. v. Bank of
America Corporation, et al.

Plaintiffs allege, inter alia, that the Firm, along with a number
of other financial institution defendants, violated U.S. antitrust
laws and relevant state laws in connection with alleged efforts to
artificially inflate interest rates for Variable Rate Demand
Obligations ("VRDO").

Plaintiffs seek, among other relief, treble damages.

The class action complaint was filed on behalf of a class of
municipal issuers of VRDO for which defendants served as
remarketing agent.

On November 2, 2020, the court granted in part and denied in part
the defendants' motion to dismiss the consolidated complaint,
dismissing state law claims, but denying dismissal of the U.S.
antitrust claims.

On September 21, 2023, the court granted plaintiffs’ motion for
class certification.

On October 5, 2023, defendants sought leave to appeal this ruling
from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

ViacomCBS Inc. is a global media and entertainment company that
creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide,
offering broadcast and cable television programming, innovative
streaming services and digital video products, provide powerful
capabilities in production, distribution and advertising solutions
with one of the industry's most extensive libraries of television
and film titles with a portfolio of iconic consumer brands
Paramount+, Pluto TV, CBS, Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures,
Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central and BET.

VIACOMCBS INC: Continues to Defend Camelot Securities Class Suit
ViacomCBS disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 9, 2023 that the Company continues
to defend itself from the Camelot Event securities class suit in
the Supreme Court of N.Y.

On August 13, 2021, the plaintiff in Camelot Event Driven Fund, a
Series of Frank Funds Trust v. Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, et al.
filed in the Supreme Court of NY a purported class action complaint
alleging violations of the federal securities laws against
ViacomCBS ("Viacom"), certain of its officers and directors, and
the underwriters, including the Company, of two March 2021 Viacom
offerings: a $1,700 Viacom Class B Common Stock offering and a
$1,000 offering of 5.75% Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred
Stock (collectively, the "Offerings").

The complaint alleges, inter alia, that the Viacom offering
documents for both issuances contained material omissions because
they did not disclose that certain of the underwriters, including
the Company, had prime brokerage relationships and served as
counterparties to certain derivative transactions with Archegos
Capital Management LP, ("Archegos"), a fund with significant
exposure to Viacom securities across multiple prime brokers.

The complaint, which seeks, among other things, unspecified
compensatory damages, alleges that the offering documents did not
adequately disclose the risks associated with Archegos's
concentrated Viacom positions at the various prime brokers,
including that the unwind of those positions could have a
deleterious impact on the stock price of Viacom.

On November 5, 2021, the complaint was amended to add allegations
that defendants failed to disclose that certain underwriters,
including the Company, had intended to unwind Archegos's Viacom
positions while simultaneously distributing the Offerings.

On February 6, 2023, the court issued a decision denying the
motions to dismiss as to the Company and the other underwriters,
but granted the motion to dismiss as to Viacom and the Viacom
individual defendants.

On February 15, 2023, the underwriters, including the Firm, filed
their Notices of Appeal of the denial of their motions to dismiss.

On March 10, 2023, the plaintiff filed a Notice of Appeal of the
dismissal of Viacom and the individual Viacom defendants.

ViacomCBS Inc. is a global media and entertainment company that
creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide,
offering broadcast and cable television programming, innovative
streaming services and digital video products, provide powerful
capabilities in production, distribution and advertising solutions
with one of the industry's most extensive libraries of television
and film titles with a portfolio of iconic consumer brands
Paramount+, Pluto TV, CBS, Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures,
Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central and BET.

VIOME LIFE SCIENCES: Luis Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Viome Life Sciences,
Inc. The case is styled as Kevin Yan Luis, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. Viome Life Sciences,
Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-09623-JGLC (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 1, 2023).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Viome Life Sciences, Inc. operates as a life science company. The
Company focuses on digitize, decode, and decipher human biology to
prevent, treat, cure chronic diseases, and cancer.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Noor Abou-Saab, I, Esq.
          380 North Broadway, Suite 300
          Jericho, NY 11753
          Phone: (718) 740-5060
          Email: noorasaablaw@gmail.com

VIRGINIA DOC: Patterson Sues Over Sex Discrimination
Mallory Patterson, Emily Comer, and Carla Mcdowney, on behalf of
themselves and all others similarly situated v. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT
OF CORRECTIONS, and CHADWICK DOTSON, in his official capacity, Case
No. 3:23-cv-00757-DJN (E.D. Va., Nov. 9, 2023), is brought to
correct and remedy sex discrimination in employment by VDOC in
violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act ("Title VII"), and
the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution ("Section 1983").

No one should have their job threatened, be subjected to a strip
search, or have their employment terminated simply because they are
menstruating, using a feminine hygiene product, or using a
contraceptive device at work. Such conduct is sex discrimination in
violation of federal law.

Yet, even after admitting a fatal flaw in its security body scan
screening process, which uniquely impacts females, and being found
liable for intentional sex discrimination in employment for the
same conduct, VDOC has continued to subject female employees to a
hostile work environment, egregious terms and conditions of
employment, and termination from employment all because they are
menstruating or using a contraceptive device, says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs were employed at VDOC.

Virginia Department of Corrections is the executive agency
responsible for operating and maintaining correctional facilities
within Virginia.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Harris D. Butler, III, Esq.
          Paul M. Falabella, Esq.
          Samantha Galina, Esq.
          140 Virginia Street, Suite 302
          Richmond, VA 23219
          Phone: (804) 648-4848
          Facsimile: (804) 237-0413
          Email: harris@butlercurwood.com

VIVENDI TICKETING: Faces Verderame Class Action in C.D. California
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Vivendi Ticketing US
LLC. The case is captioned as Mason Verderame v. Vivendi Ticketing
US LLC, Case No. 2:23-cv-07498-CJC-DFM (C.D. Cal., Oct. 6, 2023).

The nature of suit states diversity -- personal injury. The case is
assigned to the Hon. Judge Cormac J. Carney.

Vivendi Ticketing comprises the ticketing businesses See Tickets in
the UK, the US, and in France.[BN]

The Plaintiff Mason Verderame on behalf of himself and all others
similarly situated is represented by:

          Eric Lechtzin, Esq.
          411 South State Street Suite N-300
          Newtown, PA 18940
          Telephone: (267) 408-8445
          Facsimile: (267) 685-0676
          E-mail: elechtzin@edelson-law.com

VORWERK LLC: Cruz Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Eduardo Cruz, an individual, and all those
similarly situated v. Vorwerk, LLC - Thermomix USA, Does 1-10, Case
No. 23STCV21187 was removed from the Los Angeles County Superior
Court, to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of
California on Nov. 9, 2023.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:23-cv-09485-SB-BFM to
the proceeding.

The nature of suit is stated as Contract Product Liability.

Vorwerk, LLC - Thermomix USA -- https://www.thermomix.com/ -- is a
private company. The company currently specializes in the Consumer
Goods area.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Robert Alexander Comley, Esq.
          Stephen Eugene Fresch, Esq.
          8605 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 45518
          West Hollywood, CA 90069
          Phone: (310) 230-5822
          Fax: (310) 218-0017
          Email: alex@comleylaw.com

               - and -

          Donald R Pepperman, Esq.
          WAYMAKER LLP
          515 South Flower Street Suite 3500
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Phone: (424) 652-7800
          Fax: (424) 652-7850
          Email: dpepperman@waymakerlaw.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Ari N. Rothman, Esq.
          Abigail Colleen Zeimis, Esq.
          Allison C. Nelson. Esq.
          VENABLE LLP
          2049 Century Park East Suite 2300
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Phone: (310) 229-9900
          Fax: (310) 229-9901
          Email: ANRothman@venable.com

WASHINGTON LANE: Medina Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
Rafael Medina, individually and on behalf of others similarly
No. 1:23-cv-09945 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 9, 2023), is brought for unpaid
minimum and overtime wages pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act
of 1938 ("FLSA"), and for violations of the New York Labor Law (the
"NYLL"), including applicable liquidated damages, interest,
attorneys' fees and costs.

From the beginning of his employment until November 2021, Plaintiff
worked at the Aria location for approximately 50-60 hours per week.
From November 2021 to January 2022, Plaintiff worked for Defendants
at the Briciola location for approximately forty hours per week.
Throughout his employment, Plaintiff was paid by check. Throughout
his employment, Plaintiff was paid $12.50 per hour for his work for
Defendants. The Plaintiff was never properly notified by Defendants
that his tips were being included as an offset for wages;
accordingly, Defendants were not entitled to pay Plaintiff below
the minimum wage by taking a tip-credit on Plaintiff's wages at any
time during his employment, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a former employee of Defendants and was employed
as a bartender and server.

The Defendants operate restaurants located in New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Alexander Zugaro, Esq.
          PHILLIPS & ASSOCIATES, Attorneys at Law, PLLC
          45 Broadway, Suite 620
          New York, NY 10006
          Phone: (212) 248-7431
          Fax: (212) 901 - 2107
          Email: azugaro@tpglaws.com

WENDY'S INTERNATIONAL: Parking Lots Inaccessible for Disabled
classaction.org reports that a proposed class action alleges the
operators of more than 400 Wendy's locations throughout Texas,
Louisiana, Minnesota, New York and Ohio have failed to ensure that
the parking lots of the restaurants are fully accessible to
individuals with mobility disabilities.

The 15-page lawsuit claims that defendants Haza Foods, Haza Foods
of Northeast and Haza Foods of Minnesota have violated the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by failing to comply with the
federal law's slope regulations in parking areas. The plaintiff, a
New York resident who uses a wheelchair for mobility, claims to
have experienced "unnecessary difficulty and risk of physical harm"
when navigating "excessive" slopes in the parking lot of one of the
defendants' Wendy's restaurants in Rochester.

"As a result of [the defendants'] non-compliance with the ADA, [the
plaintiff's] ability to access and safely use [the defendants']
facilities has been significantly impeded," the complaint says,
claiming that the woman has been "deterred from returning to and
fully and safely accessing [the defendants'] facilities due to the
discrimination she has previously encountered there."

According to the case, the plaintiff's investigators examined
multiple Wendy's locations owned by the franchisees and found that
at least 11 properties had parking spaces, aisles or curb ramps
with slopes that exceed the maximum percentage permitted by the
ADA. These "repeated and systemic" accessibility barriers include
curb ramp flares with slopes of more than 10 percent, curb ramp
landings with slopes of more than 2.1 percent and accessible
parking surfaces with slopes exceeding 2.1 percent, the suit says.

The filing alleges that the defendants' "widespread" architectural
barriers deny disabled customers full and equal access to the
restaurants and constitute unlawful discrimination under the ADA.

Overall, the complaint seeks to require Haza Foods, Haza Foods of
Northeast and Haza Foods of Minnesota to fix the allegedly
excessive sloping conditions so that their Wendy's parking areas
are in line with ADA regulations, and to modify their existing
maintenance policy to ensure that such noncompliance does not

The lawsuit looks to represent any wheelchair users with qualified
mobility disabilities who encountered accessibility barriers within
the parking areas of any of the defendants' locations.[GN]

WEST HOLLYWOOD: Russo Sues Over Unlawful Misclassification
Elba Russo, and other similarly situated aggrieved employees v.
inclusive, Case No. 23STCV27188 (Cal. Super. Ct., Nov. 6, 2023), is
brought against the Defendant's violation of the Labor Code as a
result of the Defendants failure to compensate for all hours worked
both minimum abd overtime.

The Defendant failed to compensate for all hours worked; failed to
pay minimum wages; failed to pay overtime; failed to provide
accurate itemized wage statements; failed to pay wages when
employment ends; failed to pay wages owed every pay period; failed
to give rest breaks; failed to give meal breaks failed to reimburse
business expenses; violation of CA code Private Attorneys General
Act ("PAGA"); discrimination on the basis of disability in
violation of Fair Employment And Housing Act ("FEHA"); failed to
accommodate disability in violation of FEHA; failed to engage in
interactive process to determine reasonable accommodation in
violation of FEHA; retaliation in violation of FEHA; failed to
prevent discrimination and retaliation in violation of FEHA;
wrongful termination in violation of public policy, says the

The Plaintiff started working at WHHWC as a Dietary Aid on March
25, 2020.

"WHHWC") is and was a business entity, form unknown, doing business
in Los Angeles County, California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Sevag Nigoghosian, Esq.
          500 N. Central Ave., Suite 840
          Glendale, CA 91203
          Phone: (818) 956-1111
          Facsimile: (818) 956-1983

WEST VIRGINIA-AMERICAN: Faces Second Natural Gas Outage Class Suit
Chris Dickerson of West Virginia Record reports that a second
potential class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of about
1,100 Charleston-area customers who lost natural gas service over
the weekend.

The plaintiffs in this case - Thomas Tolliver and Bailes Glass Co.
- filed their complaint November 15 in Kanawha Circuit Court
against West Virginia-American Water Company and Mountaineer Gas
Company. Both plaintiffs are based on Charleston's West Side, which
is where a high-pressure water line suffered a break November 10.

The force of the water from the leak pierced a main gas line,
sending thousands of gallons of water through the system.
Mountaineer Gas officials say it could take a week or more to clear
the water out of the gas lines.

"There is no other explanation or accounting for this disastrous
event other than the gross negligence of WVAWC and MGC," the
complaint states.

Unlike the first complaint filed November 14, the latest one
demands injunctive relief prohibiting WVAWC and MGC from seeking a
rate increase to pay for damages.

"If a rate increase were to be allowed, such action and cost to
plaintiffs and others similarly situated would constitute a 'double
whammy' on plaintiffs and the class in that they would be paying at
least twice for the wrongs caused by the defendants," the complaint

Attorney Anthony Majestro explained the rationale behind that

"This is clearly the fault of the utilities," Majestro told The
West Virginia Record. "They shouldn't be able to transfer that
liability back to the people who have suffered in the form of
higher rates.

"We appreciate the efforts of the gas company to restore service as
soon as possible. But what they aren't doing is providing for the
people who are suffering nightly temperatures in the 30s in the
middle of winter because of their negligence."

When WVAWC was found responsible for its part in a 2014 chemical
leak that infiltrated the Charleston water system, U.S. District
Judge John Copenhaver ensured the company wouldn't raise rates then
to pass the costs on to the customers affected when litigation was
settled in 2017.

In the latest incident, WVAWC "inexcusable and negligently allowed
or caused the water line (or water main) to burst," according to
the complaint.

"The burst water main caused a break in a steel underground gas
pipe or gas line owned and operated by MGC, thereby allowing water
to enter the gas line and thereby migrate and be distributed into
customers' residential homes and businesses," the complaint states.
"This action required MGC to cut off gas services to the plaintiffs
and to others similarly situated."

The complaint says WVAWC failed to timely and appropriately respond
to the emergency and failed to plan and implement proper systems
and checks to prevent the water line break and to prevent water
from entering the gas line owned and operated by MGC.

It also says MGC should have known WVAWC's line was subject to
failure because of its location, physical properties, the way it
was used, the way it was maintained and because of WVAWC's failure
to maintain. It says MGC failed to account for and make provision
for a water main rupture that would contaminate and infiltrate the
gas line with water. It says the water has caused damage to gas
furnaces, gas stoves, gas ovens, gas water tanks and other gas

The complaint says plaintiffs have been without water and most
still are without gas heat in their homes, gas-heated water and
have appliances that are inoperative. That causes distress,
discomfort and inconvenience, according to the complaint.

It says the plaintiffs and others have had to find other sources of
water, heat, methods of cooking and have suffered other discomforts
and inconveniences.

The complaint also says businesses such as Bailes Glass have
suffered economic losses.

The plaintiffs accuse the defendants of negligence, public
nuisance, private nuisance and strict liability. They also accuse
MGC of breach of contract for the prolonged gas outage to the
nearly 1,100 West Side customers.

The complaint also invokes the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, which
means "the thing speaks for itself."

The city, Mountaineer Gas, the Red Cross, the United Way and others
are working to meet the needs of residents affected by the loss of
gas service.

According to the complaint, the potential class members are
customers of WVAWC and/or MGC.

On November 15, Gov. Jim Justice declared a state of emergency in
Kanawha County because of the incident. He activated the West
Virginia National Guard to assist with necessary resources.

"I have spoken with the Vice President of Mountaineer Gas, and
we're closely following their progress in restoring service to
families," Justice said. "From what I understand, it is no easy
task, but they expressed they are diligently working to get gas
turned back on as fast as possible. I have offered any state
resources they may need to assist them."

Justice said he also has asked the state Public Service Commission
to begin a full investigation into the cause of the outage and to
"hold the responsible parties accountable."

"This will not get swept under the rug and disappear without
answers," Justice said. "To the resilient residents of the West
Side: We are here with you during this challenging time. We are
pulling the rope together and will get through this together."

In the lawsuit, the potential class seeks compensatory damages,
punitive damages, pre- and post-judgment interests, attorney fees,
court costs and other relief.

The plaintiffs are being represented by R. Edison Hill and James C.
Peterson of Hill Peterson Carper Bee & Deitzler of Charleston and
by Majestro of Powell & Majestro in Charleston. The case has been
assigned to Circuit Judge Kenneth Ballard.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number 23-C-1007 [GN]

WEST VIRGINIA: Inmates Fight Dismissal Bid in State Funding Suit
Steven Allen Adams of The Weirton Daily Times reports that
attorneys representing inmates in West Virginia's correctional
system pushed back on November 14, 2023 on a motion to dismiss a
federal class action lawsuit seeking state funding to address major
issues by attorneys for the state.

Meanwhile, there is bipartisan frustration by members of the West
Virginia Legislature whose attempts to seek answers or garner
interest in seeing conditions in the state's prisons and jails keep
hitting brick walls.

Attorneys for inmates in the state's entire system of 11 prisons,
10 regional jails, 10 juvenile centers and three work-release sites
filed a response on November 14, 2023 to a motion to dismiss filed
last week by Mark Sorsaia, the cabinet secretary for the Department
of Homeland Security which oversees the Division of Corrections and

The case was filed on behalf of: Thomas Sheppheard, an inmate at
Mt. Olive Correctional Complex in Fayette County; Tyler Randall, an
inmate at the Southwestern Regional Jail in Logan County; and an
unnamed juvenile at the Donald R. Kuhn Juvenile Center in Boone

The class action lawsuit filed Aug. 8 in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of West Virginia against Sorsaia and Gov.
Jim Justice accuses the state of understaffing, overcrowding, and
delays of deferred maintenance for facilities. The state is accused
of violating the Eighth Amendment constitutional rights of inmates
against cruel and unusual punishment.

"Despite the constitutional requirements set forth in the Eighth
Amendment, (Justice and Sorsaia) have subjected inmates housed at
all the state's correctional facilities and other such facilities
throughout the state, including Plaintiffs, to inhumane living
conditions, deprived them of basic human necessities, and acted
with deliberate indifference towards their health and safety,"
wrote Stephen New, one of several attorneys representing the

The inmates are seeking a ruling in their favor and an order to
require the state to spend no less than $330 million on staffing
and maintenance with available funds or by submitting
appropriations bills between now and the next legislative session
beginning in January 2024.

New cited testimony regarding decades of poor prison conditions and
understaffing from former interim DCR commissioner Brad Douglas,
who was fired two weeks ago for his handling of discovery requests
in a separate federal class action lawsuit brought by New regarding
the Southern Regional Jail; former DCR commissioner Betsy Jividen,
who was forced to resign by Justice in 2022; and former DHS cabinet
secretary Jeff Sandy, who retired over the summer.

Both Justice and Sorsaia filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit last
week. In their motion, attorneys for Sorsaia argue that he has no
authority to appropriate money to fix the issues cited, with that
authority resting with the Governor and Legislature.

"There is no alleged participation by Sorsaia in any alleged
constitutional deprivation," wrote attorney Caleb David. "Sorsaia
was appointed to his position as Cabinet Secretary effective August
1, 2023. This Complaint was filed only one week later, on August 8,
2023. There is no plausible allegation that satisfies the
subjective component, that Sorsaia knew of and disregarded an
excessive risk to inmate health or safety . . ."

They also argue that the lawsuit has been rendered moot since
Justice and the Legislature included money for deferred maintenance
for correctional facilities from some of the $1.8 billion surplus
for fiscal year 2023. An August special session saw the Legislature
pass bills to increase the pay for correctional officers and a
one-time bonus for correctional staff.

Attorneys representing inmates at the Southern Regional Jail near
Beckley and attorneys representing current and former state
corrections officials met last week for a status hearing regarding
a proposed $4 million settlement in a federal class action lawsuit
regarding conditions at the jail. The settlement came after a
magistrate judge found in favor of a motion from the inmates
seeking default judgment against the state after it was revealed
that emails and other electronic documents were destroyed.

One of the former DCR officials, Betsy Jividen, was in Wheeling
November 14, 2023 presenting before the Legislative Oversight
Commission on Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority on
a re-entry simulator she helped create to help policy makers
understand what those released from incarceration go through once
back in society.

Commission Co-Chairman Jason Barrett, R-Berkeley, attempted to ask
Jividen about jail conditions when she was commissioner. Jividen
was first appointed as commissioner for DCR in 2018, but was forced
to resign last year under pressure over the death at Southern
Regional Jail of a relative of Department of Transportation Cabinet
Secretary Jimmy Wriston.

"You were commissioner for a number of years," Barrett said. "What
were the conditions like then and how did that affect inmates and
their re-entry . . . can you talk about the conditions while you
were commissioner and how that related to the inmates?"

Before Jividen could answer, Commission Co-Chair David Kelly,
R-Tyler, stepped in to keep questions to Jividen focused on her
presentation on the re-entry simulation program.

"We're going to keep these questions tailored for this
presentation," Kelly said. "We're not going to go back in time.
This is not the time or the place."

"I think it is an important question," Barrett said.

Delegate Joey Garcia, D-Marion, is a commission member and minority
chairman of the House Jails and Prisons Committee. In a press
release on November 14, 2023 evening, Garcia said many lawmakers
are poised to begin the 2024 regular session of the Legislature in
January with no first-hand knowledge of jail conditions and no
long-term solutions.

"We're here at legislative interims and most legislators haven't
been to an active jail or prison," Garcia said. "It's hard to make
good policy until you see the conditions yourself and hear
firsthand the concerns of correctional officers and staff members.
In light of recent developments with litigation at the Southern
Regional Jail, we need more transparency and accountability with
respect to human rights violations in West Virginia jails and
prisons." [GN]

WILHELMINA INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Pressley Suit
Wilhelmina International Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 9, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Pressley class suit in
the New York State Supreme Court (New York County).

On June 6, 2016, a putative class action lawsuit was brought
against the Company by former Wilhelmina model Shawn Pressley and
others, including Roberta Little (the "Pressley Litigation"), in
New York State Supreme Court (New York County) by the same counsel
representing the plaintiffs in the Shanklin Litigation, and
asserting identical, although more recent, claims as those in the
Shanklin Litigation.  

The Amended Complaint, asserting essentially the same types of
claims as in the Shanklin action, was filed on August 16, 2017.  

Wilhelmina filed a motion to dismiss the Amended Complaint on
September 29, 2017, which was granted in part and denied in part on
May 10, 2018.  

Some New York Labor Law and contract claims remain in the case.  

Pressley has withdrawn from the case, leaving Roberta Little as the
sole remaining named plaintiff in the Pressley Litigation.  

On July 12, 2019, the Company filed its Answer and Counterclaim
against Little.

On May 1, 2019, the Plaintiffs in the Pressley Litigation filed
motions for class certification on their contract claims and the
remaining New York Labor Law Claims.

On July 12, 2019, Wilhelmina filed its opposition to the motions
for class certification and filed a cross-motion for summary
judgment against Shanklin, Vretman, Palomares, Trotter and Little,
and a motion for summary judgment against Raske.

By Order dated May 8, 2020 (the "Class Certification Order"), the
Court denied class certification in the Pressley case, denied class
certification with respect to the breach of contract and alleged
unpaid usage claims, granted class certification as to the New York
Labor Law causes of action asserted by Vretman, Palomares, and
Trotter, and declined to rule on Wilhelmina's motions for summary
judgment, denying them without prejudice to be re-filed at a later

Currently the parties are engaging in merits discovery.

The Company believes the claims asserted in the Pressley Litigation
are without merit and intends to continue to vigorously defend the

Wilhelmina International, Inc. primarily engages in the fashion
model management business. It specializes in the representation
and management of models, entertainers, artists, athletes, and
other talent to various clients, including retailers, designers,
advertising agencies, print and electronic media and catalog
companies. Wilhelmina International, Inc. was founded in 1967 and
is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

WILHELMINA INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Shanklin Suit
Wilhelmina International Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 9, 2023, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Shanklin class suit in
New York State Supreme Court (New York County).

On October 24, 2013, a putative class action lawsuit was brought
against the Company by former Wilhelmina model Alex Shanklin and
others, including Louisa Raske, Carina Vretman, Grecia Palomares
and Michelle Griffin Trotter (the "Shanklin Litigation"), in New
York State Supreme Court (New York County) by the same lead counsel
who represented plaintiffs in a prior, now-dismissed action brought
by Louisa Raske (the "Raske Litigation").  

The claims in the Shanklin Litigation initially included breach of
contract and unjust enrichment allegations arising out of matters
similar to the Raske Litigation, such as the handling and reporting
of funds on behalf of models and the use of model images.  

Other parties named as defendants in the Shanklin Litigation
included other model management companies, advertising firms, and
certain advertisers.  

On January 6, 2014, the Company moved to dismiss the Amended
Complaint in the Shanklin Litigation for failure to state a claim
upon which relief can be granted and other grounds, and other
defendants also filed motions to dismiss.  

On August 11, 2014, the court denied the motion to dismiss as to
Wilhelmina and other of the model management defendants.  

Separately, on March 3, 2014, the judge assigned to the Shanklin
Litigation wrote the Office of the New York Attorney General
bringing the case to its attention, generally describing the claims
asserted therein against the model management defendants, and
stating that the case "may involve matters in the public interest."

The judge’s letter also enclosed a copy of his decision in the
Raske Litigation, which dismissed that case.

Plaintiffs retained substitute counsel, who filed a Second and then
Third Amended Complaint.

Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint asserts causes of action for
alleged breaches of the plaintiffs' management contracts with the
defendants, conversion, breach of the duty of good faith and fair
dealing, and unjust enrichment.  

The Third Amended Complaint also alleges that the plaintiff models
were at all relevant times employees, and not independent
contractors, of the model management defendants, and that
defendants violated the New York Labor Law in several respects,
including, among other things, by allegedly failing to pay the
models the minimum wages and overtime pay required thereunder, not
maintaining accurate payroll records, and not providing plaintiffs
with full explanations of how their wages and deductions therefrom
were computed.  

The Third Amended Complaint seeks certification of the action as a
class action, damages in an amount to be determined at trial, plus
interest, costs, attorneys' fees, and such other relief as the
court deems proper.  

On October 6, 2015, Wilhelmina filed a motion to dismiss as to most
of the plaintiffs' claims.  

The Court entered a decision granting in part and denying in part
Wilhelmina’s motion to dismiss on May 26, 2017.  

The Court (i) dismissed three of the five New York Labor Law causes
of action, along with the conversion, breach of the duty of good
faith and fair dealing and unjust enrichment causes of action, in
their entirety, and (ii) permitted only the breach of contract
causes of action, and some plaintiffs' remaining two New York Labor
Law causes of action to continue, within a limited time frame.  

The plaintiffs and Wilhelmina each appealed, and the decision was
affirmed on May 24, 2018.

On August 16, 2017, Wilhelmina timely filed its Answer to the Third
Amended Complaint.

On May 1, 2019, the Plaintiffs in the Shanklin Litigation (except
Raske) and the Pressley Litigation filed motions for class
certification on their contract claims and the remaining New York
Labor Law Claims.

On July 12, 2019, Wilhelmina filed its opposition to the motions
for class certification and filed a cross-motion for summary
judgment against Shanklin, Vretman, Palomares, Trotter and Little,
and a motion for summary judgment against Raske.

By Order dated May 8, 2020 (the "Class Certification Order"), the
Court denied class certification in the Pressley case, denied class
certification with respect to the breach of contract and alleged
unpaid usage claims, granted class certification as to the New York
Labor Law causes of action asserted by Vretman, Palomares, and
Trotter, and declined to rule on Wilhelmina's motions for summary
judgment, denying them without prejudice to be re-filed at a later

Currently the parties are engaging in merits discovery.

The Company believes the claims asserted in the Shanklin Litigation
are without merit and intends to continue to vigorously defend the

Wilhelmina International, Inc. primarily engages in the fashion
model management business. It specializes in the representation
and management of models, entertainers, artists, athletes, and
other talent to various clients, including retailers, designers,
advertising agencies, print and electronic media and catalog
companies. Wilhelmina International, Inc. was founded in 1967 and
is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

WILLIAMS COMPANIES: Files Petition for Writ of Certiorari
The Williams Companies, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for
the quarterly period ended September 30, 2023, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 31, 2023, that on
September 25, 2023, the company filed a Petition for a Writ of
Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court after a decision
was made in favor of the State of Alaska with regards to sulfolane

The actions primarily arise from sulfolane contamination allegedly
emanating from the refinery in North Pole, Alaska, from 1980 until
2004, through its wholly owned subsidiaries Williams Alaska
Petroleum Inc. (WAPI) and MAPCO Inc.

The State of Alaska filed its action in March 2014, seeking
damages. The City of North Pole (North Pole) filed its lawsuit in
November 2014, seeking past and future damages, as well as punitive
damages. The company asserted counterclaims against the State of
Alaska and North Pole.

The State of Alaska later announced the discovery of additional
contaminants per- and polyfluoralkyl (PFOS and PFOA) offsite of the
refinery, and the court permitted the State of Alaska to amend its
complaint to add a claim for offsite PFOS/PFOA contamination. The
court subsequently remanded the offsite PFOS/PFOA claims to the
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for investigation
and stayed the claims pending their potential resolution at the
administrative agency. Several trial dates encompassing all three
cases have been scheduled and stricken.

In the summer of 2019, the court deconsolidated the cases for
purposes of trial. A bench trial on all claims except North Pole's
claims began in October 2019. In January 2020, the Alaska Superior
Court issued its Memorandum of Decision finding in favor of the
State of Alaska and the Flint Hills Resources Alaska, LLC. The
court found that FHRA is not entitled to contractual
indemnification from the company because FHRA contributed to the
sulfolane contamination.

On March 23, 2020, the court entered final judgment in the case.
Filing deadlines were stayed until May 1, 2020. However, on April
21, 2020, the company filed a Notice of Appeal and also filed
post-judgment motions including a Motion for New Trial and a Motion
to Alter or Amend the Judgment. These post-trial motions were
resolved with the court's denial of the last motion on June 11,
2020. Our Statement of Points on Appeal was filed on July 13, 2020.
On June 22, 2020, the court stayed the North Pole's case pending
resolution of the appeal in the State of Alaska and FHRA case. On
December 23, 2020, we filed our opening brief on appeal. Oral
argument was held on December 15, 2021.

On May 26, 2023, the Alaska Supreme Court issued its Opinion
substantially affirming the Superior Court's decision. On June 26,
2023, the company filed a motion to stay the effect of the Alaska
Supreme Court's Opinion because it intended to file a petition for
writ of certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. On July 18,
2023, the Superior Court granted its stay of execution of the
monetary judgment portions of the judgment while seeking review
before the United States Supreme Court.

The Williams Companies, Inc. is into gas transmission and

WLCC LENDING: Faces Robles FDCPA Class Suit in S.D. Fla.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against WLCC Lending FDL. The
case is captioned as Robles v. WLCC Lending FDL, Case No.
1:23-cv-23906-RNS (S.D. Fla., Oct. 12, 2023).

The suit alleges violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act involving Consumer Credit.

The case is assigned to the Hon. Judge Robert N. Scola, Jr.

WLCC Lending offers short term consumer loans often used to cover
unexpected expenses.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jennifer Gomes Simil, Esq.
          110 SE 6th Street, Suite 1700
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Telephone: (954) 628-5793
          Facsimile: (954) 507-9974
          E-mail: jen@jibraellaw.com

                - and -

          Jibrael Jarallah Said Hindi, Esq.
          Gerald Donald Lane , Jr., Esq.
          110 SE 6th St., 17th Floor
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Telephone: (954) 907-1136
          E-mail: jibrael@jibraellaw.com

WORLD RUGBY: Almost 300 Former Players to File Brain Injuries Suit
Daniel Davis at dailymail.co.uk reports that almost 300 former
rugby players are set to apply for a class action lawsuit against
the sport's governing bodies next month, according to an explosive
new report.

A group comprised of former rugby union professionals and amateurs
blame the sport for crippling brain injuries after suffering
repeated blows to the head.

England World Cup winner Steve Thompson is among 268 players who
allege they sustained illness, including dementia and depression,
as a result of the contact.

A further 26 are said to be ready to put forward a similar claim

The case, as revealed by The Sunday Times, will be brought against
World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union - England's governing body -
and the Welsh Rugby Union. [GN]

ZIFF DAVIS: Dismissal of Securities Suit Under Appeal
Ziff Davis Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2023 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 9, 2023 that the plaintiff filed
notice of appeal on the court's decision to grant amended complaint
dismissal motion without leave to amend which is pending on the
Central District of California.

On July 8, 2020, Jeffrey Garcia filed a putative class action
lawsuit against the Company in the Central District of California
(20-cv-06096), alleging violations of federal securities laws.

The court appointed a lead plaintiff.

The Company moved to dismiss the consolidated class action

The court granted the motion to dismiss and the plaintiff filed an
amended complaint.

The Company moved to dismiss the amended complaint.

On August 8, 2022, the court granted the Company's motion to
dismiss the amended complaint without leave to amend.

The lead plaintiff has filed a notice of appeal and the matter is
pending on appeal.

Ziff Davis, Inc. is a digital media and internet company based in
New York.


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Class Action Reporter is a daily newsletter, co-published by
Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania,
USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.  Rousel Elaine T.
Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante, Psyche A. Castillon, Julie Anne L.
Toledo, Christopher G. Patalinghug, and Peter A. Chapman, Editors.

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. ISSN 1525-2272.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The CAR subscription rate is $775 for six months delivered via
e-mail. Additional e-mail subscriptions for members of the same
firm for the term of the initial subscription or balance thereof
are $25 each. For subscription information, contact
Peter A. Chapman at 215-945-7000.

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